Harry Czyzewski

Harry  Czyzewski
Harry Czyzewski
To Harry Czyzewski, consulting engineer, teacher, adviser to government, for his many applications of the science of metals and materials to engineering practice, and for his leadership and contributions in education, business, and service to the engineering community through professional societies.

President, MEI-Charlton, Inc., Portland, Oregon

  • BS, Metallurgical Engineering, 1941
  • MS, Metallurgical Engineering, 1948

Mr. Czyzewski is the founder and president of MEI-Charlton, Inc., an imminently successful engineering and consulting firm based in Portland, Oregon. He is the author of more than 50 technical papers on metallurgy, mechanics, and research and development administration. A principal part of his consulting work is related to the use of materials in large structures, such as the Fremont Bridge in Portland. He has been extremely active in societies related to professional engineering (Consulting Engineers Council, Professional Engineers Organization, American Consulting Council, National Council of Engineering Examiners, and others), consulting practice, and small business. In addition, he has been a contributor to the regional colleges in the state of Oregon in specific teaching activity as well as a committee member or delegate to accrediting societies such as Engineers' Council for Professional Development.

Current as of 1979.