Online Course Catalog
CEE 457 - Groundwater
Fall 2022
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Groundwater | ONL | 45749 | ONL | 3 | - | Alexandre Tartakovsky |
Course Description
This is an introductory course emphasizing the fundamental principles governing the movement of water and contaminants in groundwater systems. Topics include: physical properties of groundwater and aquifers, principles and fundamental equations of porous media flow and mass transport, well hydraulics and pumping test analysis, role of groundwater in the hydrologic cycle, and groundwater quality and contamination.
Course Topics:
- Groundwater resource evaluation (e.g., well hydraulics, pump test analysis, groundwater-surface water interactions).
- Groundwater contamination (e.g., pollutant transport from localized sources such as landfills, impoundments, and tanks; design of groundwater remediation systems). However, the course is not applications-oriented. My pedagogical philosophy is that the most effective approach to actual engineering problems is through rigorous application of fluid mechanical, mass transport, and mathematical principles.
Credit Hours
3 hours (counts toward a certificate in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering)
Familiarity with quantitative hydrology and a course in introductory fluid mechanics or the equivalent.
Subject Area
- Civil and Environmental Engineering