Edward C. Jordan

Edward C.  Jordan
Edward C. Jordan
To Dr. Edward C. Jordan, for outstanding contributions to engineering through his research, publication and professional activities, teaching and administration of electrical engineering education.

Profesor and Head Emeritus, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • BS, 1934, University of Alberta
  • MS, 1935, University of Alberta
  • PhD, 1940, Ohio State University

A native of Canada, Dr. Jordan joined the electrical engineering faculty in 1945, after teaching at the Ohio State University and Worcester Polytechnical Institute. He retired in 1979 after 25 years as head of the department. During that time the department grew to its present stature and high national ranking. Dr. Jordan established what is now the Radio Research Laboratory, which has made many important contributions to radio propagation and communications.

Dr. Jordan’s book, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, is widely used in schools across the country. He has authored six other books and dozens of technical papers and reports. The careers of many members of the electrical and computer engineering faculty presently at UUIC and elsewhere have been guided and assisted by Dr. Jordan. Among his honors are election to the National Academy of Engineering; fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; eminent member of Eta Kappa Nu; and recipient of the IEEE Educational Medal and the Ohio State Centennial Award. His service on national and international professional committees and panels is extensive. After he retired, he became editor of a new edition of the handbook IT&T Reference Data for Radio Engineers.

Current as of 1986.