Molly Hathaway Goldstein
- Teaching Assistant Professor, Product Design Lab Director
For More Information
- Ph.D., Engineering Education, Purdue University, 2018
- M.S., Systems & Entrepreneurial Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2006
- B.S., General Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2004
Dr. Molly H. Goldstein is a Teaching Assistant Professor and Product Design Lab Director in Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering at the Grainger College at the University of Illinois. Dr. Goldstein earned her Ph.D. in Engineering Education at Purdue University in 2018. During this time, she was awarded the College of Engineering Outstanding Research Award and was a Bilsland Fellow. Dr. Goldstein’s research focuses on student designer trade-off decisions through the study of their design actions and thinking. Her studies often involve educational and professional contexts with cross-disciplinary collaborations. She has a B.S. in General Engineering (Systems Engineering & Design) and M.S. in Systems and Entrepreneurial Engineering, both from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Prior to pursuing her Ph.D., she worked as an environmental engineer specializing in air quality, influencing her focus in engineering design with environmental concerns.
Academic Positions
- Affiliate (0%), Siebel Center for Design (2023-Present)
- Courtesy (0%) appointment, School of Art & Design (2023-Present)
- Courtesy (0%) appointment, Mechanical Science and Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, (2021-Present)
- Courtesy (0%) appointment, Curriculum & Instruction, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, (2021-Present)
- Teaching Assistant Professor, Product Design Lab Director, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, (August 2019-Present)
- Senior Lecturer, Product Design Lab Director, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, (August 2018-August 2019)
Other Professional Employment
- Senior Environmental Engineer, Trinity Consultants, Lenexa, Kansas, 2009-2013
- Associate Consultant, Hay Group, Kansas City, Missouri, 2007-2009
- Summer R&D Intern, Medela, Inc., McHenry, Illinois, Summer 2003
Research Interests
- Design & Engineering Education
- Trade-offs & Design Decision-making
- Creating “systems” bridges between education research and the practice of engineering education
- Engineering identity development
Research Areas
Books Authored or Co-Authored (Revisions)
- Leake, J. Goldstein, M. H., & Borgerson, J. Engineering design graphics: sketching, modeling, and visualization. J Wiley & Sons. Third Edition. (2022).
Chapters in Books
- Mercier, E., Goldstein, M. H., Baligar, P., Rajarathinam, R. (2023). Collaborative Learning in Engineering Education. In A. Johri (Ed.), International Handbook of Engineering Education Research (IHEER), Routledge.
- Adams, R. S., Aleong, R., Goldstein, M. H., Solis, F. (2017). Problem Structuring as Co-Inquiry. In: Christensen, B. T., Ball, L. J. & Halskov, K. (eds.) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. Leiden: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.
- Adams, R.S., Goldstein, M.H., Purzer, Ş., Chao, J., Xie, C., Nourian, S. (2017). Traversing the barriers to using big data in understanding how high school students design. In J.S. Gero (Ed.), Design computing and cognition 16 (pp. 1-19) Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Selected Articles in Journals
- Schimpf, C., Fila, N., Hess, J., Sanders, E., Godwin, A., Dodson, K., Goldstein, M., Sleezer, R. (In Press) A Collaborative Inquiry into Tensions between Empathy and Engineering Design. International Journal of Engineering Education.
- Woodard, B., Goldstein, M. H., Ziang, X., Li, T. (In Press). An Online Approach to Spatial Visualization Assessment and Training. The Engineering Design Graphics Journal.
- Schimpf, C., Castellani, R., Goldstein, M. H. (2024). Uncovering Pre-college Students Reflection Strategies for Solving Complex Engineering Design Problems. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 10.1007/s10798-024-09930-5
- Barnaby-Brown, A. & Goldstein, M. H. Clay, J., Demirel, H. O., Li, Xi., Sha, Z. (2024). A study on generative design reasoning and students’ divergent and convergent thinking. Journal of Mechanical Design, 146(3): 031405.
- Demirel, H. O., Goldstein, M. H., Li, X., & Sha, Z. (2024). Human-Centered Generative Design Framework: An Early Design Framework to Support Concept Creation and Evaluation. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 40(4), 933–944.
- Tucker, T., Goldstein, M. H., Mercier, E. (2023). Understanding the impact of task products on groups’ collaborative interaction during a dissection task. Studies in Engineering Education, 4(2), 1–21.
- Sanders, E. Goldstein, M. H., Hess, J. (2023). Instructional characteristics that promote and inhibit more comprehensive ways of experiencing human-centered design. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.
- Hale-Lopez, Goldstein, M. H., Wooldridge, A. R. (2023). Sociotechnical System Design to Support Disaster Intervention Development Teams. Applied Eronomics, 108.
- Schimpf, C., Goldstein, M. H. (2022). Large Data for Design Research (LaDDR): An educational technology framework for studying design activity using a big data approach. Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology. 2:971410. doi: 10.3389/fmtec.2022.971410
- Goldstein, M. H., Froiland, J. M., Xiao, Z., Woodard, B. Li, T., Philpott, M. (2021). Online Visual-Spatial Training Increases Visual-Spatial Ability and Growth Mindset. International Journal of Engineering Education, 37(6), pp. 1674-1682.
- Goldstein, M. H., Adams, R. S. & Purzer, Ş., (2021) .Understanding informed design through trade-off decisions with an empirically-based protocol for students and design educators. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 11(2), pp. 1-17.
- King WP, Amos J, Azer M, Baker D, Bashir R, Best C, Goldstein, M. H., et al. (2020). Emergency ventilator for COVID-19. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244963. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0244963
- Aleong, R. Goldstein, M. H., (2020). Balancing curriculum design trade-offs for larger learning goals: An empirical study. International Journal of Engineering Education, 36(2), pp. 556-567.
- Adams, R. S., Aleong, R., Goldstein, M. H., Solis, F. (2018). Rendering a problem frame as an unfolding co-inquiry process. Design Studies, 57, pp. 37-74.
- Goldstein, M. H., Purzer, Ş., Adams, R. S., Chao, J. & Xie, C. (2018). The relationship between design reflectivity and conceptions of informed design among high school students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 44(1-2), pp. 123-136.
- Goldstein, M. H., Omar, S., Purzer, Ş., Adams, R. S., (2018). Comparing Two Approaches to Engineering Design in the 7th Grade Science Classroom. International Journal of Engineering, Mathematics, Science, and Technology, 6(4).
- Goldstein, M. H., Adams, R. S. Purzer, Ş., (2018). Investigating middle-school students’ conceptions of trade-off conceptions in design. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34(2B). pp. 609–618.
- Goldstein, M. H., Loy, B., Purzer, Ş. (2017). Building energy-efficient homes with Energy3D: Learning engineering design. NSTA Science Scope (September 2017 Special Issue: STEM Integration)
- Chao, J., Xie, C., Nourian, S., Chen, G., Bailey, S., Goldstein, M. H., Purzer, Ş., Adams, R. S., Tutwiler, M.S. (2017). Bridging the Design Science Gap with Tools: Science Learning and Design Behaviors in a Simulated Environment for Engineering Design. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 54(8), pp. 1049-1096.
- Vieria C., Goldstein, M. H., Purzer, Ş., Magana, A. (2016). Using learning analytics to characterize student experimentation strategies in engineering design. Journal of Learning Analytics, 3(3), pp. 291-317.
- Vieria C., Goldstein, M. H., Aguas, R., Purzer, Ş., Magana, A. (2016). Assessing the Impact of an Engineering Design Workshop on the Design Competencies of Colombian Engineering Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Engineering Education. 32,(5A), pp. 1972–1983.
- Purzer, S., Goldstein, M. H., Adams, R. S., Xie, C. Nourian, S. (2015). An exploratory study of informed engineering design behaviors associated with scientific explanations. International Journal of STEM Education, 2(9), 1-12.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Goldstein, M. H. & Hall, A. Traditional vs. generative design: Student artifacts and decisions. 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. October 2024. Abstract and Paper Presentation.
- Hall, A. & Goldstein, M. H. (2024). Generative vs. Traditional Computer-Aided Design: How design tools impact CAD artifact quality and designer behavior. Proceedings from the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., October 2024.
- Elisa Koolman, John Z. Clay, Xingang Li, Rundong Jiang, Molly H. Goldstein, Charles Xie, H. Onan Demirel and Zhenghui Sha. (2024). A multi-case study of traditional, parametric, and generative design thinking of engineering students. Design Computing and Cognition Conference, July 2024, Montreal.
- Mercier, E., Katz, J., Goldstein, M. H. (2024). Reflecting on Prior Collaborations to Prepare for Group Work. International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting, June 2024, Buffalo, New York.
- Katz, J., Dougherty, H., Goldstein, M. H., Ignacio, EJ, Woodard, B. (2024) Focus group analysis of engineering Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL+) compared to short-term study abroad programs. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2024, Portland, Oregon.
- Zhang, S., Goldstein, M. H., Azizi, M., Malvandi, A. (2024). Creating human-centered building design curriculum: Understanding Health Impacts of Active, Collaborative Learning - An Analysis Using CFD and GD-BIM in an Existing Classroom with Discussion Tables. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2024, Portland, Oregon.
- Davidson, P., Johnson, T., Goldstein, M. (2024). Evaluating project management skill development in engineering and agricultural curricula. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2024, Portland, Oregon.
- Clay, J. Z., Li, X., Rahman, M., Zabelina, D. L., Goldstein, M. H., Xie, C., Sha, Z. (2023). Thinking Inversely in Engineering Design: Towards an Operational Definition of Generative Design Thinking. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2023, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Blumthal, M., Woodard, B., Goldstein, M. H., Ignacio, EJ., Forman, G., Rodriguez, L. F., Dougherty, H., Ownes, D., Stubbins, J. (2023). Focus Study of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Engineering Projects. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2023, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Clay, J. Z., Li, X., Rahman, M., Zabelina, D. L., Goldstein, M. H., Xie, C., Sha, Z. (Under review). Generative Design Thinking: Discerning the Concepts With an Evolving Thinking Model. ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2023)
- Schimpf, C. Goldstein, M. H. et al (2023). A Collaborative Inquiry into Tensions between Empathy and Engineering Design. Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Workshop XIII., Claremont, CA, June 2023
- Blumthal, M., Woodard, B., Goldstein, M. H., Ignacio, EJ., Forman, G., Rodriguez, L. F., Dougherty, H., Ownes, D., Stubbins, J. Developing collaborative online international (COIL) projects in engineering education. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2022, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Madiol, M. J., Goldstein, M. H., Wooldridge, A. R, Hale-Lopez, K. Modeling in a university-industry collaboration: Deep and surface approaches. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2022, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Rayford, T., Ruedas-Gracia, N., Goldstein, M. H., Schimpf, C. T., Hebert, L., Escamilla, L., Zavala, J. Educational enrichment: The benefits of near-peer mentoring for undergraduate engineering students. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2022, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Li, X., Demirel, H. O., Goldstein, M. H., Sha, Z. (2021). Exploring Generative Design Thinking for Engineering Design and Design Education. ASEE Midwest Regional Conference, Online.
- Goldstein, M. H., Sommer, J., Trellinger Buswell, N., Li, X., Sha, Z., Demirel, H. O. (2021). Uncovering generative design rationale in the undergraduate classroom. Proceedings from the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Annual Conference, Lincoln, NE, October 2021.
- Sanders, E., Goldstein, M. H., Hess, J. (2021). Assessing empathy in human-centered design through team design projects. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, July 2021.
- Chan, A., Goldstein, M. H. (2021). Engagement in Practice: Understanding the effectiveness of social good hackathons as a teaching tool. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, July 2021.
- Li, T., Xiao, Z., Woodard, B., Goldstein, M. H., Philpott, M., (2021). Evaluating an intelligent sketching feedback tool for scalable spatial visualization skill training. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, July 2021.
- Hale-Lopez, K., Wooldridge, A., Goldstein, M. H. (2021) Using Technology to Support Distributed Teams: A Work System-Based Study of an Interdisciplinary Team Responding to COVID-19, Human Factors HFES Annual Meeting 2021 (65th International Annual Meeting). (Note: Winner of Health Care Technical Group Marilyn Sue Bogner Student Paper Award)
- Woodard, B., Goldstein, M. H., Philpott, M., Li, T., Xiao, Z. (2021). Work in Progress: Spatial visualization assessment and training in the Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois. 2021 Illinois-Indiana ASEE Regional Conference, Online.
- Goldstein, M. H., Adams, R. S. Purzer, S.(2020). Examining approaches to measuring trade-offs in design artifacts. Proceedings from the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Annual Conference, Online, October 2020.
- Johnson, B. E., Goldstein, M., H., Bradley, J. (2020). Identifying effective student leaders to improve capstone design team assignments. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2020.
- Bosman, L. McCave, E. J., Goldstein, M., H., Chelberg, K., L. (2020). Virtual writing group participation: Surprises and Unintended outcomes. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2020.
- Schimpf, C., Goldstein, M. H., (2020). Reflection in time: Using data visualization to identify student reflection modes in design. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2020.
- Fu, T., Goldstein, M., H., Golecki, H. M. (2020). The nuts and bolts of robotics in K-12 classrooms: A literature synthesis. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2020.
- Sanders, E., Goldstein, M.., H., Foreman, G. (2020) Towards an understanding of the effect on summer programming on early engineering student outcomes. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2020.
- Gianelloni, S., Goldstein, M. H., (2020). Modelling the design systems thinking paradigm. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2020.
- Goldstein, M. H., Schimpf, C. (2020). Understanding how high school students approach systems design. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2020.
- Goldstein, M. H., Sanders, E. Foreman, G. Hahn, L. (2019). A look at practices and effects of admission status communication. Frontiers in Education (FIE) Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH, October 2019.
- Xiao, Z., Zuo, S., Zhao, J., Fu, W., Goldstein, M. H., Philpott, M., Laystrom-Woodard, J., Pool, M., Wolters, A., Woodard, B. (2019). Towards understanding interrelated growth mindset and academic performance. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, Florida, June 2019.
- Quintana, J. Purzer, Ş., Goldstein, M. H., (2019). A discourse analysis of middle school students’ explanations during a final design review. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, Florida, June 2019.
- Pagano, A., Goldstein, M. H., Liebenberg, L. (2019). Play-in-learning: Studying the impact of emotion and cognition in undergraduate engineering learning. Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, Florida, June 2019.
- Aleong, R. Goldstein, M. H., (2019). Balancing curriculum design trade-offs for larger learning goals: An empirical study. Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Workshop XI., Claremont, CA, June 2019.
- Goldstein, M. H., Purzer, Ş., Adams, R. S. (2019). Characterizing trade-off decision abilities in middle school students. National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual conference, Baltimore, MD April 2019.
- Aleong, R. Goldstein, M. H., (2018). Beyond Integration: Transcending analysis and design for engineering learning. 124th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2018. Student essay graduate division essay winner in the Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED).
- Schimpf, C., Goldstein, M. H., Adams, R. S., Purzer, Ş., (2018). WIP: A Markov Chain Method for Modeling Student Behaviors. Proceedings of the 124th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2018.
Teaching Honors
- Honorary Knight of St. Patrick, Grainger College of Engineering (2024)
- Everitt Award for Teaching Excellence, Grainger College of Engineering (2024)
- Collins Award for Innovative Teaching, Grainger College of Engineering (2023)
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students, University of Illinois (SE101) (Fall 2023)
- Engineering Council Outstanding Advisor, Top 10% of College (2020, 2021, 2023 )
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students, University of Illinois (SE402) (Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023)
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students, University of Illinois (SE598) (Fall 2022)
- ISE Department Head Teaching Award (2022)
- Grainger Engineering COVID-19 Wall of Recognition in Engineering for Teaching (2021)
Research Honors
- Grainger Engineering COVID-19 Wall of Recognition in Engineering for COVID-10 Related Research (2021)
Public Service Honors
- Central Illinois Business Forty under 40 (2021)
Other Honors
- Engineering Innovation Fellow (EIF), Grainger College of Engineering (2020-2023)
Recent Courses Taught
- ENG 177 GCH - Grand Challenges
- SE 101 ABA (SE 101 ABB, SE 101 ABC, SE 101 ABD, SE 101 ABE, SE 101 ABF, SE 101 AL, SE 101 BBA, SE 101 BBB, SE 101 BBC, SE 101 BBD, SE 101 BBE, SE 101 BBF, SE 101 BBG, SE 101 BBH, SE 101 BBI, SE 101 BBJ, SE 101 BL, SE 101 AO, SE 101 AOL, SE 101 BO, SE 101 BOL) - Engineering Graphics & Design
- SE 298 - Designing Your Phygital World
- SE 402 - Comp-Aided Product Realization
- SE 598 - Advancements in Generative Des
- SE 598 - Design Learning & Cognition
- SE 598 - Design Lrng & Cogntn Seminar
- SE 598 - Generative Design Seminar
- SE 598 - Research in P-12 Engineering