STEP Program

The Scholarship and Teaching for Engineering Postdocs (STEP) program is a professional development program for postdoctoral research associates who are seeking an academic career. STEP focuses on developing teaching, mentoring and research skills to prepare postdocs for the process of applying to faculty positions.

STEP is open to all current postdocs from Grainger Engineering academic units, including ChBE, ABE and interdisciplinary research units. 

Application Deadlines

Applications for 2024-2025 are closed. Check back in summer 2025 for 2025-2026 program applications. 

STEP Program Outline

The STEP program consists of weekly one-hour sessions inspired by the Collins Scholars Program, the Grainger Engineers Accelerating Research (GEAR) Program and the Mavis Future Faculty Fellows Program. STEP sessions focus on developing research and teaching skills, and applying for a faculty position. Sessions are held at lunchtime, with lunch provided.

Participants are expected to attend 17 of 23 sessions and complete all assessment activities. A certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of the program. Participants will also receive $750 to be used for educational expenses, including conference registration and travel. 


  • Faculty research 
  • How to fund your research
  • Grantsmanship
  • How to lead a research teach
  • Draft a white paper
  • Draft a 3-page research statement for job application


  • Learn, practice and receive feedback 
  • Interactive workshops 
  • Observe a teacher 
  • Draft a 2-page teaching statement 

Applying for a faculty position

  • Interactive seminars
  • Best practices for interviews and negotiations
  • Draft a DEI/value statement
  • Mock interviews