Robert J. Paluck

Robert J. Paluck
Robert J. Paluck
To Robert J. Paluck for engineering leadership in creating, capturing, and maintaining the market for mini supercomputers.

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Convex Computer Corporation, Richardson, Texas

  • BS, Electrical Engineering, 1969

Robert Paluck, who led the effort in the 1980’s to create a substantial computing market, has been nationally recognized for his skill in managing and leading engineering product development. In 1982, he co-founded and has since led Convex Corporation. In 1984, Convex introduced the C1 computer, which instituted a new class of computing and a new industry, mini supercomputers. The C1 offered near supercomputer vector-processing performance at minicomputer prices. The industry that Convex initiated under the leadership of Robert Paluck provides relatively low-cost vector processing for computational fluid dynamics, and computational physical electronics. Under his leadership, Convex has maintained its place as leader in the mini supercomputer market. Particularly impressive is the fact that Convex derives nearly half of its revenue from exports and 20 percent of its revenue from exports to Japan. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the College of Engineering, UIUC, and of the Board of Directors for Leadership, Richardson, Texas. In 1988, he received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UIUC.

Current as of 1991.