Online Course Catalog

ME 522 ONL - Thermal Radiation

Fall 2020

Thermal RadiationONL63836ONL4 -    M Quinn Brewster

Course Description

Thermal Radiation, ME 522, is for engineers and scientists interested in thermal radiation phenomena, both properties and transfer. This course covers both engineered systems (combustion, propulsion, heat exchange, solar energy, materials processing, etc.) and environmental systems (solar radiation, atmospheric radiation, and factors influencing planetary temperature and climate change). The first part of the course will cover Surface Radiation, including results of electromagnetic theory as applied to metals, dielectrics,and semi-conductors; while the second part will cover Participating Media, including molecular gas radiation and particle and droplet optical properties. We will learn how to solve the radiative transfer equation, alone and coupled with the energy equation, by both analytical and Monte Carlo methods. We will also learn how to evaluate radiative properties of materials of engineering and environmental importance: metals, semi-conductors, plastics, ceramics, liquids, and molecular gases.

Credit Hours

4 hours


Undergraduate degree and ME 420.

Subject Area

  • Mechanical Science and Engineering