Linda Nguessan

6/2/2020 4:05:42 PM

Linda Nguessan is a senior in Industrial Engineering specializing in Human Factors/Ergonomics.

Since first coming to campus, she has been involved in the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), where she served in various roles, including junior chair, senator, chapter advisor, and currently as vice president. She also serves on the executive board for RISE UP @ Illinois.

Linda has been actively involved in the Morrill Engineering Program as a peer mentor for the freshman mentoring course, a coordinator for the EMBARK early freshman move-in program, and a member of the MEP Welcome Committee. She worked as an engineering learning assistant for ENG 100 and is currently conducting soft robotics research as a member of Dr. Holly Golecki’s research group.

In the future, Linda looks to continue her education in human-centered design or engineering education.