Joaquin Vieira

 Joaquin Vieira
Joaquin Vieira
  • Professor
487C Loomis Laboratory

For More Information


  • BS, Astrophysics, University of California, Los Angeles, 2002
  • MS, Physics, University of Chicago, 2005
  • PhD, Physics, University of Chicago, 2009


Professor Vieira is an observational cosmologist in the departments of Astronomy and Physics. His work has focused on instrumentation and observations of the cosmic microwave background - the relic radiation left over from the big bang - and the evolution of the universe over cosmic time. He is currently actively involved on a number of large cosmological experiments, including the South Pole Telescope (SPT), CMB-S4, and the Terahertz Intensity Mapper (TIM). He regularly observes with major astronomical facilities such as ALMA, Hubble, and soon, JWST. He currently serves as Director of Astronomy at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and is the Founding Director of the Center for AstroPhysical Surveys (CAPS).

Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities

Prof. Vieira is seeking to hire Post-Doctoral Researchers to work on the following projects:

1) Analysis of South Pole Telescope (SPT) survey data.

2) The Terahertz Intensity Mapper (TIM), a NASA-funded balloon project to build and fly a 2-m FIR telescope around Antartica and make a 3D map of the Universe with the redshifted 158 micron ionized carbon line.

Graduate Research Opportunities

Prof. Vieira is currently looking for graduate students to work on the following projects:

1) Analysis of South Pole Telescope (SPT) survey data.

2) Development of an experiment to search for axion dark matter.

3) The Terahertz Intensity Mapper (TIM), a NASA-funded balloon project to build and fly a 2-m FIR telescope around Antartica and make a 3D map of the Universe with the redshifted 158 micron ionized carbon line.

Students are welcome and encouraged to drop by with questions about science, instrumentation, or available research projects.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

I am always looking for undergraduates to work on analysis and instrumentation projects. I prefer taking on promising students in their first or second year. It's best to just come chat with me during office hours. Come prepared with a CV, some background reading, and questions. Students from traditionally underrepresented groups in science are encouraged to inquire about research opportunities in my group.

Research Interests

  • High redshift galaxies
  • Cosmic dust
  • Dark matter, dark energy, inflation, relic neutrino background
  • Gravitational Lensing
  • Instrumentation
  • Astrophysical Surveys
  • The Cosmic Microwave Background
  • Cosmology

Selected Articles in Journals


  • Sloan Research Fellowship (2017)
  • Beckman Fellow, Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois (2015)
  • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Fellow (2015)
  • Antarctic Service Medal of the United States of America (2011)

Recent Courses Taught

  • PHYS 212 - University Physics: Elec & Mag