Brian L. Renwick

Brian L. Renwick
Brian L. Renwick

For contributions to the industry and development of nuclear power worldwide, and dedication to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Engineering, and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Retired, Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer,
Sargent & Lundy, LLC

  • BS, 1973 Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois
  • MS, 1975 Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois

Brian Renwick’s leadership, his strong belief in both nuclear safety and quality, and his competitive nature helped to establish Sargent & Lundy LLC as a leader in world-wide nuclear power design. Renwick served for 12 years as the Head of S&L’s
Nuclear Power Group, retiring December 31, 2013. This Group consisted of more than 1,200 design engineers and other professionals in mechanical, electrical, structural, instrumentation and electronics, and operations and maintenance. This group grew under Renwick to serve 90 percent of the nuclear power plant operators in the U.S. and Canada. Internationally, S&L also serves nuclear clients in Europe, Asia, Central America, and the Middle East.

As a young Electrical Project Engineer and Project Manager, Renwick served as Assistant Site Engineering Manager on a Single Unit nuclear power plant, 960 Megawatts, Boiling Water Reactor. He also was Site Engineering Manager on a Two Unit nuclear power plant, 1,200 Megawatts each, Pressurized Water Reactors.

Next, Renwick’s career moved him to the Republic Of Korea (i.e. Seoul, South Korea) as the Assistant Engineering Project Manager on their new “Standard Nuclear Power Plant” Development Project. Based upon this design, South Korea built eight of
these Pressurized Water Reactor power plants.

In January, 1996, Renwick joined S&L as a Member (i.e. Co-Owner) of the firm. In this role, Renwick provided engineering and management leadership to many of the leading U.S. nuclear power plant operators.

Internal to S&L, Renwick eventually served on S&L’s Executive Team after he became Head of the Nuclear Power Group. Outside of S&L, Renwick has served on the Nuclear Energy Institute’s “Nuclear Strategic Issues Advisory Committee.” Renwick has also been a member of the University Of Illinois College Of Engineering Board of Visitors, a distinguished group of Illinois leaders and alumni.

Renwick was a licensed professional engineer in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. He was also a member of both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He has published several papers on various methods for Cost-Effective Engineering and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants. At the University of Illinois, Brian was a member of Eta Kappa Nu, an Electrical Engineering Honorary Society. He also became a Lifetime Member of the University of Illinois Alumni Association.

Current as of October 2021.