Dean A. Olson

Dean  A.  Olson
Dean A. Olson
To Dean A. Oslson, engineer, manager, industrialist, entrepreneur, civic leader, and benefactor, for his enterprise and leadership in Illinois industry and many contributions to society.

President, Rockford Acromatic Products Company, and President, Die Mas Products Company, Rockford, Illinois

  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1941

In 1949 Mr. Olson took over the family business, Rockford Acromatic Products Company, a manufacturer of automotive universal joint bearings, and he has kept it the successful business it is today. Not only has he been the company’s chief executive, but he has taken an active part in its engineering advancement. He has, at present the company’s chief executive, but he has taken an active part in its engineering advancement. He has at present three patents pending on universal joint bearings and aviation components. In 1950, realizing the business potential of the new field of electronic heat treatment and hardening of metals, Mr. Olson founded Die Max Products Company gear box assemblies for the aviation and aerospace industries.

Mr. Olson’s successful business record has caused him to be sought by other companies. As a director of the Barrett Electronics Corporation, Northbrook, he has a part in running a world leader in radio-controlled material-handling equipment. As chairman of the board of D. J. Stewart and Company, he directs a conglomerate engaged in retail department store operations, real estate properties, and the national wholesaling of imported products. Mr. Olson serves on committees and boards of numerous civic and other organizations.

Current as of 1981.