Francesco Venneri

Francesco Venneri
Francesco Venneri

For his scientific and technological achievements in the development of advanced nuclear fuel, and for his leadership role as CEO and founder of Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation

CEO and Founder, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation

  • PhD, Nuclear Engineering, The Grainger College of Engineering, 1988

With more than 30 years of experience as a nuclear engineering and plasma physics specialist, Dr. Venneri founded Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation in 2011, serving initially as the director and then CEO of the corporation. He previously held positions including Chief Scientist and Project Leader of the transmutation of nuclear waste (ATW) project at Los Alamos National Laboratories and Chief Scientist within the Energy Group (fission systems) at General Atomics. 

His research achievements include advancements in the concept of deep burn for nuclear waste in HTGR units. Dr. Venneri is also a co-inventor of Fully Ceramic Microencapsulate (FCM) nuclear fuel and holds degrees in physics, mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering. 

Dr. Francesco Venneri received his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Illinois in 1988 with a dense plasma focus on magnetized plasmas, x-ray production and diagnostics. He continued on to a postdoctoral research position at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in Physics, performing MST fusion experiments, density and temperature diagnostics. Dr. Venneri lives in Seattle with his family.

Current as of February 2023