Henry Townley Heald
Partner, Heald, Hobson and Associates, New York, New York
- MS, Civil Engineering, 1925
Mr. Heald has had a major role in engineering education as professor of Civil Engineering, dean of Engineering, and president of the Illinois Institute of Technology, 1927-1950; as chancellor and president of New York University, 1950-1956; and as trustee and president of the Ford Foundation, 1956-1966. Among his many public service activities in engineering, he has been president of the American Society for Engineering Education and president of the Western Society of Engineers.
A typical example of his abiding interest in furthering the development of young engineers was his initiation of the Ford Foundation’s Forgiveable Loan Program for young engineers who wished to obtain the PhD degree and commit themselves to a teaching career in engineering. More than forty American universities have participated in this program, and nearly 125 graduate students at the University of Illinois have received these loans.
Current as of 1966.