Richard Erickson
For his distinguished leadership in the profession of Construction Engineering and Management, dedicated service to and mentorship of Illinois graduates, and exceptional entrepreneurship with vision, integrity, and innovation.
Former COO and President of O’Neil Industries, Inc.
BS, 1969, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
MBA, 1980, University of Chicago
Richard Erickson had a long standing career with the W.E. O’Neil Construction Company, starting out as a project engineer in 1973 to becoming COO and President of O’Neil Industries, Inc. in 2003. Since his retirement from the W.E.O’Neil Family of companies in 2016 he has provided consulting services with the California office working to maintain owner relationships, and creating ROM budgets and schedules on selected projects. He’s currently engaged in a strategic planning assignment for a Los Angeles based structural engineer, leadership development coaching, and is the Board Chair for Craft Contemporary in Los Angeles.
Prior to his work with the W.E.O’Neil Family of companies, Erickson worked on numerous infrastructure and underground utilities projects for private developers and public agencies with W.M.Lyles Company and O’Shaughnessy Construction, both in California.
His involvement with the University of Illinois continued after earning his undergraduate degree. He is currently a member of the President’s Council and Tribe of Illini. He was formerly a member of the University of Illinois’ College of Engineering Advisory Board, as well as a Civil & Environmental Engineering Alumni Association (CEEAA) board member, coordinator for the student mentor program for CEEAA Board of Directors, and past CEEAA Board President.
Erickson was honored with a Distinguished Alumni Award from the CEEAA and a Honorary Chapter Member of Chi Epsilon, the National Civil Engineering Society, with Special Honor by the University of Illinois.