Tonghun Lee

Tonghun Lee
Tonghun Lee
  • Bei Tse Chao and May Chao Professor
(517) 290-8005
3001 Mechanical Engineering Lab

For More Information


  • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University (Stanford, USA) 6/2006
  • M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University (Stanford, USA) 3/2002
  • B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea) 3/2000

Academic Positions

  • Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 7/2018-present
  • Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 7/2013-7/2018
  • Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University 6/2011-7/2013
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University 8/2006-6/2011

Other Professional Employment

  • Leadership Committee, Center for Hypersonics (CHESS), UIUC 8/2019-present
  • Academic Lead for DoD Center for UAS Propulsion Systems (CUP) & Industrial Consortium 8/2018-present
  • Visiting Faculty, Aerospace Propulsion Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base 7/2015
  • Visiting Faculty, Aerospace Propulsion Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base 7/2012
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellow, Aerospace Propulsion Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base 6/2011-8/2011
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellow, Aerospace Propulsion Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base 5/2010-7/2010
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellow, Aerospace Propulsion Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base 5/2009-7/2009

Research Interests

  • Alternative Clean Fuels: Next Generation Alternative Jet Fuels
  • Laser and Optical Diagnostics: High-Speed Laser Diagnostics of Reactive Flows
  • Advanced Propulsion: Hypersonic Propulsion, UAV Propulsion, Hybrid Propulsion System

Research Areas

Selected Articles in Journals

  • Richardson, S., J. Edwards, C. Hash, Paige Drummond, T. Lee, N. Kato, Numerical Simulation of Scram-Mode Operation of an Axisymmetric Combustor in an Arc Tunnel, AIAA Journal of Propulsion & Power, approved and in print (2025)
  • Ullman, M., G. Lee, J. Lim, T. Lee, V. Raman, Spatiotemporal Information Propagation in Confined Supersonic Reacting Flows, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, accepted and in print (2024)
  • Numkiatsakul, P., T. Lee, K. Kim, W. Kriven, Enhancing Oxidation Resistance of Silicon Nitride using a Ca2+ Stabilizer, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, accepted and in print (2024)
  • Kim, S., T. Lee, K. Kim, C. Kweon, J. I. Ryu, Physiochemical View of Fuel Jet Impingement and Ignition Upon Contact with a Cylindrical Hot Surface, accepted and in print (2024)
  • Gessman, I., S. Ghanekar, G. Lee, K. Kim, N. Kato, J. Yoo, T. Lee, Nitric Oxide and Temperature Measurement using Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy in Arc-Heater Plenum, AIAA Journal, accepted and in print, (2024)
  • Wiersema, P., J. Oh, K. Kim, A. Godsell, T. Lee, Analysis of Constraining a Chemical Kinetic Mechanism using Hybrid Response Surface Network, Proc. Comb. Symp. 40, 1-4, 105522 (2024)
  • Kim, N., S. Cha, I. Yang, S. Lee, H. Do, K. Kang, T. Lee, Experimental Investigation of Superheated Liquid Injection in Quiescent and Supersonic Crossflow, AIAA Journal, accepted and in print (2024)
  • Kim, K., P. Wiersema, J.-I. Ryu, W. Lee, K. Min, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C. Kweon, T. Lee, Experimental and Data-Driven Chemical Kinetic Modeling Study of Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) Synthetic Biofuel for Sustainable Aviation Fuels, Fuels, accepted and in print (2024)
  • Lee, G., T. Lee, Design and Analysis of an Ideal Scramjet Flowpath, Physics of Fluids, accepted and in print (2024)
  • Kato, N., G. Lee, T. Lee, Fluid and Combustion Dynamics in Axisymmetric and Perisymmetric Supersonic Combustion Flowpaths, AIAA Journal, accepted and in print (2024)
  • Lee, G., J. Lim, P. Sakkos, I. Gessman, N. Kato, B. Kirchner, G. Elliott, T. Lee, PIV and Total Temperature Characterization of an Arc-Heated Mach 4.5 Free Jet, AIAA Journal, accepted and in print (2024)
  • Kim, S., J. I. Ryu, S. Kang, A. Motily, P. Numkiatsakul, R. Alonso, T. Lee, W. Kriven, K. Kim, C. Kweon, Numerical Investigations of Combustion Dynamics and Thermo-Mechanical Stress in the Ignition Assistance System for Small Aircraft Engines, Combustion Science & Technology, accepted and in print (2023)
  • Kim, S., R. Torelli, S. Oruganti, J. I. Ryu, T. Lee, K. Kim, C. Kweon, Modeling of the Spray-Induced Wall Stress Acting on the Ignition Assistance Device, Physics of Fluids, accepted and in print (2023)
  • Oh, J., E. Wood, E. Mayhew, A. Kastengren, T. Lee, Sequence2Self: Self-supervised image sequence denoising of pixel-level spray breakup morphology, Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, 126, B, 106957 (2023)
  • Oh, J., A. Oldani, A. Solecki, T. Lee, Learning to predict sustainable aviation fuel properties: A deep uncertainty quantification viewpoint, Fuel, accepted and in Print (2023)
  • Oh, J., P. Wiersema, K. Kim, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C. Kweon, T. Lee, Fast Uncertainty Reduction of Chemical Kinetic Models with Complex Spaces using Hybrid Response-Surface Networks, Combustion and Flame, 253, 112772 (2023)
  • Han, J., W. Ko, M. Lim, T. Lee, J. Yoo, A numerical study of enhanced lithium-ion battery cooling using a module insert Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 42-102751 (2023)
  • Kang, S.-G., J. I. Ryu, A. Motily, P. Numkiatsakul, T. Lee, W. Kriven, K. Kim, C.B. Kweon, Analysis of hot Surface Probe Using Sequentially Coupled Cfd-fea Approach, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, GTP-22-1559 (2022)
  • Lee, G.,T. Lee, Fluid and Combustion Dynamics in Dual-Mode Scramjets, Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering (section of Energetics and Propulsion), 1-2022 (2022)
  • Kim., K., W. Lee, P. Wiersema, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C.B. Kweon, T. Lee, Effects of the Cetane Number of Chemical Ignition Delay, Energy, accepted (2022)
  • Oldani, A., A. Solecki, T. Lee, Evaluation of Physicochemical Variability of Sustainable Aviation Fuels, Frontiers in Energy Research, accepted (2022)
  • Oh, J., A. Skiba, S. Hammack, C. Mitsingas, C. Carter, T. Lee, Temporally resolving premixed turbulent flame structures using unsupervised adversarial learning, Energy & AI, accepted (2022)
  • Hash, C., P. Drummond, J. Edwards, N. Kato, T. Lee, Numerical Simulation of Stable and Unstable Ram-Mode Operation of an Axisymmetric Ethylene-Fueled Inlet-Isolator-Combustor Configuration, Combustion and Flame, accepted (2022)
  • Kang, S.-G., J. I. Ryu, A. Motily, P. Numkiatsakul, T. Lee, W. Kriven, K. Kim, C.B. Kweon, Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of a Hot Surface Ignition Device using a Phenomenological Heat Flux Model, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, accepted (2022)
  • Blakey, S., T. Lee, B. Rauch, A. Oldani, Advanced Fuel Property Data Platform: Overview and Potential Applications, Frontiers in Energy Research (Bioenergy and Biofuels), accepted (2022)
  • Choi, J., R. Rajasegar, Q. Liu, T. Lee, J. Yoo, Modal Decomposition Analysis of Combustion Instability Due to External Perturbation in a Mesoscale Burner Array, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines, accepted (2022)
  • Ghanekar, S., C. Weinschenk, G. P. Horn, K. Stakes, R. M. Kesler, T. Lee, Effects of HVAC on combustion-gas transport in residential structures , Fire Safety Journal, accepted (2022)
  • Lee, J., B. McGann, S. Hammack, C. Carter, T. Lee, H. Do, M. Bak, Machine learning based quantification of fuel air equivalence ratio and pressure from laser induced plasma spectroscopy, Optics Express, accepted (2021)
  • Choi, J., R. Rajasegar, Q. Liu, T. Lee, J. Yoo, Jet A Combustion in a Mesoscale Swirl Stabilized Combustor Array, Energy & Fuels, accepted (2021)
  • Choi, J., W. Lee, R. Rajasegar, T. Lee, J. Yoo, Hydrogen Enhancement on Mesoscale Burner Array Flame Stability under Acoustic Perturbation, Journal of Hydrogen Energy, accepted, (2021)
  • Halloran, M., J. Choi, T. Lee, J. Yoo, High-speed supercontinuum laser absorption spectroscopy of light hydrocarbons in elevated pressures and temperatures, Measurement Science & Technology, accepted (2021)
  • Baccarella, D., Q. Liu, B. McGann, G. Lee, T. Lee, Isolator-combustor interactions in a circular model scramjet with thermal and non-thermal choking-induced unstart, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 917, A38-1, (2021)
  • Mayhew, E., E. Wood, B. McGann, C. Mitsingas, A. Oldani, R. Rajasegar, T. Temme, C. Kweon, K. Matsuik, A. Kastengren, T. Lee, High-Speed Phase Contrast Imaging of Spray Breakup of Jet Fuels under Combusting Conditions, Atomization and Sprays, 31(1), 31-46, (2021)
  • King, W., J. Amos, M. Azer, D. Baker, C. Best, E. Bethke, S. Boppart, E. Bralts, R. Corey, R. Dietkus, G. Durack, S. Elbel, G. Elliott, J. Fava, N. Goldenfeld, M. Goldstein, C. Hayes, N. Herndon, S. Jamison, B. Johnson, H. Johnson, M. Johnson, J. Kolaczynski, T. Lee, S. Maslov, D. McGregor, D. Milner, R. Moller, J. Mosley, A. Musser, M. Newberger, D. Null, L. O’Bryan, M. Oelze, J. O’Leary, A. Pagano, M. Philpott, B. Pianfetti, A. Pille, L. Pizzuto, B. Ricconi, M. Rubessa, S. Rylowicz, C. Shipley, A. Singer, B. Stewart, R. Switzky, S. Tawfick, M. Wheeler, K. White, E. Widloski, E. Wood, C. Wood, A. Wooldridgeet. al, Emergency Ventilator for COVID-19, PLOS ONE,, (2020)
  • McGann, B., T. Ombrello, D. Peterson, E. Hassan, S. Hammack, C. Carter, T. Lee, H. Do, Lean Fuel Detection with Nanosecond-Gated Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Combustion and Flame, accepted (2020)
  • Motily, A., J. Ryu, K. Kim, K. Kim, C. Kweon, T. Lee, High-pressure fuel ignition behavior with hot surface interaction, Proc. Comb. Symp. 13, (2020)
  • Liu, Q., D. Baccarella, T. Lee, Review of Combustion Stabilization in Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 119, 100636 (2020)
  • Ryu, J., K. Kim, K. Min, R. Scarcelli, S. Som, K. Kim, J. Temme, C. Kweon, T. Lee, Data-driven chemical kinetic reaction mechanism for F-24 jet fuel ignition, Fuels, 2, 119508 (2020)
  • Ghanekar, S., R. Rajasegar, N. Traina, C. Mitsingas, R. M. Kesler, G. P. Horn, R. Zevotek, S. Kerber and T. Lee, In-situ measurement of water-vapor in fire environments using a real-time tunable diode laser based sys system, Fire Safety Journal, 4, 103114 (2020)
  • Choi, J., R. Rajasegar, T. Lee, J. Yoo, Development and Characterization of Swirl-Stabilized Diffusion Mesoscale Burner Array, Applied Thermal Engineering, 175, 5, 115373 (2020)
  • Ji, L., C. Delehey, D. Houpt, M. Heighway, T. Lee, J. Choi, Selective Chemical Modulation of Interlayer Excitons in Atomically Thin Heterostructures, Nano Letters, 20, 4, 2500-2506 (2020)
  • Baccarella, D., G. Lee, Q. Liu, G. Elliott, J. Freund, T. Lee, Laser-Induced Plasma Ignition Experiments in a Direct Connect Supersonic Combustor at Mach 3, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 36, 5, 732-743 (2020)
  • Halloran, M., N. Traina, J. Choi, T. Lee, J. Yoo, Simultaneous measurements of light hydrocarbons using supercontinuum laser absorption spectroscopy, Energy & Fuels, 34, 3, 3671-3678 (2020)
  • McGann, B., K. Keunsoo, T. Lee, J. Temme, C.B. Kweon, Effect of Cetane Number on Jet Fuel Spray Ignition at High Temperature and Pressure Conditions, Energy and Fuels, 34, 2, 1337-1346 (2019)
  • Choi, J., R. Rajasegar, C. Mitsingas, Q. Liu, T. Lee, J. Yoo, Effect of flame interaction on swirl-stabilized mesoscale burner array performance, Energy, 192, 1, 116661 (2019)
  • Baccarella, D., Q. Liu, B. McGann, T. Lee, Combustion Induced Choking and Unstart Initiation in a Circular Constant-Area Supersonic Flow, AIAA Journal, 57, 12, 5365 (2019)
  • Liu, Q., D. Baccarella, B. McGann, T. Lee, Dual-Mode Operation and Transition in Axisymmetric Scramjets, AIAA Journal, 57, 11, 4764-4777 (2019)
  • Traina, N., R. Kesler, G. Horn, T. Lee, S. Kerber, R. Zevotek, Ex-Vivo Porcine Skin Model for Estimation of Trapped Occupant Burn Risk in Pre- and Post-suppression Fire Environments, Fire Technology, 55(6), 2465-2489 (2019)
  • Lee, T., A. Hansen, Gang Li, Tonghun Lee, Effects of Isopropanol-Butanol-Ethanol and Diesel Fuel Blends on Combustion Characteristics in a Constant Volume Chamber, Fuels, 254, 15, 115613 (2019)
  • Liu, Q., D. Bacarella, B. McGann, T. Lee, Cavity-enhanced combustion stability in an axisymmetric scramjet model, AIAA Journal, 57, 9, 3898-3909 (2019).
  • McGann, B., T. Lee, T. Ombrello, C. Carter, S. Hammack, H. Do, Inlet Distortion Effects on Fuel Distribution and Ignition in Scramjet Cavity Flameholder, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 35, 3, 601-613 (2019)
  • Rajavasanth, R., J. Choi, B. McGann, A. Oldani, T. Lee, S. Hammack, C. Carter, J. Yoo, Mesoscale burner array performance analysis, Combustion and Flame, 199, 324-337 (2019).
  • Liu, Q., D. Baccarella, W. Landsberg, A. Veeraragaven, T. Lee, Cavity Flameholding in an Optical Axisymmetric Scramjet in Mach 4.5 Flows, Proc. Comb. Symp. 37, 3, 3733-3740 (2019)
  • Min, K., D. Valco, A. Oldani, K. Kim, J. Temme, C. Kweon, T. Lee, Autoignition of Varied Cetane Number Fuels at Low Temperatures, Proc. Comb. Symp. 37, 4, 5003-5011 (2019)
  • Rajavasanth, R., J. Choi, B. McGann, A. Oldani, T. Lee, S. Hammack, C. Carter, J. Yoo, Comprehensive combustion stability analysis using dynamic mode decomposition, Energy and Fuels, 32(9), 9990-9996 (2018)
  • Mitsingas, C., S. Hammack, E. Mayhew, R. Rajasegar, B. McGann, A. Skiba, C. Carter, T. Lee, Simultaneous High Speed PIV and CH PLIF using R-branch excitation in the C2Σ+-X2Π (0,0) band, Proc. Comb. Symp. 37, accepted and in print (2018)
  • Hammack, S., C. Carter, A. Skiba, C. Fugger, J. Felver, J. Miller, J. Gord, T. Lee, 20-kHz CH2O and OH PLIF with stereo PIV, Optical Letters, approved and in print, 2018
  • Hammack, S., A. Skiba, T. Lee, C. Carter, CH PLIF and PIV implementation using C-X (0,0) and intra-vibrational band filtered detection, Applied Physics B, 124, 34 (2018)
  • Rajasegar, R., C. Mitsingas, E. Mayhew, Q. Liu, T. Lee, J. Yoo, "Development and Characterization of Additive-Manufactured Mesoscale Combustor Array", Journal of Energy Engineering, accepted and in print, 2018
  • Skiba, A., C. Carter, S. Hammack, T. Lee, A simplified approach to simultaneous multi-scalar imaging in turbulent flames, Combustion and Flame, approved and in print, 2017
  • Chterev, I., N. Rock, H. Ek, B. Emerson, J. Seitzman, N. Jiang, S. Roy, T. Lee, J. Gord, T. Lieuwen, Simultaneous Imaging of Fuel, OH, and Three Component Velocity Fields in High Pressure, Liquid Fueled, Swirl Stabilized Flames at 5kHz Combustion and Flame, Combustion and Flame, 186, 150-165, 2017
  • Valco, D., M. Tess, J. Temme, M. Turman, A. Oldani, C. Kweon, A. Oehlschlaeger, T. Lee, "Ignition Characterization of F-76 and Algae-Derived HRD-76 at Elevated Temperature and Pressure," Combustion and Flame, 181, 157-163 (2017).
  • Esclapez, L., P. Ma, E. Mayhew, R. Xu, S. Stouffer, T. Lee, H. Wang, and M. Ihme, "Fuel Effects on Lean Blowout in a Realistic Gas Turbine Combustor, Combustion and Flame," 181, 82-99 (2017).
  • McGann, B., C. Carter, T. Ombrello, S. Hammack, T. Lee, and H. Do, "Gas Property Measurements in a Supersonic Combustor using Nanosecond Gated Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy with Direct Spectrum Matching," Proc. Comb. Symp. 36, 2, 2857-2864 (2017).
  • Skiba, A., T. Wabel, C. Carter, S. Hammack, J. Temme, T. Lee, and J. Driscoll, "Reaction layer visualization: a comparison of two PLIF techniques and advantages of kHz imaging," Proc. Comb. Symp. 36, 3, 4593-4601 (2017).
  • Valco, D., K. Min, A. Oldani, T. Edwards, and T. Lee, "Low Temperature Autoignition of Conventional Jet Fuels and Surrogate Jet Fuels with Targeted Properties in a Rapid Compression Machine," Proc. Comb. Symp. 36, 3, 3687-3694 (2017).
  • Rajasegar, R.,C.M. Mitsingas, E. Mayhew, J. Yoo, and T. Lee, "Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Analysis of Plasma-Assisted Premixed Swirl-Stabilized Flame Dynamics," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 44, 12, 2940-2951 (2016).
  • Jeong, H., J. Kim, J. Park, J. An, T. Lee, F. Prinz, and J. Shim, "Bimetallic Nickel/Ruthenium Catalysts Synthesized by Atomic Layer Deposition for Low-Temperature Direct Methanol Solid Oxide Fuel Cells," Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(44), 30090-30098 (2016).
  • Liu, Q., D. Baccarella, S. Hammack, T. Lee, C. Carter, and H. Do, "Influences of Inlet Geometry Modification on Scramjet Flow and Flame Dynamics," Journal of Propulsion and Power, (2016).
  • Liu, Q., D. Baccarella, S. Hammack, T. Lee, C. Carter, and Do H.,"Influence of Freestream Turbulence on Flame Dynamics in a Supersonic Combustor," AIAA J., 55, 3, 913-918 (2016).
  • Baccarella, D., Q. Liu, A. Passaro, T. Lee, and H. Do, "Development of testing of the ACT-1 experimental facility for hypersonic combustion research," Measurement Science and Technology, 27, 4 (2016).
  • Ma, L., Y. Wu, W. Xu, S. Hammack, T. Lee, and C. Carter, "Comparison of 2D and 3D flame topography measured by PLIF and tomographic chemiluminescence," Applied Optics, 55, 20, 5310-5315 (2016).
  • Carter, C., S. Hammack, and T. Lee, "High-Speed Flamefront Imaging in Premixed Turbulent Flames using Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence of the CH C-X Band," Combustion and Flame, 168, 66-74 (2016).
  • Mitsingas, C.M., R. Rajasegar, S. Hammack, H. Do, and T. Lee, "High energy efficiency plasma conversion of CO2 at atmospheric pressure using a direct coupled microwave plasma system," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 44, 4, 651-656 (2016).
  • Osborne, J., S. Ramji, C. Carter, S. Peltier, S. Hammack, T. Lee, and A. Steinberg, "Simultaneous 10 kHz TPIV, OH PLIF, and CH2O PLIF measurements of turbulent flame structure and dynamics," Experiments in Fluids, 57, 65 (2016).
  • Rajasegar, R., C.M. Mitsingas, E.K. Mayhew, S. Hammack, H. Do, and T. Lee, "Effects of Continuous, Volumetric, Direct Coupled, Non˗Equilibrium, Atmospheric Microwave Plasma Discharge on Swirl Stabilized, Premixed flames," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 44, 1, 39-48 (2016).
  • Yoo, J., N. Traina, M. Halloran, and T. Lee, "Minute concentration measurements of simple hydrocarbon species using supercontinuum laser absorption spectroscopy," Applied Spectroscopy, 70, 6, 1063-1071 (2016).
  • McGann, B., C. Carter, T. Ombrello, S. Hammack, T. Lee, H. Do, Direct Spectrum Matching of laser-induced breakdown for concentration and gas density measurements in turbulent reacting flows, Combustion and Flame 162, 12, 4479-4485 (2015).
  • Oldani, A., D. Valco, K. Min, J. Edwards, C. Kweon, C. Allen, and T. Lee, "Conventional and Bio-Derived Jet Fuel Surrogate Modeling in Low Temperature and Lean Combustion," Energy and Fuels, 29 (7), 4597-4607 (2015).
  • Valco, D., G. Gentz, C. Allen, M. Colket, T. Edwards, S. Gowdagiri, M. Oehlschlaeger, E. Toulson, and T. Lee, "Autoignition Behavior of Synthetic Alternative Jet Fuels: An Examination of Chemical Composition Effects on Ignition Delays at Low to Intermediate Temperatures," Proc. Comb. 35 (3), 2983-2991 (2015).
  • Carter, C., S. Hammack, and T. Lee, "High-Speed Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence of the CH Radical Using the C2(sigma)+-X2(pi)(0,0) Band," Applied Physics B, 116, 3, 515-519 (2014).
  • Do, H., C. Carter, Q. Liu, T. Ombrello, S. Hammack, T. Lee, and K-Y. Hsu, "Simultaneous Gas Density and Fuel Concentration Measurements in a Supersonic Combustor using Laser Induced Breakdown," Proc. Comb. Symp. 35 (2), 2155-2162 (2014).
  • Hammack, S., C. Carter, and T. Lee, "Continuous OH Planar Laser Imaging at 50 kHz Repetition Rate," Applied Optics, 53, 23, 5246-5251 (2014).
  • Allen, C., D. Valco, E. Toulson, J. Yoo, and T. Lee, "JP-5 and HRJ-5 Autoignition Characteristics and Surrogate Modeling, Energy and Fuels," 27(12), 7790-7799 (2013).
  • Thelen, B., D. Chun, E. Toulson, and T. Lee, "A study of an Energetically Enhanced Plasma Ignition System for Internal Combustion Engines," IEEE Transactions, Special Issue on Plasma Assisted Technologies, 41, 12, 3223-3232 (2013).
  • Hammack, S., S. Kostka, A. Lynch, C. Carter, and T. Lee, "Simultaneous 10-kHz PLIF and Chemiluminescence Imaging of OH Radicals in a Microwave Plasma-Enhanced Flame," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 41, 12, 6612636, 3279-3286 (2013).
  • Williamson, Z., D. Kim, K. Kwon, D. Chun, T. Lee, and C. Squibb, "Evaluation of fin structure effects on a heated air-breathing polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell," Applied Thermal Engineering, 56, 1-2, 54-61(2013).
  • Hammack, S., T. Lee, K. Hsu, and C. Carter, "High-Repetition-Rate OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence of a Supersonic Cavity Flameholder," AIAA Journal, 29, 5, 1248-1251 (2013).
  • Williamson, Z., D. Kim, D. Chun, C. Squibb, and T. Lee, "Investigation of fin based oxygen supply modules on the performance of air-breathing polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells," Applied Thermal Engineering, 50, 1, 293-301 (2013).
  • Allen, C., E. Toulson, D. Tepe, H. Schock, D. Miller, and T. Lee, "Characterization of the Effect of Fatty Ester Composition on the Ignition Behavior of Biodiesel Fuel Sprays," Fuels, 111, 659-669 (2013).
  • Allen, C., D. Valco, E. Toulson, T. Edwards, and T. Lee, "Ignition Behavior and Surrogate Modeling of JP-8 and of Camelina and Tallow Hydrotreated Renewable Jet Fuels at Low Temperatures," Combustion and Flame, 160, 2, 232-239 (2012).
  • Hammack, S., J. Gord, C. Carter, and T. Lee, "Nitric Oxide PLIF at 10 kHz in a seeded flow, a plasma discharge, and a flame," Optics Letters, 51, 36, 8817-8824 (2012).
  • Allen, C., E. Toulson, T. Edwards, and T. Lee, "Application of a Novel Charge Preparation Approach to Testing the Autoignition Characteristics of JP-8 and Camelina Hydroprocessed Renewable Jet Fuel in a Rapid Compression Machine," Combustion and Flame, 159, 9, 2780-2788 (2012).
  • Hammack, S., C. Carter, and T. Lee, "Microwave Plasma Enhancement of Various Flame Geometries at Atmospheric Pressure," IEEE Transactions, Special Issue on Plasma Science, 40, 12, 3139-3146 (2012).
  • Allen, C., E. Toulson, D. Hung, H. Schock, D. Miller, and T. Lee, "Ignition Characteristics of Diesel and Canola Biodiesel Sprays in the Low Temperature Combustion Regime," Energy & Fuels, 25 (7), 2895-2908 (2011).
  • Hammack, S., C. Carter, and T. Lee, "Direct Coupled Plasma Assisted Combustion using a Microwave Waveguide Torch," IEEE Transactions, Special Issue on Plasma Science, 39, 12, 3300-3306 (2011).
  • Williamson, Z., D. Kim, D. Chun, C. Squibb, and T. Lee, "Experimental Evaluation of Cell Temperature Effects on Miniature Air Breathing Fuel Cells," Applied Thermal Engineering, 31 (17-18), 3761-3767 (2011).
  • Rao, X., S. Hammack, T. Grotjohn, J. Asmussen, C. Carter, and T. Lee, "Microwave Plasma Coupled Re-Ignition of Methane and Oxygen Mixture under Auto-Ignition Temperature," IEEE Transactions, Special Issue on Plasma Science, 39, 12, 3307-3313 (2011).
  • Rao, X., S. Hammack, C. Carter, and T. Lee, "Laser Diagnostics Imaging of Energetically Enhanced Flames using Direct Microwave Plasma Coupling," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39, 11, 2354-2355 (2011).
  • Toulson, E., C. Allen, J. McFarlane, D. Miller, H. Schock, and T. Lee, "Modeling the Auto-Ignition of Fuel Blends with a Multi-Step Model," Energy and Fuels, 25 (2), 632-639 (2011).
  • Rao, X., S. Hammack, C. Carter, I. Matveev, and T. Lee, "Combustion Dynamics of Plasma Enhanced Premixed and Non-Premixed Flames," IEEE Transactions, Special Issue on Plasma Science, 38, 12, 3265-3271, (2010).
  • Toulson, E., C. Allen, D. Miller, and T. Lee, "Optimization of a Multi-step Model for the Autoignition of Dimethyl Ether in a Rapid Compression Machine," Energy and Fuels, 24 (6), 3510-3516 (2010).
  • Rao, X., K. Hemawan, C. Carter, I. Wichman, T. Grotjohn, J. Asmussen, and T. Lee, "Combustion Dynamics for Energetically Enhanced Flames using Microwave Energy Coupling," Proc. Comb. Symp. 33, 2, 3233-3240 (2010).
  • Allen, C., G. Mittal, C.J. Sung, E. Toulson, and T. Lee, "An Aerosol Rapid Compression Machine for Studying Energetic-Nanoparticle-Enhanced Combustion of Liquid Fuels," Proc. Comb. Symp. 33, 2, 3367-3374 (2010).
  • Ma, L., W. Cai, L. Kranendonk, and T. Lee, "Characterization of composite nanoparticles using an improved light scattering program for coated spheres," Computer Physics Communications, 181, 978-984 (2010).
  • Toulson, E., C. Allen, D. Miller, and T. Lee, "Modeling the Auto-Ignition of Oxygenated Fuels using a Multi-Step Model," Energy and Fuels, 24 (2), 888-896 (2010).
  • Rao, X., I. Matveev, and T. Lee, "Nitric Oxide Formation in a Premixed Flame with High Level Plasma Energy Coupling," IEEE Transactions, Special Issue on Plasma Science, 37, 12, 2303-2313 (2009).
  • Hemawan, K., I. Wichman, T. Lee, T. Grotjohn, and J. Asmussen, "Compact microwave re-enrant cavity applicator for plasma-assisted combustion," Review of Scientific Instrument, 80, 053507 (1-9) (2009).
  • Yoo, J., T. Lee, J.B. Jeffries, and R.K. Hanson, "Detection of Trace Nitric Oxide Concentrations Using 1-D Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging," Applied Physics B. 91, 661-667 (2008).
  • Lee, T., W. G. Bessler, J. Yoo, C. Schulz, J.B. Jeffries, and R.K. Hanson, "Fluorescence Quantum Yield of Carbon Dioxide for Quantitative UV Laser-Induced Fluorescence in high-pressure flames," Applied Physics B. 93, 677-685 (2008).
  • Lee, T., J.B. Jeffries, and R.K. Hanson, "Experimental Evaluation of Strategies for Quantitative Laser-Induced-Fluorescence Imaging of Nitric Oxide in High-Pressure Flames (1−60bar)," Proc. Comb. Inst. 31, 757-764 (2007).
  • Lee, T., W. G. Bessler, H. Kronemayer, C. Schulz, J. B. Jeffries, and R. K. Hanson, "Quantitative temperature measurements in high-pressure flames with multi-line NO-LIF thermometry," Applied Optics 44-31, 6718-6728 (2005).
  • Jeffries, J.B., C. Schulz, D.W. Mattison, M.A. Oehlschlaeger, W.G. Bessler, T. Lee, D.F. Davidson, and R.K. Hanson, "UV Absorption of CO2 for Temperature Diagnostics of Hydrocarbon Combustion Applications," Proc. Comb. Inst. 30, 1591-1599 (2005).
  • Bessler, W.G., M. Hofmann, F. Zimmermann, G. Suck, J. Jakobs, S. Nicklitzsch, T. Lee, J. Wolfrum, and C. Schulz, "Quantitative in-cylinder NO-LIF imaging in a realistic gasoline engine with spray-guided direct injection," Proc. Comb. Inst. 30, 2667-2674 (2005).
  • Lee, T., W.G. Bessler, C. Schulz, M. Patel, J. B. Jeffries, and R. K. Hanson, "UV Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence Imaging of Hot Carbon Dioxide in a High-Pressure Flame," Appl. Phys. B 79, 427-430 (2004).
  • Bessler, W.G., C. Schulz, T. Lee, J.B. Jeffries, and R.K. Hanson, "Carbon dioxide UV laser-induced fluorescence in high-pressure flames," Chem. Phys. Lett. 375, 344-349 (2003).
  • Bessler, W.G., C. Schulz, T. Lee, J.B. Jeffries, and R.K. Hanson, "Strategies for laser-induced fluorescence detection of nitric oxide in high-pressure flames: III. Comparison of A-X Strategies," Appl. Opt. 42-24, 4922-4936 (2003).
  • Bessler, W.G., C. Schulz, T. Lee, J.B. Jeffries, and R.K. Hanson, "Strategies for laser-induced fluorescence detection of nitric oxide in high-pressure flames: II," A-X (0,1) excitation, Appl. Opt. 42-12, 2031-2042 (2003).
  • Bessler, W.G., C. Schulz, T. Lee, J.B. Jeffries, and R.K. Hanson, "Strategies for laser-induced fluorescence detection of nitric oxide in high-pressure flames: I," A-X (0,0) excitation, Appl. Opt. 41-18, 3547-3557 (2002).
  • Bessler, W.G., C. Schulz, T. Lee, D.-I. Shin, M. Hofmann, J. B. Jeffries, J. Wolfrum, and R. K. Hanson, "Quantitative NO-LIF imaging in high-pressure flames," Appl. Phys. B 75, 97-102, 0946-2171 (2002).

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  • Numkiatsakul, P., C. Philippe, E. Cueller, D. Rothamer, T. Lee, K. Kim, C. Kweon, W. Kriven, Influence of Various Operating Conditions on Co-Annular Silicon Nitride-Based Glow Plug Degradation, MS&T 2024, Pittsburgh, PA. (2024)
  • Kim, S., H. Mehraj, T. Lee, K. Kim, C. Kweon, "CFD-Aided Structural Rigidity Analysis for the Ignition Assistance Device Applicable to Small Aircraft Engines," AIAA Aviation Forum, July 1st, 2024
  • Kim, S., H. Mehraj, T. Han, T. Lee, K. Kim, C. Kweon, J. Ryu, "Modeling Approach and Simulations of Mechanical Wall Stress Caused by Thermal-Spray Impacting Hot Surfaces," Paper# 6-9, 16th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, June 24th, (2024)
  • Numkiatsakul, P., T. Lee, K. Kim, CB. Kweon, W. Kriven, Investigation of O-SiAlON Materials for Oxidation Barrier on Silicon Nitride-Based Ignition-Assisted Devices in Small Aircraft Engines, 10th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC10), Montreal, Canada. (2024)
  • Shim, H., E. Wood, C. O'Brien, T. Lee, A. Kastengren, E. Mayhew, J. Kim, J. Temme and C. Kweon, Correction: Combustion Characteristics in an Ultra-Compact Trapped Vortex Combustor with Liquid Fuel Sprays, SciTech 2024, AIAA-2024-0579 (2024)
  • Kato, N., G. Lee, J. Lim, M. D'Agostino, I. Gessman, A. Paganini, T. Lee, E. Mayhew, J. Temme and C. Kweon, Flow visualization in a streamline-traced supersonic inlet, SciTech 2024, AIAA-2024-0111 (2024)
  • Wiersema, P., K. Kim, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C. Kweon, T. Lee, Development of a Gasoline and Jet Fuel Blend Kinetic Mechanism using Hybrid Response Surface Networks, SciTech 2024, AIA-2024-0176 (2024)
  • Richardson, S., P. Drummond, C. Hash, J. Edwards, T. Lee, N. Kato, Numerical Simulation of Scram-mode Operation of an Axisymmetric Combustor in an Arc Tunnel, AIAA-2024-0976 (2024)
  • Paganini, A., J. Lim, G. Lee, N. Kato, A. D’Agostino, I. Gessman, T. Lee, Transient Cavity Ignition And Periodic Flame Stabilization Modes In Rectangular Supersonic Flowpath, AIAA-2024-1250 (2024)
  • D’Agostino, A., T. Lee, C. Carter, B. McGann, E. Mayhew, Development of a burst-mode laser system for diagnostics in reacting and non-reacting flows, AIAA-2024-1824 (2024)
  • Trombley, G., E. Toulson, T. Lee, K. Kim, E. Mayhew, C. Kweon, Turbulent Jet Ignition of Jet Fuel in a Rapid Compression Machine, WCX SAE (oral presentation) 2023
  • Kim, S., R. Torelli, S. Oruganti, J.-I. Ryu, T. Lee, K. Kim, C. Kweon, Modeling of Stress-Induced Wall Stress on a Hot Surface Ignition Assistance Device, AIAA Aviation, 2023-3764 (2023)
  • Kim, S., J.-I. Ryu, A. Motily, P. Numkiatsakul, R. Alonso, T. Lee, W. Kriven, K. Kim, C. Kweon, Effect of Heating Device Voltage on Fuel Spray Ignition and Flame Characteristics under Aviation Propulsion System Conditions, SciTech, AIAA 2023-1652 (2023)
  • Gessman, I., S. Ghanekar, G. Lee, K. Kim, N. Kato, J. Yoo, T. Lee, Scramjet Inflow Characterization Based on Thermodynamic Analysis of Arc-Heater Plenum, SciTech 2023, AIAA 2023-2332 (2023)
  • Dasgupta, D., S. Som, E. Wood, T. Lee, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C. Kweon, Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Lean Blowout in the ARC-M1 Gas Turbine Combustor, SciTech 2023, AIAA 2023-2653 (2023)
  • Wiersema, P., J. Oh, K. Kim, T. Lee, Development of Kinetic Mechanisms for Varied CN Controlled Fuels using Response Surface Surrogate Modeling, SciTech 2023, AIAA 2023-1487 (2023)
  • Kato, N., G. Lee, T. Lee, A Comparison Between Axisymmetric and Perisymmetric Scramjet Flowpaths, SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-1409 (2022)
  • Wiersema, P., K. Kim, T. Lee, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C. Kweon, Relation between Cetane Number and the Ignition Delay of Jet Fuels, SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-1255 (2022)
  • Hash, C., P. Drummond, J. Edwards, N. Kato, Q. Liu, T. Lee, Numerical Simulation of Unstart Processes in an Axisymmetric Scramjet Combustor, SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-1849 (2022)
  • Wood, E., A. Motily, C. Trotter, T. Lee, E. Mayhew, V. Coburn, J. Temme, C. Kweon, Fuel Spray and Operating Condition Impact on Ignition Performance in the ARC-M1 Combustor, SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-0364 (2022)
  • Motily, A., R. Alonso, K. Kim, C. Kweon, T. Lee, Thermal Performance of a Ceramic Heater Ignition Device for Aircraft Propulsion Applications, SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-0678 (2022)
  • Oh, J., A. Oldani, T. Lee, L. Shafer, Deep Neural Networks for Assessing Sustainable Jet Fuels from Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography, SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-0228 (2022)
  • Kim, K., P. Wiersema, J.-I. Ryu, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C. Kweon, T. Lee, Data-Driven approaches to optimize chemical kinetic models, SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-0225 (2022)
  • Lee, G., P. Sakkos, I. Gessman, J. Lim, N. Kato, B. Kirchner, G. Elliott, T. Lee, PIV Measurements and Total Temperature Thermometry of a Mach 4.5 Arc-heated Nozzle Flow, SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-0337 (2022)
  • Dasgupta, D., S. Som, E. Wood, T. Lee, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C. Kweon, X-ray Data Enabled Improved Near Nozzle Spray Validation for ARC-M1 Combustor, SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-0259 (2022)
  • Dasgupta, D., S. Som, E. Wood, T. Lee, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C. Kweon, Computational Fluid Dyamics Modeling of Fuel Properties Impact on Lean Blowout in the ARC-M1 Combustor, ASME Turbo Expo 2022, June 13-17, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2022)
  • Kang, S.-G., J.I. Ryu, A. Motily, P. Numkiatsakul, T. Lee, W. Kriven, K. Kim, C. Kweon, Thermo-Mechanical Response of a Hot Surface Ignition Device under Aircraft Compression Ignition Engine Conditions. AIAA Propulsion & Energy 3566159 (2021)
  • Kang, S.-G., J.I. Ryu, A. Motily, P. Numkiatsakul, T. Lee, W. Kriven, K. Kim, C. Kweon, Transient thermo-mechanical stress analysis of hot surface probe using sequentially coupled CFD-FEA approach. Proceeding & Presentation (ICEF2021-67858) at the ASME Internal Combustion Engines Fall Conference, Virtual Event. (2021, October 13-15)
  • Wood, E., A. Motily, B. McGann, K. Min, K. Kim, T. Lee, E. Mayhew, J. Temme, C. Kweon, A. Kastengren, High-Speed X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging of Jet Fuel Spray Breakup in an Operating Gas Turbine Combustor, ILASS (2021)
  • Motily, A., E. Wood, J-I. Ryu, K. Kim, T. Lee, C-B. Kweon, Optimizing Hot-Surface-Assisted Ignition Performance of High Pressure F-24 Fuel Sprays, AIAA SciTech, AIAA 2021-0414, 2021
  • Wood, E., E. Mayhew, A. Motily, J. Temme, C-B. Kweon, T. Lee, Lean Blowout Dependence on Fuel Properties and Combustion Conditions in the ARC-M1 Single-Cup Swirl Combustor, AIAA SciTech, AIAA 2021-0652, 2021
  • Ryu, J-I., A. Motily, T. Lee, R. R. Scarcelli, S. Som, K. Kim, C-B. Kweon, Effect of Hot Probe Temperature on Ignition of Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) Fuel Spray under Aircraft Propulsion System Conditions, AIAA SciTech, AIAA 2021-0985, 2021
  • Kim, K., J-I. Ryu, B. McGann, K. Min, J. Temme, C-B. Kweon, T. Lee, Data-Drive Combustion Kinetic Modeling Concept of Alternative Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) Fuel, AIAA SciTech, AIAA 2021-1245, 2021
  • Hyde, E., G. Goodwin, R. Johnson, T. Lee, Ethylene Combustion in an Axisymmetric Mach 4.5 Cavity, AIAA SciTech, AIAA 2021-1467, 2021
  • Lee, G., T. Lee, 1-D Modeling of Choking in an Axisymmetric Scramjet for Combustion and Mass Injection-induced Blockage, AIAA Aviation, 2020
  • Baccarella, D., Q. Liu, B. McGann, Isolator Shock Dynamics of Mass Injection-Induced Unstart in a Circular Model Scramjet, 23rd AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Systems and Technologies, Montreal Canada, March 10-12, 2020
  • Motily, A., J-I. Ryu, Y. Kim, K. Kim, T. Lee, C-B. Kweon, Effects of Cetane Number of High-Pressure Fuel Spray Characteristics with a Hot Surface Ignition Source, AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2020-2280, 2020
  • Ryu, J-I., A. Motily, T. Lee, R. Scarcelli, S. Som, K. Kim, C-B. Kweon, Ignition Enhancement of F-24 Jet Fuel by a Glow Plug for Unmanned Aircraft Propulsion Systems, AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2020-2142, 2020
  • Lee, G., D. Baccarella, Q. Liu, G. Elliott, T. Lee, Pseudoshock Dimensionality in Axisymmetric and Rectangular Scramjets, AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2020-1610, 2020
  • Wood, E., B. McGann, A. Motily, K. Min, K. Kim, T. Lee, E. Mayhew, C. Mitsingas, J. Temme, C-B. Kweon, A. Kastengren, Impact of Fuel Properties on Combusting Jet Fuel Spray Breakup, Analyzed using High-Speed Phase Contrast Imaging, AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2020-0522, 2020
  • Kim, K., K. Min, J. Temme, C-B. Kweon, T. Lee, Effects of F-24/ATJ blend composition on ignition kinetics at low temperatures, AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2020-0178, 2020
  • Baccarella, D., Q. Liu, G. Lee, T. Lee, Flow Choking Induced by Combustion and Mass Injection in a Circular Model Scramjet at Mach 4.5, AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2020-1611, 2020
  • Blakey, S., B. Rauch, A. Oldani, T. Lee, Advanced Fuel Property Data Platform: Overview and Potential Applications, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Stability, Handling, and Use of Liquid Fuels (IASH-2010), (2019)
  • Baccarella, D., G. Lee, Q. Liu, G. Elliott, J. Freund, T. Lee, Laser Induced Plasma Ignition Experiments in a Direct-Connect Supersonic Combustor at Mach 3, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, Indianapolis IN, 19-22 August, 2019
  • McGann, B., R. Lee, T. Ombrello, C. Carter, S. Hammack, H. Do, Statistical Measurements of Fuel Mole Fraction in Scramjet Cavity Flameholder with a Fuel Surrogate, AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2019-1678, 2019
  • Liu, Q., D. Baccarella, G. Lee, T. Lee, Influences of Cavity on Combustion Stabilization in an Axisymmetric Scramjet, AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2019-1681, 2019
  • Rajasegar, R., J. Choi, S. Ghanekar, C. Mitsingas, E. Mayhew, Q. Liu, J. Yoo, T. Lee, Extended Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (EPOD) and Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) for Analysis of Mesoscale Burner Array Flame Dynamics, AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2018-0147, 2018

Teaching Honors

  • Teacher Scholar Award, Michigan State University 2011
  • SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, SAE International 2010
  • Withrow Teaching Excellence Award, John D. and Dortha J. Withrow Endowment 2009

Research Honors

  • Best Technical Paper, AIAA SciTech 2020 (HASBP TC)
  • Kritzer Faculty Scholar 2020
  • Walter Lempert Best Paper Award, AIAA SciTech 2017 (AMT TC)
  • Visiting Scientist Award, Argonne National Laboratory Advanced Photon Source 2017
  • Withrow Junior Distinguished Scholar Award, Michigan State University 2012
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, Air Force Research Laboratory 2011
  • ONR Young Investigator Program Award, Office of Naval Research 2011
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, Air Force Research Laboratory 2010
  • Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), President Barack Obama 2010
  • AFOSR Young Investigator Program Award, Air Force Office of Scientific Research 2008
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, Air Force Research Laboratory 2009
  • IRGP New Faculty Award 2006, Michigan State University 2006
  • Bernard Lewis Fellowship, Combustion Institute 2006

Recent Courses Taught

  • ME 200 AL1 (ME 200 AL2, ME 200 ZJ2) - Thermodynamics
  • ME 498 TL3 (ME 498 TL4) - Laser Diag for Propulsion
  • ME 498 TLU (ME 598 TLG) - Scramjet Flowpath Diagnostics