Online Course Catalog
AE 498 CFO - Applied CFD
Fall 2024
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Applied CFD | CFO | 65312 | ONL | 4 | - | Fabien Evrard |
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to solve fluid dynamics problems relevant to aerospace engineering. Instruction on the end-to-end workflow, including geometry definition, grid generation, solver selection, solver execution, and solution analysis will be given. Emphasis will be placed on ensuring solution accuracy through verification and validation. Students will be given access to CFD codes and will predict the aerodynamic behavior of several different flow configurations; both low-speed and high-speed applications will be examined.
Credit Hours
4 hours
AE 311, AE 312, AE 370 or their equivalents. Prereq: AE 321 and 323 or equivalent, or Instructor Consent Restricted to online non-degree, online MCS, online MSME, online MSCEE, and online MSAE students. For more details on this course section, please see Non-Degree students may enroll on a space-available basis with consent of Program Coordinator, Jenna Russell (
Subject Area
- Aerospace Engineering