Electrical & Computer Engineering Courses
Course Page Links
Course Lecture Links
- ECE 408 - https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/channel/Applied+Parallel+Programming+%28ECE+408+AL+OLC%29+Spring+2025/364242092
- ECE 425 - https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/channel/channelid/366624822
- ECE 434 - https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/channel/channelid/366622632
- ECE 462 - https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/channel/channelid/363900382
- ECE 534 - https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/channel/channelid/366624802
- ECE 584 - https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/channel/channelid/366624812
Additional ECE Links
- ECE Faculty and Contacts
- Order textbooks. All textbook information is located at the Illini Union Bookstore or amazon. Please remember to order before the start of the term.