Deliver High-Impact, Personalized Educational Experiences at Scale
Delivering outstanding curricular and co-curricular educational opportunities that reflect individual and programmatic needs and respect diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
Leveraging our globally recognized leadership in engineering education and passion for impact, Grainger Engineering is strengthening existing programs and is expanding creativity in original pedagogy, curriculum design and learning technologies. The aim for unprecedented, evidence-based innovation in the development of:
- Student-centered paths to degree completion
- New educational paradigms for global competence
- Novel interdisciplinary degree programs
- Non-traditional models of doctoral training
- Partnerships for life-long learning and workforce training
- Data analytics for educational programs and outcomes assessment
Our commitment to the success of past, current, and future students is firm and unwavering. It is manifested in our on-campus experiences, on-line distance-learning programs, exchanges at partner institutions, co-ops and internships and workforce development programs. We are also committed to a culture and practice that ensures a respectful, inclusive and healthy environment. We celebrate collaboration and teamwork and create policies and procedures that encourage initiative, healthy disruption and shared risk. To fulfill these commitments, we will:
- Advance role models for healthy work/school-life balance
- Exemplify values of equity, diversity, inclusion and access
- Build team-based mentorship models at all levels of learning and work
- Strengthen the recognition of educational impact in evaluation for promotion and tenure
- Eliminate obstacles to cross-college educational partnerships
- Pool resources to respond to changes in demand and opportunity
We plan to engage students, staff, faculty, alumni and external partners (corporations, federal labs, non-profits) in working groups, task forces and implementation projects to pursue these objectives. We will undertake major initiatives in collaboration with campus units and resources to integrate these efforts with existing and planned centers of educational innovation. This coordinated approach to engaging and empowering our key stakeholders is embedded in our culture. As a result of our efforts, we expect a marked improvement in the student experience and a significant increase in the number, diversity, flexibility and richness of our educational offerings over the next five years.
Major Initiatives
This strategic direction encompasses five major initiatives:
- Building leaders with the skills, know-how and aptitude needed to address 21st century challenges
- Supporting a culture of well-being, respect and compassion
- Driving innovation in engineering education
- Developing partnerships for life-long learning and workforce training
- Securing resources for sustained educational impact