Robert John Greenshields

Robert John Greenshields
Robert John Greenshields
To Robert John Greenshields, research engineer and administrator, for his research in the field of petroleum products and their application in automotive, aviation and industrial equipment.

Director of Research, Shell Oil Company, Wood River, Illinois

  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1932

Mr. Greenshields began his long affiliation with the Shell Oil Company in 1933 when he joined the small staff of the Company's motor laboratory. There he assisted in the program that led to the first commercial production of 100-octane gasoline for the Air Force.

Beginning in 1942 as assistant chief research engineer and later as chief research engineer, he directed many important World War II research programs. Under his guidance as research director since 1948, the Wood River Research Laboratory has grown in size to over 200 professionals and technicians with research programs being conducted in a wide area of subjects including combustion, metallurgy, lubrication, and instrumental methods of analysis.

Throughout his professional career, Mr. Greenshields has actively encouraged the development of young engineers; for example, he originated "Mileage Marathon," a program in which beginning engineers redesign automobile engines in order to maximize gasoline economy and increase efficiency.

Current as of 1969.