Academic Integrity

Academic integrity and discipline will be based on the standards set forth by The Grainger College of Engineering and the University of Illinois. The University has the responsibility for maintaining academic integrity so as to protect the quality of education and research on our campus and to protect those who depend upon our integrity. It is the responsibility of the student to refrain from infractions of academic integrity, from conduct that may lead to suspicion of such infractions, and from conduct that aids others in such infractions.

Examples of Infractions of Academic Integrity

A. Cheating -- Using or attempting to use in any academic exercise materials, information, study aids, or electronic data that the student knows or should know is unauthorized. During examinations, students should assume that external assistance (e.g., books, notes, calculators, conversation with others) is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the instructor. Substantial portions of the same academic work may not be submitted for credit more than once or by more than one student without authorization.

B. Plagiarism -- No student shall represent the words, work, or ideas of another as his or her own in any academic endeavor.

C. Fabrication -- Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic endeavor. Fabrication also includes altering the answers given for an exam after the examination has been graded. Fabrication also includes submitting false documents for the purpose of being excused from a scheduled examination or other academic assignment.

D. Facilitating Infractions of Academic Integrity -- Helping or attempting to help another to commit an infraction of academic integrity, where one knows or should know that through one's acts or omissions such an infraction may be facilitated. Examples include: 1) allowing another to copy from one's work during an examination, 2) taking an exam by proxy for someone else, and 3) unauthorized removal of an examination or quiz from a classroom, faculty office, or other facility (such as the proctor's office) would be committing a breach of academic integrity.

E. Bribes, Favors, and Threats -- No student shall bribe or attempt to bribe, promise favors to or make threats against any person with the intent to affect a record of a grade or evaluation of academic performance. This includes conspiracy with another person who then takes the action on behalf of the student.

F. Academic Interference -- No student shall tamper with, alter, circumvent, or destroy any educational material or resource in a manner that deprives any other student of fair access or reasonable use of that material or resource.

A complete listing of Infractions of Academy Integrity and University Policy can be found at this web site: 

*Please note that all infractions are documented in the campus-wide FAIR database.