Steven Browning Sample

Steven Browning Sample
Steven Browning Sample
To Steven Browning Sample, engineer and educator, for his contributions to solid-state controls for appliances and his distinguished record in the administration of higher education.

President, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York

  • BS, Electrical Engineering, 1962
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, 1963
  • PhD, Electrical Engineering, 1965

After a period as senior scientist and assistant director of the Electronics Research laboratory of Melpar, Inc., Dr. Sample joined the faculty in electrical engineering at Purdue University in 1966. In 1971 he became deputy director for academic affairs for the Illinois Board of Higher Education. In 1974, he went to the University of Nebraska as executive vice president for academic affairs, where he improved standards for promotion and tenure, greatly increased research, and instituted a system of sabbatical leaves for faculty. As president of SUNY-Buffalo since 1982, he has headed a large comprehensive university campus.

Dr. Sample has been awarded five U.S. patents for his inventions, mainly in solid-state digital controls. Named to Bronze Tablet as an undergraduate, he is also a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.

Current as of 1985.