Rashid Bashir
- Dean, College of Engineering
Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering
For More Information
- PhD, 1992, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- MSEE, 1989, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- BSEE, 1987, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Rashid Bashir is Professor of Bioengineering, the Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering, and is currently the 15th Dean of Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
He received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University and his M.S and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University in 1992. He spent 6 years at National Semiconductor Corporation rising to a Sr. Engineering Manager where he contributed to or led the development and commercialization of 4 generations of analog, high voltage, and RF microelectronics manufacturing technologies. He started his academic career at Purdue University where he spent 10 years. He held a Visiting Scientist position at Massachusetts General Hospital and Shriner’s Hospital for Children and was Visiting Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA. He was the recipient of the Joel and Spira teaching Award at Purdue, the NSF Faculty Early Career Award. He joined University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 2007 as the Director of the Holonyak Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, a campus wide resource in clean room fabrication and bionanotechnology. In 2012, he became the head of the Department of Bioengineering. He was member of the core founding team for the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, the world’s first engineering-based College of Medicine at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He was co-chair of the curriculum development committee and also served as the Executive Associate Dean and chief diversity officer for the Carle Illinois College of Medicine. In 2018, he was appointed as the 15th dean of the College of Engineering (renamed to The Grainger College of Engineering in 2019).
He is an internationally renowned scholar in micro-fluidics and nanotechnology based diagnostic technologies for precision and personalized medicine, and 3D bio-fabrication of multi-cellular engineered living systems for biological soft robotics. He has authored or co-authored over 320 journal papers and has been granted over 65 patents. He has graduated over 35 PhD students, over 20 masters, and mentored over 35 post doctorial fellows. He has received research funding from NSF, NIH, USDA, DOD, industry, and other sources. He been PI of an NSF Graduate Training Grant and an NIH Training Grant and other centers, and developed 5th-12th training and outreach programs.
Bashir received the 2012 IEEE EMBS Technical Achievement award and the 2018 Pritzker Distinguished Lectureship Award from the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). He also received the 2021 Professional Impact Award for Education from the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). He was on the founding team of the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Chicago, awarded in 2023 and now is a member of the Executive Advisory Committee. He is a fellow of IEEE, BMES, AIMBE, APS, IAMBE, RSC, and AAAS. He was elected to the National Academy of Inventors in 2018, National Academy of Medicine in 2023, and to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2024. He is also academic co-founder of Prenosis, Inc. and VedaBio, Inc.
Academic Positions
- 2018 - present - Dean, Grainger College of Engineering
- Oct. 2007 – 2016 Abel Bliss Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering & Bioengineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- Oct. 2007 - Aug 2013 Director, Micro and Nano Technology Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- Oct. 2007 - Co-Director (along with Provost Ilesanmi Adesida) of the Center of Nanoscale Science aqnd Technology (CNST) at the University of Illinois.
- May 2006 - May 2008 Visiting Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School.
- Nov. 2005 - Oct 2007 Courtesy Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN.
- Aug. 2005 - Oct 2007 Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN.
- Sept. 2004 - Oct 2007 Scientific Director - Bionanotechnology, Bindley Biosciences Center/Birck Nanotechnology Center, Discovery Park, Purdue University. W. Lafayette, IN
- Aug. 2001 - Aug 2005 Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN.
- July 2000 - Oct 2007 Courtesy Professor, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN.
- Oct. 1998 - Aug. 2001 Assistant Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN.
Other Professional Employment
- August 2016 - present, Chief Scientist, Prenosis, Inc., Chicago, IL
- June, 2014, Co-founder, Prenosis, Inc. aimed at developing point of care sensors and analytics for sepsis stratification.
- Feb 2002 - Present, Co-founder, VP Technology Development, BioVitesse, Inc.
- Aug. 1997 - Oct. 1998. Sr. Engineering Manager, Process Technology Dev., May 1995 - Aug. 1997 Engineering Manager, Process Technology Dev., Jan. 1995 - May 1995 Staff Process Engineer, Process Technology Dev., Oct. 1992 - Dec. 1994 Sr. Process Engineer, Process Technology Dev., National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA.
Major Consulting Activities
- Jan 2012-present, Consultant, Oxford Nanopore Technologies
- Aug 2011-present, Consultant, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation
- May 1999 - 2001, Consultant with National Semiconductor Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) to transfer a High Voltage Trench Isolated Process Technology.
Other Professional Activities
- • Executive Committee Member, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Chicago, 2023 - present
- • Co-founder, Prenosis, Inc. aimed at developing point of care sensors and analytics for sepsis stratification. June, 2014.
- • Co-founder and Chair of Technical Advisory Board, Daktari, Inc. Company started to commercialize microfluidic biochips for global health applications, June 2008–present. Co-inventor of technology licensed to Daktari, Inc.
- • Co-founder of BioVitesse, Inc., aimed at developing bio-chips for detection of pathogens, Jan. 2003–Dec. 2008.
Teaching Statement
I am interested in teaching courses in micro-fabrication, semiconductor processing, MEMS, Nanotechnology, and especially interdisciplinary courses at the interface of nanotechnology, biology, and chemistry.
Research Statement
My research interests include BioMEMS, Lab on a chip, nano-biotechnology, interfacing biology and engineering from molecular to tissue scale, and applications of semiconductor fabrication to biology, all applied to solve biomedical problems.
Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities
Looking for energetic post-docs interested in projects at the interface of nanotechnology, biology and medicine.
Graduate Research Opportunities
Looking for energetic students interested in projects at the interface of nanotechnology, biology and medicine.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
We are looking for undergraduate students interested in integrating Nanotechnology with Biotechnology for diagnostics, therapeutics, and tissue engineering.
Research Interests
- BioMEMS and Biosensors, BioNanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Applications of MEMS and nanotechnology in medical and biological problems, Multi scale tissue engineering.
Research Areas
- Applications of MEMS and nanotechnology in medical and biological problems
- Biomechanics
- Bionanotechnology
- Biosensors
- Biosensors and bioelectronics
- Multi-scale tissue engineering
- Nanomedicine
- Nanotechnology
Research Topics
Books Edited or Co-Edited (Original Editions)
- BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology, Vol-4 Biomolecular Sensing, Processing and Analysis, Set: BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology, Bashir, Rashid; Wereley, Steve; Ferrari, Mauro (Eds.), 2006, Approx. 420 p., 110 illus., Hardcover, ISBN: 0-387-25566-4, Springer.
Chapters in Books
- S. M. Iqbal, R. Bashir, "Nanoelectronic-Based Detection for Biology and Medicine," In Handbook of Automation, (Ed. Shimon Y. Nof), Springer Publishers, 2008.
- S. Lee and R. Bashir, "Biological and Chemical-Mediated Self-Assembly of Artificial Micro and Nanostructures", in CRC Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, 2nd Edition, edited by Goddard, Brenner, Iafrate, and Lyshevski. 2007.
- A. Gupta and R. Bashir, "Integrated Cantilever Based Biosensors for the Detection of Chemical and Biological Entities", in Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine, CRC Press, Editor-in-Chief, Tuan Vo-Dinh, 2007.
- R. Gomez and R. Bashir, "Microscale Impedance-Based Detection of Bacterial Metabolism", in Encyclopedia of Rapid Microbiological Methods, Volume 3, Series Editor, Michael J. Miller, Davis Healthcare International Publishing (DHI), pp. 333-362. 2006.
- H. Li, R. Gomez, R. Bashir, "Integrated Microsystems for Cellular Analysis and Manipulation", in R. Bashir and Steve Wereley, Editors, Volume 4: "Biomolecular Sensing, Processing, and Analysis", Springer, 4 Volume Encyclepedia in BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2006.
- R. Bashir, "Biologically Mediated Assembly of Artificial Micro and Nanostructures", CRC Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, edited by Goddard, Brenner, Iafrate, and Lyshevski. Chapter 15, Page 1-28, 2003, CRC Press.
Selected Articles in Journals
- R. Bashir, C. Subramaniam, G. W. Neudeck, K. Y. Chung, "Transit Time Studies and Electron Mobility Measurement in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Transistor", IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, Vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 2944-2948, Dec. 1989
- R. Bashir, G. W. Neudeck, "A Technique to Measure the Dynamic Response of a-Si:H Circuits", Solid State Electronics, Vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 973-974, 1990.
- R. Bashir, S. Venkatesan, G. W. Neudeck, J. P. Denton, "A Poly-Silicon Contacted Sub-Collector BJT for a 3-Dimensional BiCMOS Process", IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 392-395, Aug 1992.
- R. Bashir, S. Venkatesan, H. Yen, G. W. Neudeck, E. P. Kvam, "Doping of Poly-crystalline Silicon Films Using an Arsenic Spin-on-Dopant Source", Journal of Vaccum Science and Technology-B, Vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1903-1905, Sept/Oct 1993.
- H. Yen, E. P. Kvam, R. Bashir, G. W. Neudeck, "Microstructural Examination of Extended Crystal Defects in Silicon Selective Epitaxial Growth", Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1331-1339, 1993.
- R. Bashir, W. McKweon, A. E. Kabir, "A Simple Process to Produce High Quality Silicon Surface Prior to Selective Epitaxial Growth ", IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 392-395, June 1995.
- R. Bashir, G. W. Neudeck, H. Yen, E. P. Kvam, and J. P. Denton, "Characterization of Sidewall Defects in Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology-B, Vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 923-928, June/July 1995.
- R. Bashir, G. W. Neudeck, H. Yen, E. P. Kvam, "Characterization and Modeling of Sidewall Defects in Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology-B, Vol. 11, no. 5, p. 928-935, June/July 1995.
- R. Bashir, S. Kim, N. Qadri, D. Jin, G. W. Neudeck, J. P. Denton, G. Yeric, K. Wu, A. Tasch, "Degradation of Insulators in the Silicon Selective Epitaxial Growth Ambient", IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 306-308, Sept. 1995.
- J. M. Sherman, G. W. Neudeck, J. P. Denton, R. Bashir, W. W. Fultz, "Elimination of the Sidewall Defects in Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) of Silicon for a Dielectric Isolation Technology", IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol.17, No. 6, pp. 267-269, June 1996.
- R. Bashir, F. Hebert, "PLATOP-A Novel Planarized Trench Isolation and Field Oxide Formation Using Poly-Silicon", IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol.17, No. 7, pp. 352-354, July 1996.
- M. Jamal Deen, S. Rumyantsev, R. Bashir, R. Taylor, "Measurements and Comparison of Low Frequency Noise in NPN and PNP Polysilicon Emitter Bipolar Junction Transistors", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 84, No.1, pp. 625-633, 1st July 1998.
- R. Bashir, A. E. Kabir, F. Hebert, C. Bracken, "Tungsten Silicide and Tungsten Polycide Anisotropic Dry Etch Process for Highly Controlled Dimensions and Profiles", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology-B, 16(4), pp. 2118-2120, Jul/Aug 1998.
- R. Bashir, F. Wang, W. Yindepool, J. De Santis, J. McGregor, "Back Gated Buried Oxide MOSFETs in a High Voltage Bipolar Technology for Bonded Oxide/SOI Interface Characterization", IEEE Electron Device Letter, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 282-284, August 1998.
- R. Bashir, A. E. Kabir, P. Westrom, D. Rossman, "Phosphorus and Arsenic Dopant Profile Control for High Performance Epitaxial Base Bipolar Junction Devices", Applied Physics Letters, Volume 75, Issue 6, pp. 796-798, August 9th , 1999.
- R. Bashir, A. E. Kabir, and K. Chao, "Formation of Self-Assembled Si1-xGex Islands Using Reduced Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition and Subsequent Thermal Annealing of Thin Germanium Rich Films", Applied Surface Science, 152, pp. 99-106, 1999.
- A. E. Kabir, R. Bashir, J. Bernstein, J. De Santis, R. Mathews, J. O. O'Boyle, C. Bracken, "Very High Sensitivity Acoustic Transducers with Thin P+ Membrane and Gold Back Plate", Sensors and Actuators-A, Vol. 78, issue 2-3, pp.138-142, 17th Dec. 1999.
- R. Gómez, G. W. Neudeck, R. Bashir, "On the Design and Fabricaton of Novel Lateral Bipolar Transistor in a Deep-Submicron Technology", Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 199-205, Feb 2000.
- R. Bashir, T. Su, J. M. Sherman, G. W. Neudeck, J. Denton, and A. Obeidat "Reduction of Sidewall Defect Induced Leakage Currents by the Use of Nitrided Field Oxides in Silicon Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) Isolation for Advanced ULSI", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology-B, Vol. 18, No. 2, March/April 2000.
- J. Babcock, P. Francis, R. Bashir, A. E. Kabir, T. Dhayahude, W. Yindeepol, S. J. Prasad, A. Kalnitsky, M. E. Thomas, H. Haggag, K. Egan, R. Razouk, and D. K. Schroder, "Precision Electrical Trimming of Poly-SiGe Resistors", IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 283-285, June 2000.
- R. Bashir and F. Hebert, "Stability of Boron And Phosphorus Implanted Tungsten Silicide Structures at HighTemperatures", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology-B, Vol. 18, No. 4, July/Aug, 2000.
- R. Bashir, A. Gupta, G. W. Neudeck, M. McElfresh, and R. Gomez, "On the Design of Piezoresistive Silicon Cantilevers with Stress Concentration Regions for Scanning Probe Microscopy Applications", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Volume 10, Number 4, December 2000, pp. 483-491.
- R. Bashir, "DNA-Mediated Artificial Nano-Bio-Structures: State of the Art and Future Directions", Superlattice and Microstructures, vol. 29, issue 1, p, January 2001, p. 1-16. (Invited Review)
- S. Lee and R. Bashir, "Modeling and Characterization of Deep Trench Isolation Structures", Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 32, No. 4, Jan 2001, pp. 295-300.
- R. Bashir, K-J Chao, and A. E. Kabir, "Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Self-Assembled Si1-xGex Islands Produced by Controlled Relaxation of Strained Films", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology-B, Vol. 19, No. 2, March/April 2001, pp. 517-522.
- R. Bashir, R. Gomez, A. Sarikaya, M. Ladisch, J. Sturgis, and J. P. Robinson, "Adsorption of Avidin on Micro-Fabricated Surfaces for Protein Biochip Applications", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Volume 73, Issue 4, May 2001, pp. 324-328.
- J. Ward, R. Bashir, and N. Peppes, "Micropatterning of Biomedical Polymer Surfaces by Novel UV Polymerization Techniques", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Volume 56, Issue: 3, 24th Apr 2001, Pages: 351-360.
- R. Gomez, R. Bashir, T. Geng, A. Bhunia, M. Ladisch, H. Apple, S. Wereley, "Micro-Fluidic Bochip for Impedance Spectroscopy of Biological Species", Biomedical Micro-Devices, vol. 3, no. 3, September 14th, 2001, p. 201-209.
- H-M. Cheng, M. T. S. Ewe, R. Bashir, and G. C. T. Chiu, "Modeling and Control of Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam Micro-Mirror and Micro-Laser Arrays to Reduce Image Banding in Electrophotographic Processes", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 11, 2001, pp. 487-498.
- S. Bourland, J. Denton, A. Ikram, G. W. Neudeck, And R. Bashir, "SOI Processes For The Fabrication Of Novel Nano-Structures", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, vol. 19, no. 5, Sept/Oct 2001, pp. 1995-1997.
- R. Bashir, F. Hebert, J. DeSantis, J. M. McGregor, W. Yindeepol, K. Brown, R. Razouk, F. Moraveji, T. Mills, P. Hopper, J. Mcginty, L. Smith, and T. Krakowski, "A Complementary Bipolar Technology Family with a Vertically Integrated PNP for High Frequency Analog Applications", Special Issue on Bipolar Technology, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 48, no. 11, November 2001, pp. 2525-2534.
- R. Bashir, "DNA Nanobiostructures", Materials Today, Nov/Dec. 2001, pp. 30-39. (Invited Review)
- S. W. Lee, H. A. McNally, D. Guo, M. Pingle, D. E. Bergstrom, and R. Bashir, "Electric-Field-Mediated Assembly of Silicon Islands Coated with Charged Molecules", Langmuir, 18, 3383-3386, 2002.
- Rafael Gómez, Rashid Bashir, Arun K. Bhunia, "Microscale Electronic Detection of Bacterial Metabolism", Sensors and Actuators B, 86, 198-208, 2002.
- Haibo Li, Rashid Bashir, "Dielectrophoretic separation and manipulation of live and heat-treated cells of Listeria on microfabricated devices with interdigitated electrodes", Sensors and Actuators B, 86, 215-221, 2002.
- H. Chang, A. Ikram, T. Geng, F. Kosari, G. Vasmatzis, A. Bhunia, and R. Bashir, "Electrical characterization of microorganisms using microfabricated devices", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 20, 2058 (2002).
- R. Bashir, J.Z. Hilt, A. Gupta, O. Elibol, and N.A. Peppas, "Micro-mechanical Cantilever as an Ultra-Sensitive pH Micro-sensor", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 81, No. 16, pp 3091-3093, Oct 14th, 2002.
- T. Huang, J. Sturgis, R. Gomez, T. Geng, R. Bashir, A. K. Bhunia, J. P. Robinson, M. R. Ladisch, "Composite Surface for Blocking Bacterial Adsoprtion on Protein Biochips", Biotechnol Bioeng 81:618-624, 2003.
- A. Gupta, J. Denton, H. McNally, and R. Bashir, "Novel Fabrication Method for Surface Micro-Machined Thin Single-Crystal Silicon Cantilever Beams", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vl. 12, No. 2, April 2003, pp. 185-192.
- H. McNally, M. Pingle, S. W. Lee, D. Guo, D. Bergstrom, and R. Bashir, "Self-Assembly of Micro and Nano-Scale Particles using Bio-Inspired Events", Applied Surface Science, vol 214/1-4 pp 109 - 119, 2003.
- J. Zachary Hilt, Amit Gupta, Rashid Bashir, and Nicholas A. Peppas, "Ultra-sensitive biomems sensors based on Microcantilevers patterned with environmentally responsive hydrogels", Biomedical Microdevices, Volume 5, Issue 3. pp. 177-184, September 2003.
- S. W. Lee, R. Bashir, "Dielectrophoresis and Electro-hydrodynamics Mediated Fluidic Assembly of Silicon Resistors", Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 3833 (2003) -(also in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology--November 10, 2003, Volume 8, Issue 19 ).
- T. T. Huang, T. Geng, D. Akin, W. J. Chang, J. Sturgis, R. Bashir, A. K. Bhunia, J. P. Robinson, M. R. Ladsich, "Micro-assembly of functionalized particulate monolayer on C18 derivatized SiO2 surfaces", Biotechnol Bioeng. Volume 83, Issue 4, Date: 20 August 2003, Pages: 416-427.
- T. Geng, K. Kim, R. Gomez, D. Sherman, R. Bashir, M. R. Ladisch, and A. K. Bhunia, "Expression of Cellular Antigens of Listeria Monocytogenus that React with Monoclonal Antibodies C11E9 and EM-7G1 Under Acid, Salt, or Temperature Induced Stress Environments", Journal of Applied Microbiology, 95, pp762-772, 2003.
- Woo-Jin Chang, Demir Akin, Miroslav Sedlek, Michael Ladisch, Rashid Bashir, , "Hybrid Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)/Silicon Biochips For Bacterial Culture Applications", Biomedical Microdevices 5:4, 281-290, 2003.
- O. H. Elibol, D. Morisette, D. Akin, R. Bashir, "Integrated Nano-Scale Silicon Sensors Using Top-Down Fabrication", Applied Physics Letters. Volume 83, Issue 22, pp. 4613-4615, December 1, 2003
- Tom T. Huang, Woo-Jin Chang, Demir Akin, Rafael Gomez, Rashid Bashir, Nathan Mosier, And Michael R. Ladisch, "Fabrication Of Microfluidic Channels Using Microfiber With Poly(Dimethylsiloxane)", AICHE Journal, November 2003, Vol. 49, No. 11, pp. 2984-2987
- D. Akin, H. Li, R. Bashir, "Real-Time Virus Trapping and Fluorescent Imaging in Micro-fluidic Devices", Nano Letters, 4(2) pp 257 - 259, 2004
- A. Gupta, D. Akin, R. Bashir, "Single virus particle mass detection using microresonators with nanoscale thickness", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 84, No. 11, pp. 1976-1978, 15th March 2004
- H. Chang, F. Kosari, G. Andreakakis, M. A. Alam, G. Vasmatzis, R. Bashir, "DNA Mediated Fluctuations in Ionic Current through Silicon Oxide Nano-Channels", Nano Letters vol. 4, No. 8, 1551-1556, 2004.
- R. Bashir, "BioMEMS: State of the Art in Detection and Future Prospects", Invited Paper in Advanced Drug Delivery Review, Special issue: Intelligent Therapeutics: Biomimetic Systems and Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery, Edited by N.A. Peppas, Vol 56/11 pp 1565-1586, 2004.
- H. Li, R. Bashir, "On the Design and Optimization of Micro-Fluidic Dielectrophoretic Devices: A Dynamic Simulation Study", Biomedical Microdevices, 6:4, 289-295, 2004.
- A. Gupta, D. Akin, R. Bashir, "Detection of Bacterial Cells and Antibodies Using Surface Micromachined Thin Silicon Cantilever Resonators", Journal of Vaccum Science and Technology-B, Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, November 2004, Volume 22, Issue 6, pp. 2785-2791.
- H. Li, Y. Zheng, D. Akin, R. Bashir, "Characterization and Modeling of a Micro-Fluidic Dielectrophoresis Filter for Biological Species", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2005, pp. 105 - 111.
- S. Iqbal, G. Balasubramaium, S. Ghosh, D. Bergstrom, R. Bashir, "Electrical Characterization of DNA Molecules in Nano-scale Gap Junctions", Applied Physics Letters, 86, 11th April, 2005. Also selected for the April 15, 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.
- R. Gomez, D. Morrisette, R. Bashir, "Microfluidic BioElectronic Processors for Rapid Detection of Live Bacterial Cells", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 14, No. 4, Aug 2005, pp. 829-838.
- L. Yang, P. P. Banada, Y. Liu, A. K. Bhunia, and R. Bashir, "Conductivity and pH Dual Detection of Growth Profile of Healthy and Stressed Listeria monocytogenes", Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 92, 6, 20 December 2005, 685-694.
- S. Lee, R. Bashir, "Dielectrophoresis and Chemically Mediated Assembly of three Terminal Silicon MOSFETS", Advanced Materials, 17, 2671-2677, 2005.
- N. Z. Butt, A. M. Chang, H. Raza, R. Bashir, J. Liu, and D. L. Kwong, "Low frequency noise statistics for the breakdown characterization of ultrathin gate oxides", Applied Physics Letters, 88, 112901, 2006
- H. Chang, S. M. Iqbal., E. A. Stach, A. H. King, N. J. Zaluzec, R. Bashir, "Fabrication and Characterization of Solid State Nanopores using Field Emission Scanning Electron Beam", Applied Physics Letters, 88, 103109, 2006. Also published online in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, March 20, 2006.
- Kwan Seop Lim, Woo-Jin Chang, Yoon-Mo Koo, and Rashid Bashir, "Reliable Fabrication Method of Transferable Micron Scale Metal Pattern for Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Metallization", Lab. Chip., 1, 578 - 580, 2006.
- L. Johnson, A. Gupta, D. Akin, A. Ghafoor, R. Bashir, "Detection of Vaccinia Virus Mass using Micromechanical Cantilever Sensors", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol 115/1 pp 189-197, 2006
- A. Ghafoor, D. Akin, R. Bashir, "The Delocalization of Vaccinia Genome and Core as Observed by Ex-Situ Atomic Force and Fluorescence Microscopy", Nanobiotechnology, 1, 4, 337-345, 2006.
- L. Yang, P. Banada, M. R. Chatni, K, Lim, M. Ladisch, A. Bhunia, R. Bashir, "A MultiFunctional Micro-Fluidic System for Dielectrophoretic Concentration Coupled with Immuno-Capture of Low Number of Listeria monocytogenes", Lab Chip, 6, 896-905, 2006. (also selected as an article for the Chemical Biology Virtual Journal (www.rsc.org/chembiolvj))
- P. P. Banada, Y. Liu, L. Yang, R. Bashir, and A. K. Bhunia, "Performance evaluation of a low conductive Growth Medium for growth of bacteria including Listeria monocytogenes under normal and stress conditions", International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 111, Issue 1, 15 August 2006, Pages 12-20.
- Jaesung Jang, Demir Akin, Kwan Seop Lim, Steven Broyles, Michael R. Ladisch, and Rashid Bashir, "Capture of Airborne Nanoparticles in Swirling Flows Using Non-Uniform Electrostatic Fields for Bio-Sensor Applications" Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 115, Issue 1, 23 May 2006, Pages 189-197
- H. Chang, M. Venkatesan, S. M. Iqbal, D. Peroulis, G. Andreadakis, F. Kosari, G. Vasmatzis, R. Bashir, "DNA Counterion Current and Saturation Examined by a Solid State Nanopore Sensor", Biomedical Microdevices, Volume 8, Number 3, September, 2006, Pages 263-269
- Tom T. Huang, David G. Taylor, Kwan Seop Lim, Miroslav Sedlak, Rashid Bashir, Nathan S. Mosier, and Michael R. Ladisch, "Surface Directed Boundary Flow in Microfluidic Channels", Langmuir, 2006; 22 (14); 6429-6437.
- A. Gupta, P. Nair, D. Akin, S. Broyles, M. Ladisch, A. Alam, R. Bashir, "Anamolous Resonance in a Nanomechanical Biosensor", Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA. August 28, 2006, 103: 13362-13367.
- Samir Iqbal, Demir Akin, Rashid Bashir, "Solid State Nanopores with DNA Selectivity", Nature Nanotechnology, 2, 243 - 248, 01 Apr 2007.
- Angelica P. Davila, Jaesung Jang, Amit Gupta, Tom Walter, Arthur Aronson, and Rashid Bashir, "Microresonator Mass Sensors for Detection of Bacillus Anthracis Sterne Spores in Air and Water", Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Volume 22, Issue 12, 15 June 2007, Pages 3028-3035.
- Yi-Shao Liu, Tom M. Walter, Woo-Jin Chang, Kwan-Seop Lim, Liju Yang, Sang Woo Lee, Arthur Aronson, and Rashid Bashir, "Electrical Detection of Germination of Model Bacillus Anthracis Spores in Microfluidic Biochips", Lab. Chip., 2007, 7, 603 – 610
- S. Bhattacharya, J. Jang, L. Yang, D. Akin, and R. Bashir, "BioMEMS And Nanotechnology Based Approaches For Rapid Detection Of Biological Entities", (Invited Review) Journal of Rapid Methods & Automation in Microbiology 15. 2007. 1-32.
- Xuanhong Cheng, Yi-Shao Liu, Utkan Demirci, Daniel Irimia, Liju Yang, Lee Zamir, William Rodriguez, Mehmet Toner, Rashid Bashir, "Electrical CD4 Counting for Management of HIV-infected Subjects," Special Issue on Cells and Tissue in Microsystems, Lab. Chip., 2007, 7, 746 - 755.
- Sang Woo Lee, Haibo Li, and Rashid Bashir, "Novel Dielectrophoretic Tweezers for Examining Particle-Surface Interactions within Microfluidic Devices", Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 223902, 28th May 2007. (also selected for June 11, 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)
- Demir Akin, Jennifer Sturgis, Kristin Burkholder, D. Sherman, S. Muhammad, Arun Bhunia, J. Paul Robinson, Rashid Bashir, "Bacterial Mediated Delivery of Nanoparticles in Cells", Nature Nanotechnology, 149, 441-449, 2007.
- Rosangelly Flores-Perez, Amit K. Gupta, Rashid Bashir, Albena Ivanisevic, "Cantilever-Based Sensor for the Detection of Different Chromophore Isomers", Anal. Chem.; 2007, vol. 79, no12, pp. 4702-4708
- Piyush Bajaj, Amit Gupta, Demir Akin, Orlando Auciello, Rashid Bashir, "Characterization of Cell Growth on Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Thin-Films", Biomedical Microdevices, 9:6, December 2007.
- Kidong Park, Demir Akin, Rashid Bashir, "Electrical Capture and Lysing of Viruses in Silicon Nanoprobe Array", Biomedical Microdevices 9:6, December 2007.
- Mi-Ran Choi, Katie J. Stanton-Maxey, C. S. Levin, Rizia Bardhan, Demir Akin, Jennifer Sturgis, J. Paul Robinson, Rashid Bashir, Naomi J. Halas, and Susan E. Clare, “A cellular Trojan Horse for delivery of therapeutic nanoparticles into tumors”, Nanoletters, 7(12) pp 3759 – 3765, 2007.
- G. Zeltzer, J. C. Randel, A. Gupta, R. Bashir, S.-H. Song and H. C. Manoharan, “Scanning optical homodyne detection of high-frequency picoscale resonances in cantilever and tuning fork sensors”, Applied Physics Letters, 91, 173124 , 2007.
- S. W. Lee, W. J. Chang, R, Bashir, “"Bottom-up" approach for implementing nano/microstructure using biological and chemical interactions”, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, Volume: 12, 185-199, 2007.
- Y. Liu, P. P. Banada, S. Bhattacharya, A. K. Bhunia, and R. Bashir , “Electrical Characterization of DNA Molecules in Solution using Impedance Measurements”, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 143902, 2008. Also selected for the April 28, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
- Shantanu Bhattacharya, Shuaib Salamat, Dallas Morisette, Padmapriya Banada, Demir Akin, Yi-Shao Liu, Arun K Bhunia, Michael Ladisch, and Rashid Bashir, “PCR based-detection in a micro-fabricated platform”, Lab. Chip., 2008, 8, 1130 – 1136
- Liju Yang, Rashid Bashir, “Electrical/ Electrochemical Impedance for Rapid Detection of Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria”, Review Article, Biotechnology Progress, Biotechnology Advances 26 (2008) 135–150.
- J. Jang, D.Akin, R. Bashir, “Effects of Inlet/Outlet Configurations on the Electrostatic Capture of Airborne Nanoparticles and Viruses for Cantilever Biosensors”, Meas. Sci. Technol. 19, 2008, 065204.
- K. Park, J. Jang, D. Akin, J. Lee, J. Sturgis, J. P. Robinson, D. Irimia, M. Toner, R. Bashir, “Concentration, Growth and Mass Measurements of Mammalian Cells on Silicon Cantilevers”, Lab. Chip., 2008, 8, 1034 – 1041. (Cover article and selected as a Hot Article for the RSC website).
- O. Elibol, J. Reddy, R. Bashir, “Nanoscale thickness double-gated field effect silicon sensors for sensitive pH detection in fluid”, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 193904, 2008. Also selected for the May 15, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
- Liju Yang, Padmapriya P Banada, Arun K Bhunia and Rashid Bashir, “Effects of Dielectrophoresis on the Immuno-reactivity, the Growth Profile, and the Viability of Listeria monocytogenes, Journal of Biological Engineering, 2008, 2:6 doi:10.1186/1754-1611-2-6.
- Joonhyung Lee, Jaesung Jang, Demir Akin, Cagri A. Savran, and Rashid Bashir , “Real-time Detection of Air-borne Viruses on a Mass-sensitive Device”, Applied Physics Letters. 93, 013901. 2008
- O. Elibol, J. Reddy, R. Bashir, “Localized heating and thermal characterization of high electrical resistivity silicon-on-insulator sensors using nematic liquid crystals”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.93, Issue 13, 2008.
- Shantanu Bhattacharya, Nripen Chanda, Yishao Liu, Keshab Gangopadhyay, Rashid Bashir, Paul R. Sharp, and Shubhra Gangopadhyay, “Enhanced DNA Separation Rates in Nano-Platinum Doped Agarose”, Journal of Nanobiosciences, Vol. 2, pp1-4, 2008.
- Shantanu Bhattacharya, Deb Gangopadhyay, Nripen Chanda, Sheila A. Grant, Yishao Liu, Paul R Sharp, Rashid Bashir, Keshab Gangopadhyay, Shubhra Gangopadhyay, “Low voltage capillary electrophoresis using high conductivity agarose nano-platinum composites”, Sensor Letters, Vol.6, 1–6, 2008.
- B. M. Venkatesan, O. H. Elibol, B. Dorvel, K. Park, R. Bashir, “Research Highlights” in News and Views Section, Nanomedicine, 3(5), 613-615, 2008.
- Yi-Shao Liu, Rashid Bashir, "Electrical Detection of DNA Molecules", BMES Bulletin, VOL. 32, No. 3, 2008, pp. 14-15.
- Jeong-Mi Moon, Demir Akin, Yi Xuan, Peide Ye, Peixuan Guo, Rashid Bashir, “Capture and alignment of phi29 viral particles in sub-40 nanometer porous alumina membranes”, Biomedical Microdevices, 11:1 February 2009.
- B. M. Venkatesan, B. Dorvel, S. Yemenicioglu, and R. Bashir, “Fabrication and characterization of low stress, mechanically robust Al2O3 nanopores for the electronic detection of biomolecules”, Advanced Materials, 2009, Volume 21, Issue 27 , Pages 2771 – 2776. Cover Article
- O. K. Koo, S. Shuaib, Y. Liu, M. R. Ladisch, R. Bashir, and A. K. Bhunia, “Targeted Capture of Pathogenic Bacteria using Mammalian Cell Receptor on Microfluidic Chip”, Accepted in Analytical Chemistry, 2009
- K. Park, H. Suk, D. Akin and R. Bashir “Dielectrophoretic-based cell manipulation using electrodes on reusable printed circuit board”, Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 2224 - 2229. Back Cover Article.
- A.M. Gilbertson, A.K.M. Newaz, Woo-Jin Chang, R. Bashir, S.A. Solin, and L.F. Cohen, “Dimensional crossover and weak localization in ultra thin n-GaAs films”, Applied Physics Letters, 95, 012113, 2009.
- Ian D. Block, Patrick C. Mathias, Mikhil Ganesh, Sarah I. Jones, Brian R. Dorvel, Vikram Chaudhery, Lila O. Vodkin, Rashid Bashir, and Brian T. Cunningham, “A Detection Instrument for Enhanced-Fluorescence and Label-Free Imaging on Photonic Crystal Surfaces”, Optics Express, Vol. 17, Issue 15, pp. 13222-13235.
- Oguz H. Elibol, Bobby Reddy, Jr., Pradeep R. Nair, Brian Dorvel, Felice Butler, Zahab Ahsan, Donald E. Bergstrom, Muhammad A. Alam, and Rashid Bashir, “Localized Heating on Silicon Field Effect Transistors: Device Fabrication and Temperature Measurements in Fluid”, Lab on Chip, 2009, 9, 2789–2795. Back Cover Article.
- Sang Hyeon Baek, Woo Jin Chang, Ju Yeoul Baek, Dae Sung Yoon, Rashid Bashir, Sang Woo Lee, “A ‘dielectrophoretic force microscopy’ technique for measurement of chemical and biological interactions”, Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 7737–7742. Cover Article.
- N. Watkins, B. M. Venkatesan, M. Toner, W. Rodriguez, R. Bashir, “A Robust Electrical MicroCytometer with 3-Dimensional Hydrofocusing or Portable Blood Analysis”, Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 3177 - 3184. Cover Article.
- B. Dorvel, B. Reddy Jr., I. Block, P. Mathias, S. E. Clare, B. Cunningham, D. E. Bergstrom, R. Bashir, “Vapor Phase Deposition of Monofunctional Alkoxysilanes for Sub-Nanometer Level Biointerfacing”, Advanced Functional Materials, 20, 1, January 8, 2010, 87-95, 2010. Inside Cover Article.
- B. M. Venkatesan, A.B. Shah, J.M. Zuo, and R. Bashir, “DNA Sensing using Nano-crystalline Surface Enhanced Al2O3 Nanopore Sensors”, Advanced Functional Materials, Volume 20, Issue 8, 1266-1275, 2010. Cover Article
- N. Privorotskaya*, Y. Liu*, J. Lee, H. Zeng, J. A. Carlisle, R. Bashir, and W. P. King, “Silicon-Diamond Microcantilever Heaters for Rapid Thermal Lysing of Cells”, Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 1135–1141. Back Cover Article, * equal contribution
- W. J. Chang*, H.-J. Suk*, A. K. M. Newaz, S. Wickline, S. A. Solin, R. Bashir, “Fluidic Characterization of electric field sensitivity of Ti-GaAs Schottky junction gated field effect biosensors”, Biomedical Microdevices, (2010) 12:849–854, *Equal contribution
- V. Chan, P. Zorlutuna, J. H. Jeong, H. Kong, R. Bashir, “Three-Dimensional Photopatterning of Hydrogels using Stereolithography for Cell Encapsulation with Long-Term Viability”, Lab on Chip, DOI: 10.1039/c004285d, 2010. Back Cover Article
- A.K.M. Newaz, W.-J. Chang, K.D. Wallace, L.C. Edge,S.A.Wickline, R. Bashir, A. M. Gilbertson, L.F. Cohen, and S.A. Solin, “A ballistic Inverse-EOC nanosensor for sub-wavelength high sensitivity room temperature photon detection” Applied Physics Letters, 97, 082105, 2010.
- C. Stavis, T. L. Clare, J. E. Butler, A. D. Radadia, R. Carr, H. Zeng, W. King, J. A. Carlisle, A. Aksimentiev, R. Bashir, and R. J. Hamers,”Surface functionalization of thin-film diamond for highly stable and selective biological interfaces”, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 2010. September 30, 2010 (10.1073/pnas.1006660107).
- N. Privorotskaya, H. Zeng, J. A. Carlisle, R. Bashir, and W. P. King, “Piezoresistive Microcantilevers from Ultrananocrystalline Diamond”, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromchanical Systems, Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2010, pp. 1234-1242
- P. Bajaj, X. Tang, T. Saif, R. Bashir, “Stiffness of the Substrate Influences the Phenotype of Embryonic Chicken Cardiac Myocytes”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research-A, 11 Oct 2010, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.32951.
- K. Park, L. Millet, J. Huan, N. Kim, X. Jin. G. Popescu, N. Aluru, K. J. Hsia, R. Bashir, “Measurement of Adherent Cell Mass and Growth’, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, November 30, 2010, vol. 107, no. 48, 20691–20696.
- Millet L.J., Park K., Watkins N.N., Hsia K.J., Bashir R. 2011, “Separating Beads and Cells in Multi-channel Microfluidic Devices Using Dielectrophoresis and Laminar Flow”, JoVE, 2011. 48. http://www.jove.com/index/Details.stp?ID=2545, doi: 10.3791/2545
- J. B. Reddy, Jr., O. H. Elibol, Bobby Reddy, Jr., O. H. Elibol, P. R. Nair, B. R. Dorvel, F. Butler, Z. Ahsan, D. E. Bergstrom, M. A. Alam, and R. Bashir “Localized Heating on Silicon Field Effect Transistors: Bio-Chemical Reactions and Device Optimization”, Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 888–895.
- J. B. Reddy, Jr., Brian R. Dorvel, J. Go, P. Nair, O. H. Elibol, G. M. Credo, J. S. Daniels, E. K.C. Chow, M. Madoo, M. A. Alam, and R. Bashir, “Fabrication and Characterization of Nanowire and Nanoplate Field Effect pH Sensors”, Biomed Microdevices, Vol.13, No. 2, Pages 335-344, 2011.
- Nicholas N. Watkins, Supriya Sridhar, Xuanhong Cheng, Mehmet Toner, William Rodriguez, and Rashid Bashir, “A microfabricated electrical differential counter for the selective enumeration of CD4+ T lymphocytes”, Lab on Chip, DOI: 10.1039/c0lc00556h, 2011. Cover Article
- Zhuo Wang, Larry Millet, Vincent Chan, Huafeng Ding, Martha U. Gillette, Rashid Bashir and Gabriel Popescu, "Label-free intracellular transport measured by spatial light interference microscopy", J. Biomed. Opt. 16, 026019 (Feb 28, 2011); doi:10.1117/1.3549204. Also selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.
- A. D. Radadia, C. J. Stavis, R. Carr, H. Zeng, W. King, J. A. Carlisle, A. Aksimentiev, R. J. Hamers, R. Bashir, “Ultrananocrystalline diamond thin films as stable antibody tethering surfaces for bacterial capture”, Advanced Functional Materials, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21, 1040–1050. Cover Article
- X. Tang, P. Bajaj, R. Bashir, T. Saif, “How far cardiac cells can see each other mechanically”, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6151-6158, Cover Article
- B. M. Venkatesan, J. Polans, J. Comer, S. Sridhar, D. Wendell, A. Aksimentiev, and R. Bashir, “Lipid Bilayer Coated Al2O3 Nanopore Sensors: Towards A Hybrid Biological Solid-State Nanopore”, Biomedical Microdevices, DOI: 10.1007/s10544-011-9537-3, 2011.
- E. A. Lidstone, V. Chaudhery, A. Kohl, V. Chan, T.W. Jensen, L.B.Schook, R. Bashir, B. Cunningham, “Label-Free Imaging of Cell Attachment with Photonic Crystal Enhanced Microscopy”, Analyst, 2011, 136 (18), 3608 - 3615. Cover Article
- D. J. Liu, G. M. Credo, X. Sua, K. Wua, H. C. Lim, O. H. Elibol, R. Bashir, and M. Varma, “Surface Immobilizable Chelator for Label-free Electrical Detection of Pyrophosphate”. Chemical Communications, 10.1039/c1cc12073e, 2011.
- M. Mir, Z. Wang, Z. Shen, M. Bednarz, R. Bashir, I. Golding, S. Prasanth, G. Popescu, “Optical Measurement of Cell Cycle Dependent Mass Growth”, PNAS, 2011, doi/10.1073/pnas.1100506108
- P. Zorlutuna, J. H. Jeong, H. Kong, and R. Bashir, “3-Dimensional Polymer Microenvironments for Examining Spatial Cellular Interactions”, Advanced Functional Materials, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21, 3642–3651, Cover Article.
- B. Murali Venkatesan, Rashid Bashir, “Nanopore Sensors for Nucleic Acid Analysis”, Nature Nanotechnology, 2011, 10.1038/nnano.2011.129
- E. Salm, Y-S. Liu, D. Marchwiany, D. T. Morisette, Y. He, L. Razouk. A. K. Bhunia, and R. Bashir, “Electrical Detection of dsDNA and Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification“. Biomedical Microdevices, 2011, Volume 13, Number 6, Pages 973-982
- P. Bajaj, B. Reddy Jr., L. Millet, C. Wei, P. Zorlutuna, G. Bao, R. Bashir, “Patterning the differentiation of C2C12 skeletal myoblasts”, Integr. Biol., 2011, 3, 897–909. Inside Cover Article.
- L. J. Millet, M. B. Collens, G. L. Perry, and R. Bashir, “Spatial distribution and analysis of neurons in culture”, Integrative Biology, DOI: 10.1039/c1ib00054c, 2011. Cover Article
- N. Watkins, D. Irimia, M. Toner, R. Bashir, ‘On a Chip”, in November/December 2011 issue of IEEE Pulse, A Magazine in the IEEE Engineering and Medicine Biology Society. Co-Guest Editors, R. Bashir, A. Khademhosseini, S. Sia.
- B. M. Venkatesan, D. Estrada, S. Banerjee, X. Jin, V. E. Dorgan, M. Bae, N. Aluru, E. Pop, and R. Bashir, “Stacked Graphene-Al2O3 Nanopore Sensors for Sensitive Detection of DNA and DNA-Protein Complexes”. ACS Nano, Vol. 6, No. 1, 441–450, 2012.
- V. Chan, J. H. Jeong, P. Bajaj, M. Collens, T. Saif, H. J. Kong, R. Bashir, “Multi-Material Bio-Fabrication of Hydrogel Cantilevers and Actuators with Stereolithography”. Lab on Chip, 2012, 12, 88-98. Back Cover Article.
- J. H. Jeong, V. Chan, C. Cha, P. Zorlutuna, C. Dyck, K. Jimmy Hsia, R. Bashir, H. J. Kong, ““Living” Microvascular Stamp for Patterning of Functional Neovessels; Orchestrated Control of Matrix Property and Geometry”. Advanced Materials, Vol. 24, No. 1, January 3, 2012, Cover Article
- G. Credo, X., Su, D. Liu, K. Wu, O. Elibol, J. B. Reddy, T.-W. Tsai, B. Dorvel, J. Daniels, R. Bashir, M. Varma, “Specific detection of pyrophosphate from DNA polymerase reactions by chemically functionalized field-effect sensors”, Analyst, 2012, 137, 1351.
- R. Bashir, “Nanobiosciences” Point of View Article, IEEE Proceedings, 2012.
- K. Park, N. Kim, D. T. Morisette, N. Aluru, and R. Bashir, “Resonant MEMS Mass Sensors for Measurement of Micro-droplet Evaporation”, Accepted, IEEE JMEMS, 2012.
- K. Park, L. J. Millet, J. W. Shim, V. Solovyeva, R. Bashir, “Hydrodynamic loading and viscous damping due to patterned perforations on MEMS resonant structures”, Accepted in Applied Physics Letters, 2012.
- J. Go, P. R. Nair, B. Reddy Jr., B. Dorvel, R. Bashir, and M. A. Alam, “Coupled Heterogeneous ‘Nanowire-Nanoplate’ Planar Transistor Sensors for Giant (>10V/pH) Nernst Response”, Submitted to ACS Nano, 2012.
- I. S. Park, K. Eom, T. J. Kwak, J. S. Son, W. J. Chang, T. Kwon, D. S. Yoon, R. Bashir, and S. W. Lee, “Microfluidic Multifunctional Probe Array Dielectrophoretic Force Spectroscopy with Wide Loading Rate,” ACS Nano, Vol 6, no. 10, 8665–8673, 2012.
- V. Chan, D. Neal, S. Uzel, H. Kim, R. Bashir, and H.H. Asada, “Fabrication and Characterization of Optogenetic, Multi-Strip Cardiac Muscles,” Lab on Chip, Vol. 15, 2258-2268, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/c5lc00222b.
- C. Duarte-Guevara, V. Swaminathan, M. Burgess, B. Reddy, Jr., E. Salm, Y. Liu, J. Rodriguez-Lopez, and R. Bashir, “On-chip Metal/Polypyrrole Quasi-reference Electrodes for Robust ISFET Operation,” Analyst, Vol. 140, 3630–3641, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/c5an00085h.
- H. Hu, S. Banerjee, D. Estrada, R. Bashir, and W.P. King, “Tip-Based Nanofabrication of Arbitrary Shapes of Graphene Nanoribbons for Device Applications,” RSC Advances, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/C5RA04257G.
- D. Neal, M.S. Sakar, R. Bashir, V. Chan, and H.H. Asada, “Mechanical Characterization and Shape Optimization of Fascicle-Like 3D Skeletal Muscle Tissues Contracted with Electrical and Optical Stimuli,” Tissue Engineering-Part A, 2015. DOI: 10.1089/ten.tea.2014.0317.
- K. Park, E. Corbin, and R. Bashir, “Optomechanical Measurement of the Stiffness of Single Adherent Cells,” Lab on Chip, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/C5LC00444F.
- O. Khatib, J.D. Wood, A.S. McLeod, M. Goldflam, M. Wagner, G.L. Damhorst , J.C. Koepke , G.P. Doidge, A. Rangarajan, R. Bashir, E. Pop, J.W. Lyding, M. Thiemens, F. Keilmann, and D.N. Basov, “Graphene-based Platform for Infrared Near-field Nanospectroscopy of of Water and Biological Materials in an Aqueous Environment,” ACS Nano, Vol. 9, Issue 8, 7968–7975, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b01184.
- G. L. Damhorst, C. Duarte-Guevara, W. Chen, T. Ghonge, B. Cunningham, and R. Bashir, “Smartphone-imaged HIV-1 Reverse Transcription Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) on a Chip from Whole Blood,” Engineering, Vol. 1, no. 3, 324–335, 2015. DOI: 10.15302/J-ENG-2015072.
- U. Hassan, B. Reddy, Jr., G. Damhorst, O. Sonoiki, T. Ghonge, C. Yang, and R. Bashir, “A Microfluidic Biochip for Complete Blood Cell Counts at the Point-of-care,” Technology, Vol. 3. no. 4, 201–209, 2015. DOI: 10.1142/S2339547815500090.
- R. Raman, B. Bhaduri, M. Mir, A. Shkumatov, M.K. Lee, G. Popescu, H. Kong, and R. Bashir, “High-Resolution Projection Microstereolithography for Patterning of Neovasculature,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, Vol. 5, no. 5, 610–619, Mar. 2016. DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201500721. (Back Cover Article.)
- S. Shim, J. Shim, W.R. Taylor, F. Kosari, G. Vasmatzis, D.A. Ahlquist, and R. Bashir, “Magnetophoretic-Based Microfluidic Device for DNA Concentration,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 18, no. 2, 1–8, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10544-016-0051-5.
- E. Corbin, O. Adeniba, R.H. Ewoldt, and R. Bashir, “Dynamic Mechanical Measurement of the Viscoelasticity of Single Adherent Cells, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 108, 093701, 2016. DOI: 10.1063/1.4942364.
- B. Reddy, E. Salm, and R. Bashir, “Electrical Chips for Biological Point-of-Care Detection,” Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 18, 329–355, 2016. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-bioeng-071813-104643.
- R. Raman, C. Cvetkovic, S.G.M. Uzel, R.J. Platt, P. Sengupta, R.D. Kamm, and R. Bashir, “Optogenetic Skeletal Muscle-Powered Adaptive Biological Machines,” PNAS, Vol. 113, no. 13, 3497–3502, 2016. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1516139113.
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- U. Hassan, N. Watkins, J.B. Reddy, G.L. Damhorst, and R. Bashir, “Microfluidic differential immunocapture biochip for specific leukocyte counting” Nature Protocols, Vol. 11, no. 4, 714–726, 2016. DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2016.038.
- I.S. Park, T.J. Kwak, G. Lee, M. Son, J.W. Choi, S. Choi, K. Nam, S.Y. Lee, W-J. Chang, K. Eom, D.S. Yoon, S. Lee, R. Bashir, and S.W. Lee, “Biaxial Dielectrophoresis Force Spectroscopy: A Stoichiometric Approachfor Examining Intermolecular Weak Binding Interactions,” ACS Nano, 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b05286. (Cover Article)
- A. Mehrnezhad, R. Bashir, and K. Park, “Direct Characterization of Hydrodynamic Loading on a Microelectromechanical Systems Microstructure,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 108, 114101, 2016. DOI: 10.1063/1.4944412.
- P. Dak, A. Ebrahimi, V. Swaminathan, C. Duarte-Guevara, R. Bashir, and M.A. Alam, “Droplet-based Biosensing for Lab-on-a-Chip, Open Microfluidics Platforms,” Biosensors, Vol. 6, 14, 2016. DOI: 10.3390/bios6020014.
- R. Raman, N. Clay, H. Kong, and R. Bashir, “3D Printing of Multi-Layered Janus Hydrogel Microparticles,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 5, 23, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10544-016-0068-9.
- P. Duarte-Guevara, C. Duarte-Guevara, A. Ornob, and R. Bashir, “On-Chip PMA Labeling of Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria for Viable qPCR and qLAMP Detection,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 20, no. 8, 1–9, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10404-016-1778-2.
- S. Choi, G. Lee, M. Son, I.S. Park, W. Kim, H. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, S. Na, D.S. Yoon, R. Bashir, J. Park, and S.W. Lee, “Detection of Silver Ions Using Dielectrophoretic Tweezers-Based Force Spectroscopy,” Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 88, 10867−10875, 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00107.
- M. Melhem, J. Park, L. Knapp, L. Reinkensmeyer, C. Cvetkovic, J. Flewellyn, M. Lee, T. Jensen, R. Bashir, H.J. Kong, and L. Schook, “3D Printed Stem-Cell-laden, Microchanneled Hydrogen Patch for the Enhanced Release of Cell-secreting Factors and Treatment of Myocardial Infarctions,” ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials. 6b00176.
- R. Raman, M. Mitchell, P. Perez-Pinera, R. Bashir, and L. DeStefano, “Design and integration of a problem-based biofabrication course into an undergraduate biomedical engineering curriculum,” Journal of Biological Engineering, Vol. 10, 10, 2016. DOI: 10.1186/s13036-016-0032-5.
- E. Krueger, J. Shim, A. Fathizadeh, A.N. Chang, B. Subei, K. Yocham, P. Davis, E. Graugnard, F. Khalili-Araghi, R. Bashir, D. Estrada, and D. Fologea, “Modelling and Analysis of Intercalant Effects on Circular DNA Conformation,” ACS Nano, Vol. 10, no. 9, 8910–8917, Sept. 27, 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b04876.
- C. Duarte-Guevara, V.V. Swaminathan, B. Reddy, Jr., J. Huang, Y. Liu, and R. Bashir, “On-chip electrical detection of parallel loop-mediated isothermal amplification with DG-BioFETs for the detection of foodborne bacterial pathogens,” RSC Advances, Vol. 6, 103872, 2016. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA19685C.
- R. Bashir, “Microcantilevers Track Single-cell Mass,” Nature Biotechnology, Vol. 34, 1125–1126, 2016. DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3725.
- E.A. Corbin, O.O. Adeniba, O.V. Cangellaris, W.P. King, and R. Bashir, “Evidence of Differential Mass Change Rates between Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines in Culture,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 19, no. 1, 1–7, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10544-017-0151-x.
- R. Raman, C. Cvetkovic, and R. Bashir, “A Modular Approach to the Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Muscle-Powered Biological Machines,” Nature Protocols, Vol. 12, 519–533, 2017. DOI:10.1038/nprot.2016.185. Cover Article.
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- C. Duarte-Guevara, V.V. Swaminathan, B. Reddy, Jr., C.-H. Wen, Y.-J. Huang, J.-C. Huang, Y. Liu, and R. Bashir, “Characterization of a 1024 x 1024 DG-BioFET platform” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 250, 100–110, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2017.04.107.
- C. Cvetkovic, M.C. Ferrall-Fairbanks, E. Ko, L. Grant, H.J. Kong, M.O. Platt and R. Bashir, "Investigating the Life Expectancy and Proteolytic Degradation of Engineered Skeletal Muscle Biological Machines", Scientific Reports, 7, Article Number: 3775 , 2017. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-03723-8
- R. Raman, L. Grant, Y. Seo, C. Cvetkovic, M. Gapinske, A. Palasz, H. Dabbous, H. Kong, P.P. Pinera, and R. Bashir, "Damage, Healing, and Remodeling in Optogenetic Skeletal Muscle Bioactuators", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1700030, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201700030. Cover Article.
- C. Cvetkovic, M. Rich, R. Raman, H. Kong, and R. Bashir, “A 3D Printed Platform for Modular Neuromuscular Motor Units,” Microsystems and Nanoengineering, June 19, 2017. DOI: 10.1038/micronano.2017.15.
- U. Hassan, T. Ghonge, B. Reddy, Jr., M. Patel, M. Rappleye, I. Taneja, A. Tanna, R. Healey, N. Manusry, Z. Price, T. Jensen, J. Berger, A. Hasnain, E. Flaugher, S. Liu, B. Davis, J. Kumar, K, White, and R. Bashir, “A point-of-care microfluidic biochip for quantification of CD64 expression from whole blood for sepsis stratification,” Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 15949 (2017). DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15949.
- J. Shim, S. Banerjee, H. Qiu, K. Smithe, D. Estrada, J. Bello, E. Pop, K. Schulten, and R. Bashir, “Detection of methylation on dsDNA using nanopores in a MoS2 membrane”, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 14836-14845. DOI: 10.1039/C7NR03092D. Cover Article.
- A. Ganguli, A. Ornob, H. Yu, G.L. Damhorst, W. Chen, F. Sun, A. Bhuiya, B.T. Cunningham, R. Bashir, “Hands-free smartphone-based diagnostics for simultaneous detection of Zika, Chinkungunya, and Dengue at point-of-care”, Biomedical Microdevices, 2017, (2017) 19:73. DOI: 10.1007/s10544-017-0209-9.
- I. Taneja, B. Reddy Jr., G. Damhorst, D. Zhao, U. Hassan, Z. Price, T. Jensen, T. Ghonge, M. Patel, S. Waschpress, J. Winter, M. Rappleye, G. Smith, R. Healey, M. Ajmal, M. Khan, J. Patel, H. Rawal, R. Sarwar, S. Soni, S. Anwaruddin, B. Davis, J. Kumar, K. White, R. Bashir, and R. Zhu, “Combining Biomarkers with EMR Data to Identify Patients in Different Phases of Sepsis,” Scientific Reports, 2017. 7: 10800. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-09766-1.
- W. Chen, H. Yu, F. Sun, A. Ornob, R. Brisbin, A. Ganguli, V. Vemuri, P. Strzebonski, G. Cui, K.J. Allen, S.A. Desai, W. Lin, D.M. Nash, D. Hirschberg, I. Brooks, R. Bashir, and B.T. Cunningham, “Mobile Platform for Multiplexed Detection and Differentiation of Disease-Specific Nucleic Acid Sequences, Using Microfluidic Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification and Smartphone Detection,” Analytical Chemistry, 2017. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b02478. (Cover Article)
- R. Raman and R. Bashir, “Biomimicry, Biofabrication, and biohybrid Systems: The Emergence and Evolution of Biological Design”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2017, 1700496. DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201700496.
- T. Ghonge, A. Ganguli, E. Valera, G. Damhorst, J. Berger, G. Pagan Diaz, U. Hassan, M. Saadah, M. Chheda, Z. Haidry, S. Liu, C. Hwu, and R. Bashir, “A Microfluidic Technique to Estimate the Surface Density of Receptors and its Two-Dimensional Binding Affinity to a Ligand”, Applied Physics Letters - Bioengineering, 2017, 1, 016103 (2017). DOI: 10.1063/1.4989380.
- L. Ricotti, B. Trimmer, A. Feinberg, R. Raman, K. Parker, R. Bashir, M. Sitti, S. Marte, P. Dario and A. Menciassi, "Biohybrid actuators for robotics: A review of devices actuated by living cells", Science Robotics, 2, eaaq0495 (2017). DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aaq0495.
- A. Ganguli, A. Ornob, N. Spegazzini, Y. Liu, G. Damhorst,, T. Ghonge, B. Thornton, C. Konopka, W. Dobrucki, S.E. Clare, R. Bhargava, A.M. Smith, F. Kosari, and R. Bashir, “Pixelated special gene expression analysis from tissue”, Nature Communications, 9:202 (2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02623-9.
- L. Lu, Z. Yang, K. Meacham, C. Cvetkovic, E.A Corbin, A. Vazquez-Guardado, M. Xue, L. Yin, J. Boroumand, G. Pakeltis, T. Sang, K. Jun Yu, D. Chanda, R. Bashir, R.W. Gereau, IV, X. Sheng, and J.A. Rogers, “Biodegradable Monocrystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Microcells as Power Supplies for Transient Biomedical Implants”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201703035.
- O.O. Adeniba, E.A. Corbin, R.H. Ewoldt, and R. Bashir, “Optomechanical microrheology of single adherent cancer cells”, APL Bioengineering, 2, 016108 (2018). DOI: 10.1063/1.5010721.
- U. Hassan, E. Valera, and R. Bashir, "Detecting sepsis by observing neutrophil motility", Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2, 197-198(2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41551-018-0223-0.
- U. Hassan, R. Zhu, and R. Bashir, "Multivariate Computational Analysis of Biosensor's Data for Improved CD64 Quantification for Sepsis Diagnosis", Lab on a Chip, 18, 1231-1240 (2018). DOI: 10.1039/C8LC00108A.
- E. Valera, J. Berger, U. Hassan, T. Ghonge, J. Liu, M. Rappleye, J. Winter, D. Abboud, Z. Haidry, R. Healey, N.-T. Hung, N. Leung, N. Mansury, A. Hasnain, C. Lannon, Z. Price, K. White, and R. Bashir, "A Microfluidic Biochip Platform for Electrical Quantification of Proteins", Lab on a Chip, 18, 1461-1470 (2018). DOI: 10.1039/C8LC00033F.
- G.J. Pagan-Diaz, X. Zhang, L. Grant, Y. Kim, O. Aydin, C. Cvetkovic, E. Ko, H. Kong, M.T.A. Saif, M. Gazzola, and R. Bashir, “Simulation and Fabrication of Stronger, Larger, and Faster Walking Biohybrid Machines”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 1801145. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201801145.
- A. Ganguli, Y. Watanabe, M.T. Hwang, J.C. Chang, R. Bashir, “Robust label-free microRNA detection using one million ISFET array”, Biomedical Microdevices, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10544-018-0290-8
- A. Ganguli, G. Pagan-Diaz, L. Grant, C. Cvetkovic, M. Bramlet, J. Vozenilek, T. Kesavadas, and R. Bashir, “3D printing for preoperative planning and surgical training: A review”, Biomedical Microdevices, 2018. 20:65 (2018). DOI: 10.1007/s10544-018-0301-9.
- B. Reddy, Jr., U. Hassan, C. Seymour, D.C. Angus, S. Isbell, K. White, W. Weir, L. Yeh, and R. Bashir, “Point-of-Care Sensors to Transform Sepsis Management”, Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2018. DOI: 10.1038/s41551-018-0288-9.
- R.D. Kamm, R. Bashir, N. Arora, R.D. Dar, L.G. Griffith, M.L. Kemp, K. Kinlaw, M. Levin, A.C. Martin, T.C. McDevitt, R.M. Nerem, M. Powers, T.A. Saif, S. Takayama, S. Takeuchi, R. Weiss, K. Ye, H.G. Yevick, and M. Zaman, “The Promise of Engineered Living Systems”, APL Bioengineering, 2, 040901 (2018). DOI: 10.1063/1.5038337.
- E. Ko, S.J. Yu, G.J. Pagan-Diaz, Z. Mahmassani, M.D. Boppart, S.G. Im, R. Bashir and H. Kong, "Matrix Topography Regulates Synaptic Transmission at the Neuromuscular Junction", Advance Science, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/advs.201801521. (cover)
- S. Chen, S. Kim, W. Chen, J. Yuan, R. Bashir, J. Lou, A. van der Zande, W. King, “Monolayer MoS2 Nanoribbon Transistors Fabricated by Tip-Based Nanolithography”, NanoLetters, 3, 2092-2098, (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b00271.
- M. Sample, M. Boulicault, C. Allen, R. Bashir, I. Hyun, M. Levis, C. Loewenthal, D. Mertz, N. Montserrat, M.J. Palmer, K. Saha, J. Zartman, "Multi-cellular engineered living systems: building a community around responsible research on emergence", Biofabrication, 11, 043001 (2019); DOI:10.1088/1758-5090/ab268c.
- L. Grant, R. Raman, C. Cvetkovic, M. Ferrall-Fairbanks, G. Pagan-Diaz, P. Hadley, E. Ko, M. Platt, R. Bashir. Long-Term Cryopreservation and Revival of Tissue-Engineered Skeletal Muscle. Tissue Engineering Part A: Tissue Engineering. 2019; 25(13/14):1023.-1036. DOI: 10.1089/ten.Tea.2018.0202.
- O. Aydin, X. Zhang, S. Nuethong, G.J. Pagan-Diaz, R. Bashir, M. Gazzola, M.T.A. Saif, “Neuro-muscular actuation of biohybrid motile bots”, PNAS (2019). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1907051116.
- G.J. Pagan-Diaz, K.P. Ramos-Cruz, R. Sam, M.E. Kandel, O. Aydin, M.T.A. Saif, G. Popescu, R. Bashir, “Engineering geometrical 3-dimensional untethered in-vitro neural tissue mimic”, PNAS (2019). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1916138116.
- T. Ghonge, H. C. Koydemir, E. Valera, J. Berger, C. Garcia, N. Nawar, J. Tiao, G. L. Damhorst, A. Ganguli, U. Hassan, A. Ozcan, R. Bashir, “Smartphone-Imaged, Microfluidic Technique for Measuring CD64 expression from Blood”, Analyst, 2019;144, 3925-3935. Published 2019 May 10. DOI: 10.1039/c9an00532c.
- T.J. Kwak, I. Hossen, R. Bashir, W.-J. Chang, C.H. Lee, “Localized Dielectric Loss Heating in Dielectrohoresis Devices”, Sci Rep, 9, 18977 (2019); DOI: 10.1038/s42598-019-55031-y.
- 2020
- O. Aydin, A.P. Passaro, M. Elhebeary, G.J. Pagan-Diaz, A. Fan, S. Nuethong, R. Bashir, S.L. Stice, M.T.A Saif. Development of 3D neuromuscular bioactuators. APL Bioeng. 2020;4(1):016107. Published 2020 Mar 10. DOI:10.1063/1.5134477
- C.D. Kaufman, S. C. Liu, C. Cvetkovic, G. Naseri Kouzehgarani, R. Bashir, M.U. Gillette, “Emergence of Functional Neuromuscular Junctions in an Engineered, Multicellular Spinal Cord-Muscle Bioactuator”, APL Bioeng. 2020;4(2):026104. Published 2020 April 28. DOI: 10.1063/1.5121440. (cover)
- M.T. Hwang, M. Heiranian, Y. Kim, S. You, J. Leem, A. Taqieddin, V. Faramarzi, Y. Jing, I. Park, A.M. van der Zande, S. Nam, N.A. Aluru, R. Bashir, “Ultrasensitive detection of nucleic acids using deformed graphene channel field effect biosensors”. Nat Commun, 2020;11(1543) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15330-9.
- Y. Kim, G. Pagán-Díaz, L. Gapinske, Y. Kim, J. Suh, E. Solomon, J.F. Harris, S. Nam and R. Bashir, “Integration of Graphene Electrodes with 3D Skeletal Muscle Tissue Models”, Advanced Healthcare Materials 2019; 9(4):1901137. DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201901137.
- G.J. Pagan-Diaz, J. Drnevich, K.P. Ramos-Cruz, R. Sam, P. Sungupta, R. Bashir, “Modulating electrophysiology oof motor neural networks via optogenetic stimulation during neurogenesis and synaptogenesis”, Scientific Reports, 12460 (2020); DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68988-y.
- F. Liu, J. Mao, W. Kong, Q. Hua, Y. Feng, R. Bashir, T. Lu, “Interaction Variability Shapes Succession of Synthetic Microbial Ecosystems”, Nature Comm. 11, 309 (2020), DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13986-6.
- I. Srivastava, M.S. Khan, K. Dighe, M. Alafeef, Z. Wang, T. Banerjee, T. Ghonge, L.M. Grove, R. Bashir and D. Pan, “On-Chip Electrical Monitoring of Real-Time “Soft” and “Hard” Protein Corona Formation on Carbon Nanoparticles”, Small Methods, 4, 2000099 (2020); DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202000099.
- F. Sun, A. Ganguli, J. Nguyen, R. Brisbin, K. Shanmugam, D.L. Hirschberg, M.B. Wheeler, R. Bashir, D.M. Nash, and B.T. Cunningham, “Smartphone-Based Multiplex 30-minute Nucleic Acid Test of Live Vvirus from Nasal Swab Extract”, Lab Chip 20, 1621 (2020), DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00304B.
- J. Berger, E. Valera,, A. Jankelow, C. Garcia, M. Akhand, J. Heredia, T. Ghonge, C. Liu, V. Font-Bartumeus, G. Oshana, J. Tiao, and R. Bashir, “Simultaneous electrical detection of IL-6 and PCT using a microfluidic biochip platform”, Biomedical Microdevices 22, 36 (2020); DOI: 10.1007/s10544-020-00492-6.
- A. Ganguli, A. Mostafa, J. Berger, M. Aydin, F. Sun, E. Valera, B.T. Cunningham, W.P. King, and R. Bashir, “Rapid Isothermal Amplification and Portable Detection System for SARS-CoV-2”, bioRxiv; DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.21.108381.
- A. Ganguli, V. Faramarzi, A. Mostafa, M.T. Hwang, S. You, and R. Bashir, “High Sensitivity Graphene Field Effect Transistor-Based Detection of DNA Amplification”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 2001031 (2020); DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202001031.
- T.W. Cowell, E. Valera, A. Jankelow, J. Park, A.W. Schrader, R. Ding, J. Berger, R. Bashir, H.-S. Han, “Rapid, multiplexed detection of biomolecules using electrically distinct hydrogel beads” Lab on a Chip, 2020, 20, 2274-2283. Published 2020 May 28. DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00243G. (cover)
- P. Snapp, M. Heiranian, M.T. Hwang, R. Bashir, N.R. Aluru, and S.W. Nam, “Current understanding and emerging spplications of 3D crumpling mediated 2D material-liquid interactions”, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 24, 100836 (2020); DOI: 10.1016/j.cossms.2020.100836.
- O.O. Adeniba, E.A. Corbin, A. Ganguli, Y. Kim, and R. Bashir, “Simultaneous time-varying viscosity elasticity, and mass measurements of single adherent cancer cells across cell cycle”, Sci. Rep. 10, 12803 (2020); DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-69638-z.
- I. Park, J.W. Lim, S.H. Kim, S. Choi, K.H. Ko, M.G. Son, W.-J. Chang, Y.R. Yoon, S. Yang, J. Key, Y.S. Kim, K. Eom, R. Bashir, S.Y. Lee and S.W. Lee, “Variable Membrane Dielectric Polarization Characteristic in Individual Live Cells”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 7197 (2020); DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c01427.
- A. Ganguli, A. Mostafa, J. Berger, M.Y. Aydin, F. Sun, S.A.S. de Ramirez, E. Valera, B.T. Cunningham, W.P. King, and R. Bashir, “Rapid isothermal amplification and portable detection system for SARS-CoV-2”, PNAS, 117, 22727 (2020); DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2014739117.
- W.C. Ballance, V. Karthikeyan, I. Oh, E.C. Qin, Y. Seo, T. Spearman-White, R. Bashir, Y. Hu, H. Phillips, and H. Kong, “Preoperative vascular surgery model using a single polymer tough hydrogel with controllable elastic moduli”, Soft Matter 16, 8057 (2020); DOI: 10.1039/d0sm00981d.
- W.P. King, J. Amos, M. Azer, D. Baker, R. Bashir, C. Best, E. Bethke, S.A. Boppart, E. Bralts, R.M. Corey, R. Diekus, G. Durack, S. Elbel, G. Elliott, J. Fava, N. Goldenfeld, M.H. Goldstein, C. Hayes, N. Herndon, S. Jamison, B. Johnson, H. Johnson, M. Johnson, J. Kolaczynsk, T. Lee, S. Maslov, D. J. McGregor, D. Milner, R. Moller, J. Mosley, . Musser, M. Newberger, D. Null,
- L. O’Bryan, M. Oelze, J. O’Leary, A. Pagano, M. Philpott, B. Pianfetti, A. Pille, L. Pizzuto, B. Ricconi, M. Rubessa, S. Ryloweicz, C. Shipley, A.C. Singer, B.Stewart, R. Switzky, S. Tawfick, M. Wheeler, K. White, E.M. Widloski, E. Wood, C. Wood, A.R. Woolbridge, “Emergency ventilator for COVID-19”. Plos One, 15, e0244963 (2020); DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244963.
- J. Wang, X. Zhang, J. Park, I. Park, E. Kilicarslan, Y. Kim, Z. Dou, R. Bashir, M. Gazzola, “Computationally-Assisted Design and Selection of Maneuverable Biological Walking Mathines”, Adv. Intell. Syst. 3, 2000237 (2021); DOI: 10. 1002/aisy.202000237.
- S. Chen, J. Son, S. Huang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, R. Bashir, A.M. van der Zande, W.P. King, “Tip-Based Cleaning and smoothing Improves Performance in Monolayer MoS2 Devices”, ACS Omega, 6, 4013 (2021); DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c05934.
- E.A. Solomon, A.M. Rooney, A.M. Rodriguez, S. Micheva-Viteya, R. Bashir, R. Iyer, J.F. Harris, “Neuromuscular Junction Model Optimized for Electrical Platforms”, Tissue Eng C, 27, 242 (2021); DOE 10.1089/ten.TEC.2020.0292.
- I. Taneja, G.L. Damhorst, C. Lopex-Espina, S.D. Zhao, R. Zhu, S. Khan, K. White, J. Kumar, A. Vincent, L. Yeh, S. Majdizadeh, W. Weir, S. Isbell, J. Skinner, M. Devanand, S. Azharuddin, R. Meenakshisunderaram, R. Upadhyay, A. Syed, T. Bauman, J. Devito, C. Heinzmann, G. Podolei, L. Shen, S.S. Timilsina, L. Quinlan, S. Manafirasi, E. Valera, B. Reddy, R. Bashir, “Diagnostic and Prognostic Capabilities of a Biomarker and EMR-based Machine Learning Algorithm for Sepsis”, Clin. Transl. Sci., 14, 1578 (2021); DOI: 10.111/cts.13030.
- A. Ganguli, A. Mostafa, C. Saavedra, Y. Kim, P. Le, V. Faramarzi, R.W. Feathers, J. Berger, K.P. Ramos-Cruz, O. Adeniba, G.J. Pagan-Diaz, J. Drnevich, C.L. Wrigght, A.G. Hernandez, W. Lin, A.M. Smith, F. Kosari, G. Vasmatzis, P.Z. Anastasiadis, R. Bashir, “Three-dimensional microscale hanging drop arrays with geometric control for drug screening and live tissue imaging”, Sci. Adv. 7, eabc 1323 (2021), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc1323.
- H. Zhao, Y. Kim, H. Wang, X. Ning, C. Xu, J. Suh, M. Han, G.J. Pagan-Diaz, W. Lu, H. Li, W. Bai, O. Aydin, Y. Park, J. Wang, Y. Yao, Y He, M.T.A. Saif, Y. Huang, R. Bashir, J.A. Rogers, “Compliant 3D frameworks instrumented with strain sensors for characterization of millimeter-scale engineered muscle tissues”, PNAS, 118, e2100077118, (2021); DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2100077118.
- E. Valera, A. Jankelow, J. Lim, V. Kindratenko, A. Ganguli, K. White, J. Kumar, R. Bashir, “COVID-19 Point-of-Care Diagnostics: Present and Future”, ACS Nano, 15, 7899-7906, (2021); DOI: 10.1021/acsnano1c02981.
- A. Ganguli, A. Mostafa, J. Berger, J. Lim, E. Araud, J. Baek, S. A. Stewart de Ramirez, A. Baltaji, K. Roth, M. Aamir, S. Aedma, M. Mady, P. Mahajan, S. Sathe, M. Johnson, K. White, J. Kumar, E. Valera, R. Bashir, "Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay for Ultrasensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Saliva and Viral Transport Medium Clinical Samples", Anal. Chem., 93, 7797, (2021); DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.0c05170.
- J. Berger, M. Y. Aydin, R. Stavins, J. Heredia, A. Mostafa, A. Ganguli, E. Valera, R. Bashir, W. P. King, "Portable Pathogen Diagnostics Using Microfluidics Cartridges Made from Continuous Liquid Interface Production Additive Manufacturing", Anal. Chem., 93, 10048 (2021); DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.1c00654.
- S. E. Bell, I. Park, S. S. Rubakhin, R. Bashir, Y. Vlasov, J. V. Sweedler, "Droplet Microfluidics with MALDI-MS Detection: The Effects of Oil Phases in GABA Analysis", ACS Meas. Sci., Online Published, (2021); doi:10.1021/acsmeasuresciau.1c00017.
- M. T. Hwang, I. Park, M. Heiranian, A. Taqieddin, S. You, V. Faramarzi, A. A. Pak, A. M. van der Zande, N. R. Aluru, R. Bashir, "Ultrasensitive Detection of Dopamine, IL-6 and SARS CoV-2 Proteins on Crumpled FET Biosensor", Adv. Mater. Tech., Online Published, (2021); DOI:10.1002/admt.202100712.
- N. Goswami, Y. R. He, Y. -H. Deng, C. Oh, N. Sobh, E. Valera, R. Bashir, N. Ismail, H. Kong, T. H. Nguyen, C. Best-Popescu, G. Popescu, "Label-free SARS-CoV-2 Detection and Classification Using Phase Imaging with Computational Specificity", Light Sci. Appl. 10, 176 (2021); DOI:10.1038/s41377-021-00620-8.
- A. Mostafa, A. Ganguli, J. Berger, A. Rayabharam, C. Saavedra, N. R. Aluru, R. Bashir, "Culture-free Biphasic Approach for Sensitive Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from Beef Samples", Biotechnol. Bioeng. 118, 4516 (2021); DOI:10.1002/bit.27920.
- I. Park, J. Lim, S. You, M.T. Hwang, J. Kwon, K. Korprowsk, S. Kim, J. Heredia, S. A. S. de Ramirez, E. Valera, R. Bashir, "Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Amplification Using a Crumpled Graphene Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor", ACS Sens. Online Published (2021); DOI:10.1021/acssensors.1c01937.
- N. Li, B. Zhao, R. Stavins, A. S. Peinetti, N. Chauhan, R. Bashir, B. T. Cunningham, W. P. King, Y. Lu, X. Wang, E. Valera, "Overcoming the Limitations of COVID-19 Diagnostics with Nanostructures, Nucleic Acid Engineering, and Additive Manufacturing", Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 26, 100966 (2022); doi:10.1016/j.cossms.2021.100966.
- J. Lim, R. Stavins, V. Kindratenko, J. Baek, L. Wang, K. White, J. Kumar, E. Valera, W.P. King, R. Bashir, “Microfluidic Point-of-Care Device for Detection of Early Strains and B.1.1.7 Variant of SARS-CoV-2 Virus”, Lab Chip, 22, 1297-1309 (2021; doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.1c01937.
- Y. Zhang, S. Kim, W. Shi, Y. Zhao, I Park, C. Brenden, H. Iyer, P. Jha, R. Bashir, J.V. Sweedler, Y. Vlasov, “Droplet-Assisted Electrospray Phase Separation Using an Integrated Silicon Microfluidic Platform”, Lab Chip, 22, 40-46 (2022); doi: 10.1039/d1Lc00758k.
- O. Aydin, A.P. Passaro, R. Raman, S.E. Spellicy, R.P. Weinberg, R.D. Kamm, M. Sample, G.A. Truskey, J. Zartman, R.D. Dar, S. Palacios, J. Wang, J. Tordoff, N. Montserrat, R. Bashir, M.T.A. Saif, R. Weiss, “Principles for the Design of Multicellular Engineered Living Systems”, APL Bioeng. 6, 010903 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0076635.
- C.M. Moawad, H. Arzi, A. Naik, R. Bashir, P.M. Arnold, “Short-Segment Pedicle Fixation of Traumatic Low Lumber Fractures (L3-L5): Report of 36 cases”, Clin Spine Surg, Online published (2022); doi: 10.1097/BSD.0000000000001324.
- K.I. Yeo, I. Park, S.H. Lee, S.Y. Lee, W.-J. Chang, R. Bashir, S. Choi, S.W. Lee, “Ultra-sensitive Dielectrophoretic Surface Charge Multiplex Detection Inside a Micro-dielectrophoretic Device”, Biosens. Bioelectron. 210, 114235 (2022); doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2022.114235.
- K.M. Sullivan, E. Ko, E.M. Kim, W.C. Balance, J.D. Ito, M. Chalifoux, Y.J. Kim, R. Bashir, H. Kong, “Extracellular Microenvironmental Control for Organoid Assembly”, Tissue Eng. Part B Rev. Online Published (2022); doi: 10.1089/ten.TEB.2021.0186.
- D. R. E. Ranoa, R. L. Holland, F. G. Alnaji, K. J. Green, L. Wang, R. L. Fredrickson, T. Wang, G. N. Wong, J. Uelmen, S. Maslov, Z. J. Weiner, A. V. Tkachenko, H. Zhang, Z. Liu, A. Ibrahim, S. J. Patel, J. M. Paul, N. P. Vance, J. G. Gulick, S. P. Satheesan, I. J. Galvan, A. Miller, J. Grohens, T. J. Nelson, M. P. Stevens, P. M. Hennessy, R. C. Parker Jr, E. Santos, C. Brackett, J. D. Steinman, M. R. Fenner Jr, K. Dohrer, M. DeLorenzo, L. Wilhelm-Barr, B. R. Brauer, C. Best-Popescu, G. Durack, N. Wetter, D. M. Kranz, J. Breitbarth, C. Simpson, J. A. Pryde, R. N. Kaler, C. Harris, A. C. Vance, J. L. Silotto, M. Johnson, E. A. Valera, P. K. Anton, L. Mwilambwe, S. P. Bryan, D. S. Stone, D. B. Young, W. E. Ward, J. Lantz, J. A. Vozenilek, R. Bashir, J. S. Moore, M. Garg, J. C. Cooper, G. Snyder, M. H. Lore, D. L. Yocum, N. J. Cohen, J. E. Novakofsk, M. J. Loots, R. L. Ballard, M. Band, K. M. Banks, J. D. Barnes, I. Bentea, J. Black, J. Busch, A. Conte, M. Conte, M. Curry, J. Eardley, A. Edwards, T. Eggett, J. Fleurimont, D. Foster, B. W. Fouke, N. Gallagher, N. Gastala, S. A. Genung, D. Glueck, B. Gray, A. Greta, R. M. Healy, A. Hetrick, A. A. Holterman, N. Ismail, I. Jasenof, P. Kelly, A. Kielbasa, T. Kiesel, L. M. Kindle, R. L. Lipking, Y. C. Manabe, J. Mayes, R. McGuffin, K. G. McHenry, A. Mirza, J. Moseley, H. H. Mostafa, M. Mumford, K. Munoz, A. D. Murray, M. Nolan, N. A. Parikh, A. Pekosz, J. Pflugmacher, J. M. Phillips, C. Pitts, M. C. Potter, J. Quisenberry, J. Rear, M. L. Robinson, E. Rosillo, L. N. Rye, M.E. Sherwood, A. Simon, J. M. Singson, C. Skadden, T. H. Skelton, C. Smith, M. Stech, R. Thomas, M. A. Tomaszewski, E. A. Tybursky, S. Vanwingerden, E. Vlach, R. S. Watkins, K. Watson, K. C. White, T. L. Kileen, R. J. Jones, A. C. Cangellaris, S. A. Martinis, A. Vaid, C. B. Brooke, J. T. Walsh, A. Elbanna, W. C. Sullivan, R. L. Smith, N. Goldenfeld, T. M. Fan, P. Hergenrother, M. D. Bruke, "Mitigation of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission at a Large Public University", Nat. Comm. 13, 3207 (2022); doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30833-3. 293. A.M. Jankelow, H. Lee, W. Wang, T.-H. Hoang, A. Bacon, F. Sun, S. Chae, V. Kindratenko, K. Koproski, R.A. Stavins, D.D. Ceriani, Z.W. Engelder, W.P. King, M.N. Do, R. Bashir, E. Valera, B.T. Cunningham, "Smartphone clip-on instrument and microfluidic processor for rapid sample-to-answer detection of Zika virus in whole blood using spatial RT-LAMP", Analyst, Online published (2022); doi: 10.1039/d2an00438k.
- J. Grohens, T. J. Nelson, M. P. Stevens, P. M. Hennessy, R. C. Parker Jr, E. Santos, C. Brackett, J. D. Steinman, M. R. Fenner Jr, K. Dohrer, M. DeLorenzo, L. Wilhelm-Barr, B. R. Brauer, C. Best-Popescu, G. Durack, N. Wetter, D. M. Kranz, J. Breitbarth, C. Simpson, J. A. Pryde, R. N. Kaler, C. Harris, A. C. Vance, J. L. Silotto, M. Johnson, E. A. Valera, P. K. Anton, L. Mwilambwe, S. P. Bryan, D. S. Stone, D. B. Young, W. E. Ward, J. Lantz, J. A. Vozenilek, R. Bashir, J. S. Moore, M. Garg, J. C. Cooper, G. Snyder, M. H. Lore, D. L. Yocum, N. J. Cohen, J. E. Novakofsk, M. J. Loots, R. L. Ballard, M. Band, K. M. Banks, J. D. Barnes, I. Bentea, J. Black, J. Busch, A. Conte, M. Conte, M. Curry, J. Eardley, A. Edwards, T. Eggett, J. Fleurimont, D. Foster, B. W. Fouke, N. Gallagher, N. Gastala, S. A. Genung, D. Glueck, B. Gray, A. Greta, R. M. Healy, A. Hetrick, A. A. Holterman, N. Ismail, I. Jasenof, P. Kelly, A. Kielbasa, T. Kiesel, L. M. Kindle, R. L. Lipking, Y. C. Manabe, J. Mayes, R. McGuffin, K. G. McHenry, A. Mirza, J. Moseley, H. H. Mostafa, M. Mumford, K. Munoz, A. D. Murray, M. Nolan, N. A. Parikh, A. Pekosz, J. Pflugmacher, J. M. Phillips, C. Pitts, M. C. Potter, J. Quisenberry, J. Rear, M. L. Robinson, E. Rosillo, L. N. Rye, M.E. Sherwood, A. Simon, J. M. Singson, C. Skadden, T. H. Skelton, C. Smith, M. Stech, R. Thomas, M. A. Tomaszewski, E. A. Tybursky, S. Vanwingerden, E. Vlach, R. S. Watkins, K. Watson, K. C. White, T. L. Kileen, R. J. Jones, A. C. Cangellaris, S. A. Martinis, A. Vaid, C. B. Brooke, J. T. Walsh, A. Elbanna, W. C. Sullivan, R. L. Smith, N. Goldenfeld, T. M. Fan, P. Hergenrother, M. D. Bruke, "Mitigation of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission at a Large Public University", Nat. Comm. 13, 3207 (2022); doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30833-3. 293.
- Jongwon Lim, Shuaizhen Zhou, Janice Baek, Alicia Yeaeun Kim, Enrique Valera, Jonathan Sweedler, Rashid Bashir, "A Blood Drying Process for DNA Amplification", Small (2023)
- S. Chen, R. Bashir, "Advances in field-effect biosensors towards point-of-use", Nanotechnology, 34 (49), 492002, (2023); doi:10.1088/1361-6528/acf3f0
- Michael Gapinske, Jackson Winter, Devyani Swami, Lauren Gapinske, Wendy S Woods, Shraddha Shirguppe, Angelo Miskalis, Anna Busza, Dana Joulani, Collin J Kao, Kurt Kostan, Anne Bigot, Rashid Bashir, Pablo Perez-Pinera, "Targeting Duchenne muscular dystrophy by skipping DMD exon 45 with base editors", Molecular Therap7y-Nucleic Acids, 33, 572-586 (2023); doi:10.1016/j.omtn.2023.07.029
- Lauren Gapinske, Lindsay Clark, Lourdes Marinna Caro-Rivera, Rashid Bashir, "Cryopreservation Alters Tissue Structure and Improves Differentiation of Engineered Skeletal Muscle", Tissue Engineering (2023); doi:10.1089/ten.tea.2023.0075
- Enrique Valera, Victoria Kindratenko, Aaron M Jankelow, John Heredia, Alicia Y Kim, Thomas W Cowell, Chih-Lin Chen, Karen White, Hee-Sun Han, Rashid Bashir, "Electrochemical point-of-care devices for the diagnosis of sepsis", 101300, (2023); doi:doi.org/10.1016/j.coelec.2023.101300
- Roxana M Calderón-Olvera, Encarnación Arroyo, Aaron M Jankelow, Rashid Bashir, Enrique Valera, Manuel Ocaña, Ana Isabel Becerro, "Persistent Luminescence Zn2GeO4:Mn2+ Nanoparticles Functionalized with Polyacrylic Acid: One-Pot Synthesis and Biosensing Applications", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (17), 20613-20624 (2023); doi:doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c21735
- Yongdeok Kim, Yiyuan Yang, Xiaotian Zhang, Zhengwei Li, Abraham Vázquez-Guardado, Insu Park, Jiaojiao Wang, Andrew I Efimov, Zhi Dou, Yue Wang, Junehu Park, Haiwen Luan, Xinchen Ni, Yun Seong Kim, Janice Baek, Joshua Jaehyung Park, Zhaoqian Xie, Hangbo Zhao, Mattia Gazzola, John A Rogers, Rashid Bashir, "Remote control of muscle-driven miniature robots with battery-free wireless optoelectronics", Science Robotics, 8 (74) eadd1053 (2023); doi:10.1126/scirobotics.add1053
- Insu Park, Sungho Kim, Christopher Brenden, Weihua Shi, Hrishikesh Iyer, Rashid Bashir, Yurii Vlasov, "Highly localized chemical sampling at sub-second temporal resolution enabled with a silicon nanodialysis platform at exceedingly slow flows." bioRxiv, 2023.09. 08.556607(2023); doi:10.1101/2023.09.08.556607
- Jae‐Sung You, Yongdeok Kim, Soohyun Lee, Rashid Bashir, Jie Chen, "RhoA/ROCK signalling activated by ARHGEF3 promotes muscle weakness via autophagy in dystrophic mdx mice", Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle (2023); doi:10.1002/jcsm.13278
- Gelson Josue Pagan Diaz, Evin A Kilacarslan, Matthew Wester, Saeedur Rahman, Onur Aydin, Lauren Gapinske, Yongdeok Kim, Daniel Buoros, M Taher A Saif, Rashid Bashir, "Engineering 3D neuronal networks with directional endogenous neuronal plasticity pathways", vioRxiv, 2023.05. 17.540876 (2023); doi: 10.1101/2023.05.17.540876
- Weihua Shi, Sara Bell, Hrishikesh Iyer, Christopher Kenji Brenden, Yan Zhang, Sungho Kim, Insu Park, Rashid Bashir, Jonathan Sweedler, Yurii Vlasov, "Integrated silicon microfluidic chip for picoliter-scale analyte segmentation and microscale printing for mass spectrometry imaging", Lab on a Chip, 23 (1), 72-78 (2023); doi: 10.1039/D2LC00688J
- Rafael Mestre, Judith Fuentes, Laura Lefaix, Jiaojiao Wang, Maria Guix, Gonzalo Murillo, Rashid Bashir, Samuel Sánchez, "Improved Performance of Biohybrid Muscle‐Based Bio‐Bots Doped with Piezoelectric Boron Nitride Nanotubes", Advanced Materials TEchnologies, 8 (2), 2200505 (2023); doi:10.1002/admt.202200505
Teaching Honors
- "Education and Mentorship Award", 2003 BioMEMS and biomedical Nanotechnology World Congress Meeting, Columbus, OH.
- Joel and Spira "Outstanding Teacher Award" from School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, 2000.
Research Honors
- National Academy of Medicine, 2023
- Professional Impact Award for Education from the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), 2021.
- Fellow of National Academy of Inventors, 2019.
- Pritzker Distinguished Lecture Award from Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, 2018.
- Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018.
- UIUC Campus Award for Excellence in Faculty Leadership, 2017.
- Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016–present.
- Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), 2015.
- Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2012.
- Fellow of American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), 2010.
- Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2009
- Invited to attend and present at the NSF US-EU symposium on BioNanotechnology, Ispra, Italy, May 2008
- Invited to Attend the Japan-US National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers of Engineering Meeting, Nov 5-7th, 2007, Palo Alto, CA.
- 2006 College of Agricultural Team Research Award: Biosensors for Food Safety, Purdue University.
- Purdue University Faculty Scholar, 2005 - 2010.
- Small Times Magazine one of five Finalist of "Innovator of the Year" Award, 2005.
- "Global Indus Technovator" Award 2003, in Materials and Devices, by the MIT Sloan Business School and the Indian Business Club (http://technovators.mit.edu/). Top 20 technologist South Asian Background in 2003.
- Member of the United States delegation to Japan for the 2nd Japan-US (NSF/MEXT) Joint Symposium on Nanotechnology in Advanced Therapy and Diagnostics at Yokohama, Japan on October 9-12th, 2003.
- Student Poster Award at 2003 BioMEMS and biomedical Nanotechnology World Congress Meeting, Columbus, OH. (graduate student Rafael Gomez)
- NSF Faculty Early Career Award 2000-2004.
- Student Poster Award at 2002 BioMEMS and biomedical Nanotechnology World Congress Meeting, Columbus, OH. (graduate student Haibo Li)
- Technology Translation Award, 2001, BioMEMS and biomedical Nanotechnology World Congress Meeting, Columbus, OH.
- Invited to attend DARPA Workshop on Nanotechnology for Biodetection/Bioassay and Delivery of Therapeutics to Individual Cells, December 12th - 13th , 2000, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Patent achievement Awards from National Semiconductor Corp. 1993-1998