Norman A. Parker

Norman A.  Parker
Norman A. Parker
To Norman A. Parker, an engineer who has demonstrated his professional ability in planning, design, and operation; an educator who has met the challenge of student numbers and the building of a competent faculty; an innovator in engineering education; a builder of a distinguished urban university; a wise and patient administrator; a public-spirited citizen; and above all, a sensitive human being and family man to whom many have turned for advice and encouragement and have not been disappointed.

Chancellor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago, Illinois

  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1930
  • MS, Mechanical Engineering, 1935

In addition to the degrees received at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Dr. Parker received an M.E. degree in 1938 from the University of Colorado and an honorary doctoral degree in 1971.

His professional career has consisted of three distinct phases. The Colorado era started with an instructorship in 1930 and ended with a professorship and headship during 1941 to 1946. The Urbana-Champaign era from 1946-1961 consisted of being head of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering during the difficult years of post-World War II when demands of an exploding population of students for a high-quality education tested the skill of engineering administrators. The third phase at Chicago Circle began when he grew to be a leader of those planning a new university in Chicago and was appointed vice president of the Chicago Undergraduate Division at Navy Pier, followed in 1965 by appointment as vice president of the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, and in 1966 as chancellor. In 1971 he became vice president for public service for all three University of Illinois campuses; he retired in 1972.

He is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a member of numerous honorary societies and civic organizations.

Current as of 1974.