Seichi Konzo

Seichi  Konzo
Seichi Konzo
To Seichi Konzo, for outstanding achievements as a research worker that have brought exceptional recognition to the university, as a teacher in devising effective ways to encourage and inspire students and practicing engineers, and as a respected administrator who contributed much to smooth and efficient performances.

Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Associate Head of the Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • MS, Mechanical Engineering, 1929

Professor Konzo made outstanding contributions as one of the leaders of the UIUC program that brought the heating and ventilating industry to maturity through meaningful research and interpretation and dissemination of knowledge. Complete comfort in household climate, which is taken for granted today in the United States, is due in large part to his research efforts. His masterful teaching of engineers and interpretation for craftsmen are recognized as responsible for creating the host of technicians at all levels that has sustained the industry. The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) conferred upon him its Distinguished Service Award in 1963, the E. K. Cambell Award of Merit for Teaching and the degree of Fellow in 1967, and its highest honor, the F. Paul Anderson Award, in 1973.

As acting head and then associate head of the department from 1960 to 1970, Professor Konzo guided the day-to-day affairs of the department with remarkable astuteness. In addition, he performed exceptional service to the university as a sought-for participant on a multitude of committees and as the prime mover of many of the projects and activities that have helped the university to grow to greatness.

Current as of 1975.