Delon Hampton

Delon   Hampton
Delon Hampton
To Delon Hampton, for his leadership within the civil engineering profession and for his extraordinary effectiveness in promoting cooerative interaction between the profession and those social and governmental agencies through which the services of the profession are provided to society.

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Delon Hampton & Associates, Washington, D.C.

  • BS, 1954, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • MS, 1958, Civil Engineering, Purdue University
  • PhD, 1961, Civil Engineering, Purdue University

Delon Hampton's professional achievements in the field of civil engineering are highly regarded by his colleagues, but equally notable is the generous use of his time in support of his profession. He has been on the faculty of civil engineering at both Kansas State University and Howard University, served as a research engineer for the U.S. Air Force Shock Tube Laboratory at the Eric H. Wang Civil Engineering Research Facility, and practiced as a geotechnical engineer at Gnaedinger, Baker, Hampton & Associates, where he was president before starting his own firm.

Hampton has received many professional honors and awards, including honorary degrees from Purdue University and the New Jersey Institute of Technology, service Beta Pi eminent engineer award from Howard University, and was named an honor member of the University of Illinois chapter of Chi Epsilon. He has served on many engineering society technical committees and governmental unit advisory committees. A member and Councillor of the National Academy of Engineering, he is the current president of ASCE.

Hampton has been a good friend of the university and the college, serving on the University of Illinois President's Council since 1988 and the College of Engineering Board of Visitors since 1992. He has participated in the COE Executive Lecture Series (Engineering 298). He received the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering's distinguished alumnus award in 1990.

Current as of 2000.