O. Thomas Purl

O. Thomas Purl
O. Thomas Purl
To O. Thomas Purl, industrial electronics executive, for his engineering achievements in microwave electronics, and for his contributions to the development and technical management of a leading microwave company.

Vice President, Devices Group, Watkins-Johnson Company, Palo Alto, California

  • PhD, Electrical Engineering, 1954

Thomas Purl joined Watkins-Johnson in 1959 as its tenth employee. Today he is vice president of the company's 800-man Devices Group that consists of the solid state, tube, and Stewart divisions and associated sales activities. He has played a first-hand role in the development of the many electronic products Watkins-Johnson now produces. To document further his direct engineering contribution at Watkins-Johnson, one needs only mention his patents on basic periodic-permanent-magnet focusing techniques for microwave tubes. These designs have made possible lightweight TWT's that have been made by the thousands by different manufacturers.

The Devices Group is a key component in Watkins-Johnson's activities and Mr. Purl's management skill, insight, and technical direction over the years have earned the group its excellent reputation.

Current as of 1977.