George Kenneth Green
To George Kenneth Green, physicist, engineer, research administrator, for his outstanding leadership in planning and direction of engineering work in the building of unusually unique devices for scientific research.
Chairman of the Accelerator Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York
- BS, Engineering Physics, 1933
- MS, Physics, 1935
- PhD, Physics, 1937
Dr. Green is one of the most outstanding nuclear accelerator builders in the world today. The culmination of this work is the 30-billion-electron-volt proton synchroton at the Brookhaven National Laboratory where he is the Chairman of the Accelerator Department.
Nuclear accelerators incorporate contributions from all branches of engineering because of their novel and complex magnetic and electrical design, specialized radio-frequency power equipment for the acceleration process, delicate control servomechanisms, mechanical stresses in laminated magnet structures, heat exchange and pumping equipment, and the very high requirements of foundation and structural stability. A modern accelerator is one of the most complicated and precise engineering systems so far designed by man. It must operate reliably and reproducibly for periods as long as several days. Dr. Green has led teams of physicists and engineers which have been outstandingly successful in meeting these most extraordinary conditions and solving the complex problems involved.
Current as of 1965.