Online Course Catalog
ME 404 ONL - Intermediate Thermodynamics
Spring 2020
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Intermediate Thermodynamics | ONL | 64150 | ONL | 4 | - | M Quinn Brewster |
Course Description
Classical thermodynamics, including the TdS equations and the Maxwell relations; development of thermodynamic property relations, behavior of real gases, thermodynamics of mixtures, phase equilibrium and chemical reactions and equilibrium with an emphasis on combustion reactions; statistical thermodynamics including the effect of molecular and atomic structure, statistical concepts and distributions, calculation of thermodynamic properties of gas-phase atoms and molecules, kinetic theory of gases, and vibrations in crystals and the electron gas in metals; and selected applications are covered in this course.
Credit Hours
4 hours
A course in thermodynamics.
Subject Area
- Mechanical Science and Engineering