Mark Scifres
For exceptional entrepreneurial accomplishment and leadership in revolutionizing broadband services, founding Pavlov Media, and scaling the startup into a national leader in high-speed internet solutions for multi-dwelling units and homes.
Founder and Chairman, Pavlov Media
- BS, General Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, ’96
Mark Scifres is the founder and chairman of Pavlov Media. The startup-turned-industry leader was initially imagined in 1989 while Scifres was visiting college campuses, and the first network launched in 1994 while Scifres was studying for his bachelor’s degree at Illinois. From his residence hall, Scifres built the company to a 60+ million-dollar corporation, spanning more than 200 markets in 45 states with a team of 350+ employees. He successfully raised capital to invest in fiber-to-the-home solutions across the country and retired from the role of CEO in 2023.
Scifres spearheaded bulk apartment internet, inventing and patenting several solutions that are still in use today, including networks for emergency alerts and rent collection messaging.
Scifres has been a guest speaker at his alma mater in engineering and entrepreneurship classrooms, and he helps students develop their skills and ideas into business opportunities for their communities.
Current as of February 2025