Steven Joseph Fenves

Steven Joseph Fenves
Steven Joseph Fenves
To Steven Joseph Fenves, for his original contributions to methods of structural analysis and design.

Professor of Civil Engineering and Director, Design Research Center, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  • BS, Civil Engineering, 1957
  • MS, Civil Engineering, 1958
  • PhD, Civil Engineering, 1961

Dr. Fenves has held the positions of professor of civil engineering and research professor, Coordinated Science Laboratory, here at UIUC, 1965-1971; visiting professor at Cornell University, 1970-1971; and director, Design Research Center, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1975 to present.

He is among the pioneers in development of computer software specifically for analysis of large structural systems. He developed the general programs STRESS and STRUDL which are widely used nationally and internationally. The original concepts used in the development of the general analytical techniques have had substantial impact on the structural engineering profession.

Dr. Fenves is the author of numerous articles and a textbook on structural analysis and computer methods in civil engineering.  He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering; recipient of the Walter L. Huber Research Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers; fellow of Tau Beta Pi; and member of Sigma Xi, Chi Epsilon, Chi Gamma Iota, American Society of Civil Engineers, Association for Computing Machinery, and the Earthquake Research Institute.

Current as of 1984.