Cancel, Drop, Withdrawal, and Credit Hour Change


Cancel - A "Cancel" refers to dropping any or all course sections prior to the first day of class for that term. Full (100%) refunds are available for cancellations.

Drop - After the semester begins, if you are registered in more than one course, a "Drop" refers to dropping one (or more), but not all, of the courses in which you are registered. Full (100%) refunds are only available for drops prior to the 10th Day. After the 10th Day there is no refund available for dropped courses.

Withdrawal - A "Withdrawal" refers to dropping all course sections on or after the first day of class for that term. Please note that the University charges a pro-rata withdrawal fee of $50 and you can visit our Calendar for available refund percentages and deadlines.

Credit Hour Change - A "Credit Hour Change" refers to changing the number of hours you are registered for in a course.



Admitted MSAE, MSCE, MCS, and MSME Degree Students

Cancel or Withdraw - All degree students, please fill out and submit the Withdrawal / Cancellation form to your department.

Please note, withdrawing for the semester does not automatically remove you from the degree program. Please contact your department (AE - Dung Quach-Wisdom, BIOE - Jenny Amos, CEE - Meg Griffin, CS - Viveka Kudaligama, ECE - Tim Tiger, ISE - Ann Christine Jones, MechSE - Susan Roughton) if you are concerned about your status.

Drop & Credit Hour Change - To drop or change your credit hours before 10th Day, please use the Web Self-Service system. To drop or change your credit hours after 10th Day, please use the Web Self-Service system before the "Deadline for ALL to drop semester course via Student Self-Service" (Calendar) or complete and submit the Late Registration & Late Course Change form after this date on the student portal (please note that a refund will not be available for dropped course(s) and/or to reduce course credit from 4 to 3 hours for the extra credit hour after 10th Day).

All Non-Degree Students

Cancel, Drop, Withdrawal, & Credit Hour Change - Please fill out and submit both of the Change of Status Forms and return it to CITL for the required office/department signatures and official processing. Please note that a refund will not be available for dropped course(s) after the 10th Day.