Sasa Misailovic
For More Information
Research Areas
- Architecture, Compilers, and Parallel Computing
- Compilers
- Programming languages
- Programming Languages / Formal Methods / Software Engineering
- Security and Privacy
Recent Courses Taught
- CS 421 - Progrmg Languages & Compilers
- CS 426 - Compiler Construction
- CS 477 (ECE 478) - Formal Software Devel Methods
- CS 491 CSP (CS 491 MCS) - Seminar in Prog Sys & Safe AI
- CS 521 - Adv Topics in Pgm Systems
- CS 521 - ML & Compilers
- CS 526 - Advanced Compiler Construction
- CS 591 ACT - Advanced Compiler Technology
- CS 591 SE - Advanced Seminar
- CS 591 SE - Software Engineering Seminar
- CS 598 SM - Approx & Probabilistic Comp