Online Course Catalog
ME 523 - Nanoscale Energy Transport
Spring 2022
Course Description
An advanced treatment of diverse transport phenomena at the nanometer scale involving solids, liquids and gases emphasizing common features in transport by molecules, electrons, phonons, photons, and other quasi-particles of interest, oriented toward applied research in the areas of nanoscale heat transfer and nanoscale energy conversion. Topics include intermolecular forces at surfaces and in the bulk, momentum and species transport in microfluidics, linear response theory, free molecular flow in gases, electron and phonon transport in crystals, Boltzmann equation and its moments, ballistic and diffusive transport, thermoelectric energy conversion, interfacial transport, energy transport in nanostructures and radiative transport in the near-field.
Credit Hours
4 hours
BS degree in engineering or science from an accredited college in the United States or an approved institution of higher learning abroad.