Neil F. Bogner

Neil F.  Bogner
Neil F. Bogner
To Neil Bogner, planner, designer, construction engineer, and agency chief, for the technical excellence of his engineering leadership and for his achievements in improving dam safety.

Associate Deputy Chief, Soil Conservation Service, Retired; Consulting Engineer, EBASCO Services, Inc., Washington, D.C.

  • BS, Agricultural Engineering, 1950

After a distinguished 33-year career with the Soil Conservation Service, Neil Bogner retired in 1983 and became a consulting engineer for EBASCO Services, Inc. Early in his career, as an area engineer for the SCS in western Illinois, he was responsible for planning, design and construction of measures in several new watershed projects. That program was still in its formative stage and he personally developed many of the initial procedures in construction control techniques. These procedures are still in use. His leadership in engineering is demonstrated by his many promotions, attaining the highest engineering position in the SCS. While serving as director of engineering, he was a principal member of the Teton Dam Failure Review Group, was instrumental in establishing the Interagency Committee on Dam Safety, and was active in interagency efforts to establish the Federal Dam Safety Guidelines.

Bogner received the John Deere Gold Medal Award of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers and is a fellow of that society. He holds memberships in many other professional organizations.

Current as of 1988.