Thomas Baron

Thomas  Baron
Thomas Baron
To Thomas Baron, engineer, research director, industrial executive, for his original contributions and leadership in applying scientific understanding and mathematics in chemical engineering and industrial research.

Vice President, Shell Development Company, Houston, Texas

  • BS, Chemical Engineering, 1944
  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, 1948

Dr. Baron joined the Shell Development Company in 1951 after three years on the faculty of the University of Illinois. His positions have included: head of Chemical Engineering Department; director of Basic and General Engineering; manager of Research and Development, Synthetic Rubber Division; and, as vice president, he is in charge of the exploration and production research division.

Through research carried out under his direction, he has shown that in many cases it is possible to proceed from small laboratory-size equipment to full-scale plant equipment in one step, without the need for the costly in-between pilot plant. Because of his great technical competence and his courage in fostering advances, the Shell Development Company has utilized this procedure with great success.

Dr. Baron has received the Allan C. Colburn Award and the Professional Progress Award of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Current as of 1967.