Stanley T. Rolfe

Stanley T. Rolfe
Stanley T. Rolfe
To Dr. Stanley T. Rolfe, professor and chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, for his professional achievements in the area of fracture mechanics, and ofr his dedicated service to the profession through teaching, research, professional service, and engineering practice.

Ross H. Forney Professor and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

  • BS, Civil Engineering, 1956
  • MS, Civil Engineering, 1958
  • PhD, Civil Engineering, 1962

Professor Rolfe’s outstanding technical accomplishments have centered around the application of fracture mechanics to engineering design practice. His broad range of activities in research, development, engineering design, fabrication, and inspection control have been invaluable in his technical interpretation and application of fracture mechanics concepts to the design and behavior of structural systems such as bridges, pressure vessels, offshore oil structures, and transmission towers. He possesses the rare ability to translate research into a form useful to practicing engineers.

The author of more than 30 major articles and books, Dr. Rolfe has received a number of honors, including the ASTM SAM Tour Award for Distinguished Contribution to Research Development and Evaluation of Corrosion Testing Methods in 1971 and the T. R. Higgins Lectureship Award of the American Institute of Steel Construction in 1980. In 1982 he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering. He is a consultant to industry, the state of California, and the U.S. government and is an active participant in many professional organizations.

Current as of 1987.