William Elwood Ogle

William  Elwood Ogle
William Elwood Ogle

To William Elwood Ogle, research physicist and technical administrator, for his distinguished patriotic service to the nation in the field of nuclear weapon technology and nuclear rocket propulsion.

Test Division Leader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico

  • PhD, Physics, 1944

Dr. Ogle, as the group leader at the Betatron at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory from 1944 to 1953, was involved in photonuclear research. Along with these responsibilities he was given increasing technical and administrative responsibility for weapon tests. During the last ten years he has been responsible for executing the weapon tests sponsored by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, for designing and performing the diagnostic measurements associated with those tests, and for testing for the nuclear rocket propulsion reactors developed by Los Alamos. He has participated in all Pacific nuclear tests, and he is currently test division leader. In 1959 he served as the Atomic Energy Commission delegate to the Geneva conference on nuclear tests suspension.

In 1963 he received the Distinguished Service Medal from the Navy. In 1966 he received the United States Defense Department's Distinguished Service Medal, which includes a citation that reads in part "...for exceptional meritorious civilian service."

Current as of 1968.