Joseph Irudayaraj
For More Information
- Ph.D. Biological Engineering, Purdue University, Indiana
- M.S. Biosystems Engineering, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
- M.S. Information and Computer Sciences, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
Dr. Irudayaraj has a background in biological engineering and computer sciences. The basis for his work stems from a multidisciplinary background and skills developed in the fields of engineering, biosciences, and computer sciences. He is the Founder Professor of Bioengineering at UIUC. Prior to UIUC, he has held faculty positions at Purdue University, The Pennsylvania State University, and Utah State University. His group has extensively published in biosensors, single cell dynamics, and nanotechnology applied to human health and biosecurity. They are interested in developing smart therapeutics - drug delivery for hypoxia and immunotherapy, single cell analysis of epigenetic regulation, epigenetic regulation and PFAS toxicology to understand cellular processes and disease mechanisms for cancer.
Academic Positions
- Associate Director of Shared Resources, Cancer Center at Illinois, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ( 2019-present)
- Director, Illinois Superfund Research Center (ISRC)(2017-present)
- Affiliate Faculty, Holonyak Micro & Nanotechnology Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2017-present)
- Affiliate Faculty, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2017-present)
- Affiliate Faculty, Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign (2017-present)
- Founder Professor of Bioengineering, Department of Bioengineering, UIUC, Urbana-Champaign, IL (2017 - present)
Other Professional Employment
- Interim Director, Bindley Bioscience Science Center, Discovery Park, Purdue University (2015-2017)
- Deputy Director, Bindley Bioscience Center, Discovery Park, Purdue University (2012-2015)
- Graduate Chair, Agric and Biological Engineering, Purdue University (2010-2012)
Professional Registrations
- Society of Toxicology
- Biophysical Society
- American Chemical Society
- Biomedical Engineering Society
Other Professional Activities
- American Association for Advancement in Science
Professional Highlights
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2022
- Fellow, International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE), 2021.
- Fellow, Royal Chemical Society, 2020.
- Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers (AIMBE), 2014
Resident Instruction
- BIOE 414/ECE 414 Bioinstrumentation
- BIOE 498/598. Finite Element Analysis in Biomedical Systems [Fall 2019], University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- BIOE 507, Bioinstrumentation. [Spring 2018, Spring 2019, 2020], University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- ABE 697, Graduate Seminar, 25% effort [2009-2012], Purdue University
- BME 695S, Single molecule methods, 100% effort [2009], Purdue University
- ABE 591I, Computational methods in biological engineering, 100% effort (new course), Purdue University
- ABE 591T, Biophysics – an introduction, 100% effort (new course). [Average Instructor rating: 4.3, Course rating: 4.5] [2006-2009], Purdue University
- ABE 560/BME 521, Biosensors: Fundamentals and Applications. Co-taught with Rickus and Porterfield, 33% effort [Average Instructor rating: 3.5; Course rating 3.7] [2008], Purdue University
- ABE 485, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Senior Design [Average Instructor rating: 4.0; Course rating: 4.0] [Spring 2007-2011], Purdue University
- ABE 450, Finite Element Analysis in Design, Co-taught with Stroshine, 50% effort [Average Instructor rating: 4.1; Course rating: 4.0] [Fall 2007-Present], Purdue University
- ChE 320, Statistical Modeling and Quality Enhancement. [Spring 2012-Present: Average Instructor rating: 3.7; Course rating: 4.1], Purdue University
Course Development
- Senior Undergraduate Design, Spring/Fall, University of Saskatchewan
- Advance Finite Element Methods, Fall Course, University of Saskatchewan
- Systems Engineering, Fall Course, University of Saskatchewan
- Principles of Structures and Structural Design, Spring 1992, 1993, 1994, University of Saskatchewan
- Finite Element Analysis for Engineers and Scientists, Spring 1996, 1997. Utah State University
- Engineering Properties of Biological materials, Spring 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, Utah State University
- Bioprocess Engineering, Fall 1995, 1996, 1997, Utah State University
- Principles of Biochemical Engineering, Spring 1998, Utah State University
- Principles of Food Engineering, Spring 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, The Pennsylvania State University
- Instrumentation and Measurements, Spring 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, The Pennsylvania State University
- Spectroscopic Analysis of biological materials, Fall, 2000, 2001, The Pennsylvania State University
- Introduction to Biosensors, Fall 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, The Pennsylvania State University
- Introduction to Bionanotechnology, Spring 2004, The Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests
- Drug delivery vehicles for combinatorial therapy - Oxygen Nanobubbles for retinal Ischemia, Wound Healing, and Cancer immunotherapeutics
- Super-resolution microscopy (STED) and Single molecule spectroscopy for monitoring epigenetic processes in relation to cell deformation
- Environmental Health - Toxicology of PFAS in Kidney and Liver Cancers
- Machine Learning Tools in Toxicology
Research Areas
- Bionanotechnology
- Drug delivery
- Single-molecule imaging
- Translational nanomedicine
Research Topics
- Bio-Micro and Nanotechnology
- Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering
Books Authored or Co-Authored (Original Editions)
- Irudayaraj, J. and Moran-Mirabal, J. 2019. Single cell handling and analysis. CRC Press (Planned completion date 05/2022).
- Irudayaraj, J. 2012. Biomedical Nanosensors. Taylor and Francis Publishers. (12 Chapters) (Published in December 2012).
- Irudayaraj, J. and Christoph, R. 2008. Nondestructive sensing for food quality. IFT Press, Blackwell Publishing Professional, Ames, IA 50014. (~365 pages).
Chapters in Books
- Ren, W. and Irudayaraj, J. 2021. SERS for Cancer Characterization in Principles and Clinical Diagnostic Applications of surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (Ed. Wang). Elsevier Publications. (07/2021)
- Chowdhury, S. and Irudayaraj, J. 2021. Optogenetically equipped tools based on CRISPR or TALE for locus-specific epigenetic editing in Site Specific and Global Epigenomic Editing (Ed. Zhou). Elsevier Publications (07/2021)
- Ren, W. and Irudayaraj, J. 2020. Biomembrane analysis with Raman microscopy. In New Techniques for studying Biomembranes – Volume in signal transduction. CRC Press. (25-37).
- Ren, W., Wang, R., Ouyang, L., and Joseph Irudayaraj. 2018. New developments in detection technologies for Escherichia coli and other pathogenic organisms. In pathogenic Excherichia coli – Evolition, Omics, Detection, and Control (Eds. Fratamico, Liu, and Sommers). Casiter Academic Press.
- Kizil, R., and Irudayaraj, J. 2018. Spectroscopic techniques: Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopy. Modern techniques for food authentication, pp. 193-217. Academic Press.
- Craig, A., and Irudayaraj, J. 2017. Other Food Products, pp. 619-638. Spectroscopic methods in Food Analysis. Eds. Franca and Nollet. CRC Press.
- Cui, Y., Liu, J., and Irudayaraj, J. 2017. Beyond quantification: In situ analysis of transcriptome and pre-mRNA alternative splicing at the nanoscale. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology, 9(4):e1443. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
- Cui, Y. and Irudayaraj, J. 2015. Optical microscopy and spectroscopy for epigenetics research. In Epigenetics and Gene Expression in Cancer, Inflammatory and Immune Diseases (Eds. Stefanska, B. and MacEwan). Springer Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Mura, S., Greppi, G., and Irudayaraj, J. 2015. Latest development of nanotoxicology in plants (Chapter 7) in Nanotechnology and Plant Sciences (Siddiqui et al., eds.), Chapter 7, pp. 125-151, Scientific Publishing Services, Springer-Verlag, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14502-0_7.
- Craig, A.P., Irudayaraj, J., Franca, A. 2014. Vibrational Spectroscopy for food quality and safety screening. In: High throughput screening for food safety assessment: biosensor technologies, hyperspectral imaging and practical applications. Arun K. Bhunia; Moon S. Kim; Chris R. Taitt.
- Kizil, R. and Irudayaraj, J. 2014. Raman Spectroscopy, Process Analytical Technology for the Food Industry, Chapter 5, 103-134, Springer Publishing, NY.
- Kahyaoglu, L. and Irudayaraj, J. 2013. Detection of Foodborne virus In Advances in microbial food safety. Chap 11 (pp. 202-218) Woodhead Pub. Inc. (ISBN-13: 978085709438 4; 560 pages)
- Craig, A.P., Franca, A., and Irudayaraj, J. 2013. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy applied to Food Safety. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, Vol 4. 369-80.
- Craig, A.P., Franca, A., and Irudayaraj, J. 2013. Pattern recognition in spectroscopic analysis. Conventional methods and future directions. In: Pattern Recognition: Practices, Perspectives and Challenges. Nova Publishers. Taylor and Francis.
- Kadam, U., Lossie, A., Schulz, B. and Irudayaraj, J. 2012. Gene expression analysis using conventional and imaging methods In Nucleic Acids Nanotechnology in Medicine. Springer Publications Inc. (Erdmann, V.A., Barciszewski J., eds.), (8): 141-162
- Lee, S., Craig, A.P., Kadam, U., and Irudayaraj, J. 2012. In-vivo biodetection using Raman spectroscopy In Biosensors based on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. (In Press)
- Kizil, R. and Irudayaraj, J. 2011. FTIR photoacoustic spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy Section. Encyclopedia of biophysics (Editor Roberts). Springer Verlag. (5 pages).
- Jalilian, R., Jauregui, L., Lee, K, Chen, Y., and Irudayaraj, J. 2010. Graphene for biosensing applications in Biomedical Nanosensors (Ed. Irudayaraj). (20 pages).
- Kizil, R. and Irudayaraj, J. 2008. Applications of Raman spectroscopy for food quality measurement. Non Destructive testing of food quality, 143-163, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Yu, C. and Irudayaraj, J. 2007. Sensitivity and selectivity limits of multiplex nanoSPR biosensor assays. Ed. Nagarajan in Nanoparticles: Synthesis, passivation, Stabilization, and Functionalization. ACS Books. American Chemical Society.
- Yu, C. and Irudayaraj, J. 2007. Sensitivity and selectivity limits of multiplex nanoSPR biosensor assays. Ed. Nagarajan in Nanoparticles: Synthesis, passivation, Stabilization, and Functionalization. ACS Books. American Chemical Society.
- Vaseashta, A., Erdem, A., and Irudayaraj, J. 2005. Nanoparticles, Nanoporous and Carbon nanotube based devices for biomolecular detection. In Nanostructured and advanced materials for applications in sensors, optoelectronic and photovoltaic technology. 391-394. Springer Netherlands.
- Subramanian, A., and Irudayaraj, J. 2005. Biosensors for pathogen detection in food. Encyclopedia of Agriculture, Food, and Biological Engin. Taylor and Francis Group. NY.
- Ranjan, R., Irudayaraj, J., and Reddy, J.N. 2004. Coupled and Non-linear problems: for the Encyclopedia of Agriculture, Food, and Biological Engin. Marcel Dekker Inc. NY (8 pages)
- Ranjan, R. and Irudayaraj, J. 2003. Unsteady state mass transfer in biological systems. Encyclopedia of Agriculture food and biological engineering. ISSN: 0-8247-0938-1., Marcel Dekker Inc. NY. (7 pages).
- Irudayaraj, J. 2000. Transient Mass Transfer in Biological Materials: Mass Transfer in Biological systems. The Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Food Engineering (Ed. Heldman). Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY.
- Irudayaraj, J. 1996. Material non-linearities in finite element analysis. In Selected Topics in Numerical Analysis - A Tutorial Set," Volume 1. Finite element and numerical analysis committee of ASAE. Eds. Mohtar, R., Puri, V., and Carroll, N. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. pp. 150.
- Irudayaraj, J. and Y. Wu. 1996. Modelling heat and mass transfer in coupled systems during absorption and desorption. In Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Techniques in Drying Tech. Eds. I. Turner and A. Mujumdar. Chapter 7, pages 279-308. Marcel Dekker, Inc. NY.
Selected Articles in Journals
- Jeong, Y., Ahmad, S., and Irudayaraj, J. 2024. Dynamic effect of beta-lactam antibiotic inactivation due to the inter-and intraspecies interaction of drug-resistant microbes. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering.
- Han, X., Saengow, C., Ren, W., Ewoldt, R., Fan, R., and Irudayaraj, J. 2024. Nano oxygen chamber by cascade reaction for hypoxia mitigation and reactive oxygen scavenging in wound healing. Bioactive Materials 35, 67-81.
- Zhang, X., Sands, M., Lin, M., Guelfo, J., and Irudayaraj, J. 2024. In vitro toxicity of Lithium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI) on human renal and hepatoma cells. Toxicology Reports. (In Press)
- Sands, M., Zhang, X., Spinella, M., Madak-Erdogan, Z., and Irudayaraj, J. 2024. Comparative Hepatotoxicity of Novel Lithium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI) and Legacy Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in Male Mice: Insights into Epigenetic Mechanisms and Pathway-Specific Responses. Environment International (In Press).
- Boyd, R., Shokry, D., Fazal, Z., Rennels, B., Freemantle, S., La Frano, M., Prins, G., Madak Erdogan, Z., Irudayaraj, J., Singh, R., Spinella, M. 2024. Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid alters pro-cancer phenotypes and metabolic and transcriptional signatures in testicular germ cell tumors. Toxics (In Press).
- Xiaoxue, H., Chai, S., Ren, W., Ewoldt, R., and Irudayaraj, J. 2024. Exosome-coated Oxygen Nanobubble-laden Hydrogel Augments Intracellular Exosome Delivery to Mitigate Hypoxia for Enhanced Wound Healing. Nature Communications (In Press)
- Sands, M., Zhang, Z., Jensen, T., La Frano, M., Lin, M., and Irudayaraj, J. 2024. PFAS assessment in fish – samples from Illinois waters. Science of the Total Environment.
- Jeong, Y., Xiaoxue, H., Kushali, V., and Irudayaraj, J. 2024. Microbial β-glucuronidase Hydrogel Beads Activate Chemotherapeutic Prodrug. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Accepted)
- Rashid, F., Liu, W., Wang, Q., Ji, J., Irudayaraj, J. and, Wang, N. Mechanomemory in protein diffusivity of chromatin and nucleoplasm after force cessation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (13), e2221432120.
- Ren, W., Messerschmidt, V., Tsipursky, M., and Irudayaraj, J. 2023. Oxygen nanobubbles embedded hydrogel as wound dressing to accelerate healing. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6(14): 13116-13126.
- Han, X., Ju, L., and Irudayaraj. 2023. Oxygenated wound dressings for hypoxia mitigation and enhanced wound healing. Molecular Pharmaceutics.
- Shah, M., Ahmad, K., Boota, S., Jensen, T., La Frano, M., Irudayaraj, J. 2023. Sensor technologies for the detection and monitoring of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Frontiers in Bioengineering & Biotechnology. 11, 1141523.
- Rashid, F., Dubinkina, V., Ahmad, S., Maslov, S., and Irudayaraj, J. 2023. Gut microbiome-Host metabolome homeostasis upon exposure to PFAS and GenX in male mice. Toxics, 11(3), 281.
- Jeong, Y., Vyas, K., and Irudayaraj, J. 2023. Toxicity of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances to microorganisms in confined hydrogel structures. J. Hazardous Materials. 456, 131672.
- Messerschmidt, V., Ren, W., Tsipursky, M., and Irudayaraj, J. 2023. Characterization of oxygen nanobubbles and in vitro evaluation of retinal cells in hypoxia. Translational Vision Sciences and Technology, 12 (2): 16.
- Messerschmidt, V., Tsipursky, M., Ren, W., and Irudayaraj, J. 2023. Injectable Oxygen carriers for the treatment of retinal ischemia. IOVA, 64 (8): 2616.
- Ahmad, S, Sands, M., Greenberg, E., Tangen, L., Huang, J., and Irudayaraj, J. 2023. Mucosal DNA methylone alteration in Crohn’s disease: surgical and non-surgical groups. Frontiers in Genetics, 14.
- Tu, S., Irudayaraj, J., and Lee, Y. 2023. Characterizing spray-dried powders by NIR spectroscopy. Foods, 12 (3):467.
- Ouyang, L., Wang, N., Irudayaraj, J., and Majima, T. 2023. Virus on surfaces: Chemical mechanism, influence factors, disinfection strategies, and implications for virun repelling surface design. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 103006.
- Messerschmidt, V., Ren, W., Tsipursky, M., and Irudayaraj, J. 2023. Characterization of oxygen nanobubbles and in vitro evaluation of retinal cells in hypoxia. Translational Vision Sciences and technology. (In Press)
- Jeong, Y. and Irudayaraj, J. 2023. Hierarchical encapsulation of bacteria in functional hydrogel beads for inter- and intra- species communication. Acta Biomaterialia. (In Press)
- Liu, W., Zhang, X., Wen, Y., Anastasio, M., and Irudayaraj, J. 2023. A machine learning approach to elucidating PFOS-induced alterations of repressive epigenetic markers with single cell imaging. Environmental Advances, 100344.
- Zheng, L., Wen, Y., Ren, W., Duan, H., Lin, J., and Irudayaraj, J. 2022. Hyperspectral dark-field microscopy for pathogen detection based on spectral angle mapping. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 132042.
- Ren, W. and Irudayaraj, J. 2022. Magnetic Control-enhanced lateral flow technique for ultrasensitive nucleic acid target detection. ACS Omega, 7(33):29204-29210.
- Jeong, Y., Weibo, L., Liu, T., and Irudayaraj, J. 2022. Soft hydrogel-shell confinement systems as bacteria-based bioactuators and biosensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 219, 114809.
- Han, X., Yoon, J., and Irudayaraj, J. 2022. Nanocatalase-based oxygen generating nanocarriers for active delivery to relieve hypoxia in pancreatic cancer. ACS Appl. Nano Materials. 5(11):17248-57.
- Liu, Padhi, A., Nain, A., and Irudayaraj, J. 2022. Dynamic heterochromatin states in anisotropic nuclei of cells on aligned nanofibers. ACS NANO. 16(7): 10754-10767.
- Wen, Y., Liu, W., David, B., Ren, W., and Irudayaraj, J. 2022. Multifunctional oxygenated particles for targeted cancer drug delivery and evaluation with darkfield hyperspectral imaging. ACS Omega, 7(45): 41275-83.
- Lee, K., Lee, L., and Irudayaraj, J. 2014. In vivo real-time quantification of intracellular mRNA using plasmon spectroscopy. Nature Nanotechnology. 9(6): 474-480.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Irudayaraj, J. Biosensors for Cancer. Department of Chemistry. Peking University, Beijing, China. June 30, 2017.
- Irudayaraj, J. Biomedical technologies for detecting eye diseases. Sankara Eye Institute, Chennai, India. June 22, 2018.
- Irudayaraj, J. Lateral flow sensors for rapid screening of diseases. Technology Transfer Incubator. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. June 30, 2018.
- Irudayaraj, J. Biomedical technologies for detecting eye diseases. Sankara Eye Institute, Chennai, India. Jan 3, 2019.
- Irudayaraj. J. Single cell technologies in biomedical sciences. Distinguished Faculty Seminar. Department of Molecular Sciences. 18th Dec. 2019. Macquarie University. Sydney, Australia.
- Irudayaraj, J. Cancer epigenetics – live cell dynamics. Graduate Seminar Series. 20th Dec. 2019. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
- Irudayaraj, J. Single cell biophysics. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Materials Science, Fall Seminar Series. Dec 3, 2020.
- Irudayaraj, J. Point of care diagnostics. Distinguished Speaker seminar. First Global NanoBio E-Conference. Florida Association for Nanotechnology. March 20, 2021.
- Nano-hyperbaric wound healing therapeutic. Full Patent filed (April 2023, US Patent Application 18/320,485)
- Devices, systems, and methods for the detection of a target analyte using magnetic focus lateral flow immunoassay techniques (US Patent Application. 18/469,434; 2024)
- Method for lateral flow immunoassay. US Patent application 17/502,320
- Polysaccharide encapsulated oxygen nanobubbles. 63/118,221. US Patent application Nov 25, 2020 (Full Patent Application filed Nov 22, 2021).
- Oxygen Nanobubbles for Imaging and Cancer Treatment (Continuation). Publication date Sept 2018. US Patent 10,670,581. Application granted 06/02/2020.
- Novel method for lateral flow immune assay – Publication of US20200226729A1. 04/16/2020.
- Polysaccharide encapsulated oxygen nanobubbles. 63/118,221. US Patent Application. Nov 25, 2020.
- Methods for detecting enzyme activity using fluorescence lifetime imaging. Patent# 10,023,902, awarded July 7, 2018.
- Nanobubbles fabrication, Patent# 9968692. Patent awarded May 15, 2018
- Devices, Systems, and methods for the detection of a target analyte using magnetic focus lateral flow immunoassay techniques. Serial No. PCT/US20 17/041724 [WO 2018/013697 A2]
- Plasmonic signal amplification lateral flow sensors. US Patent Application#. US 10,006,906 B2. Filed June 26, 2018.
- Nanobubbles for triggered release. IRUD-66920. (October 2014). Patent filed (Dec 2015)
- Laser shock pressure induced integration of graphene and other 2D atomic crystals to 0 D – 3D nanostructures. 2014-CHEN-66772. (Co-inventor with Dr. Gary Cheng)
- Rapid detection of multiple pathogens by fluorescence. PRF Reference number 2013-IRUD-66426. (Filed October 2013)
- Abl Kinase Phosphorylation in living cells. PRF Reference number 2013-IRUD-66358. 17th Sept, 2012. (Filed in October 2013)
- Sensitive detection of biomolecules and threat agents by signal amplification using nanoparticles. 2012. PRF Reference Number: 66014.P1.US Application Number: 61/578,283
- Chromatin Extraction by Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization and its structure analysis. 2014-IRUD-66768-01. (June 2014).
- Rapid detection of multiple pathogens by fluorescence. PRF Reference number 2013-IRUD-66426. (Filed October 2013).
- A method for detecting specific kinase activity in live cells. PRF Reference number 66128.P1.US. 2011. June 21, 2012.
- A method for detecting specific kinase activity in live cells. PRF Reference number 66128.P1.US. 2011. June 21, 2012.
- 64892.P1.US - Identity Profiling of Cell Surface Markers. July 2008. (Irudayaraj)
- 65218.P1.US – Single cell nanotools for in vivo analysis of chromatin components and gene expression. Provisional patent filed on Dec 15th, 2008.
- 64803.P1.US - Multiplex Biosensor Using Gold Nanostructures. Provisional patent application filed on Feb 23rd, 2007.
- 64892.P1.US - Identity Profiling of Cell Surface Markers. Provisional patent filed on July, 2007.
Journal Editorships
- Associate Editor, Nature Scientific Reports (2017 – present)
- Editorial Board, Cancer and Oncology (2014-present)
- Editorial Board, Journal of Nanotechnology: Nanomedicine & Nanobiotech (NTMB) (2014-present)
- Editorial Board, Journal of Molecular Imaging and Dynamics, OMICS Publishing (2010-present)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Cancer Nanotechnology: Basic, Translational, and Clinical research” Springer-Verlag. (2009 – present)
Professional Societies
- Member, Biomedical Engineering Society (2014-Present)
- Member, Institute of Food Technologists (1994-2017)
- Member, American Association for Advancement in Science (2012-present)
- Member, Biophysical Journal Society (2008 - Present)
- Member, American Chemical Society (2007-Present)
- Member, SPIE, PITTCONN (2006-Present)
- Member, Institute of Biological Engineering (2003-Present)
Service on Department Committees
- Executive Committee, Grainger College of Engineering (2019-Present), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Steering Committee, Information Technology for Undergraduate Engineering (2022-Present), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Executive Committee, Graduate College (2019-2021), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Bioengineering Graduate Programs Committee (2022 - present), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Faculty Affairs Committee, Office of the Provost (2014-2017), Purdue University
- Graduate Chair, ABE (2009 – 2012), Purdue University
- Co-Chair, Biological Engineering Curriculum Committee, Purdue University
- Awards Committee, ABE (2005 – 2010), Purdue University
Service on College Committees
- Executive Committee, Grainger College of Engineering (2019 – Present), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Undergraduate Computing Committee, Grainger College of Engineering, (2022-present), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- College of Engineering, Strategic Advisory Committee to the Dean (2009 – 2015), Purdue University
- College of Engineering Curriculum Committee (2007 – 2012), Purdue University
- College of Engineering Graduate Committee (2009 – 2012), Purdue University
Service on Campus Committees
- Faculty advisor, Minority Students Apprenticeship Program (Penn State, 2000)
- Freshman Women in Engineering Forum, Penn State (1999 – 2004)
- Multicultural diversity forum workshop. April, 2007. Purdue University.
- Bindley Bioscience Center, Executive Committee member (2007 – 2017)
- Purdue Center for Cancer Research, Executive Committee member (2012-2016)
- Bindley Bioscience Center Task Force (2010)
- Biophysics Core, Bindley Bioscience Center (2006-2012)
- Full member, Purdue Center for Cancer Research (2006-2017)
- Core-Committee member, International Breast Cancer Prevention (IBCN)
- Co-Leader, Breast Cancer Discovery Group, PCCR (2010-2012)
- Endowed Chair faculty search committee in Cancer Therapeutics, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (2008-2010)
- Freshman advising (six 3-hour advising activities/year, Penn State (1999 – 2004)
- Faculty Social Activities Committee, Penn State (1999-2003)
Other Outside Service
- NIEHS – Optimizing Natural Systems for Remediation (07/2021)
- Breast Cancer Research Program, CDMRP Research Funding (2020-present)
- Chair, NIDA-SBIR panel on “Rapid Assessment of Drug Abuse: Smart City Tools (2019)
- NIEHS Review Committee (Standing member), 2022-2027
- Panel Manager, Bioengineering/Bioprocessing panel, USDA-NIFA (2017-2018)
- Organizing Committee: Symposium on Bionanotechnology and Nanomaterials, Osmania University, Hyderabad. India. March 2014
- Korean Institute of Science and Technology-Purdue symposium, Purdue Univ., May 2013
- Organizing Committee, Symposium on Breast Cancer Prevention, Rennes, France, Oct’11
- Panel Member, Review of Departments and research programs in the College of Science and Technology (a 15 member panel selected internationally), Sept’11
- Panel member, NIH Single Cell Analysis, Special Review Panel (2011 – 2015)
- Panel member, NIH Bioengineering Sciences and Technology (2011-2015)
- Panel member, DOE Career grant, Advanced Instrumentation Program (2011)
- Panel member, Susan Komen Foundation, Postdoctoral Fellowship program (2011-present)
- Panel member, NIH College of CSR Reviewers (2010 - 2012)
- Chair, NIH Interdisciplinary Molecular Sciences and Training panel (2010-2012)
- Ad hoc Reviewer, Singapore Biomedical Research Council, Agency for Research, and Tech (2010-present)
- Panel member, DOD, CDMRP Idea grants for the Prostate Cancer program (2009-2010)
- Advisory Council, MBA Program, Maxvalue Online (India’s first online business school), 2009 - present
- Panel member, NSF SBIR (Biological Instrumentation & Biomedical Devices) (2008-present)
- Panel member, National Academies, Pathogen/Disease Detection program (2008)
- Ad hoc Reviewer, Medical Research Council (UK, 2008-present)
- Panel member, NIH-Nanotechnology-M(01), Study section member (2007-2010)
- Ad hoc Reviewer, NSF International Collaborative grants program (2007)
- Ad hoc Reviewer, European Agricultural Research Agency (2006-2007)
- Ad hoc Reviewer, NSF International Collaborative grants program (2007)
- Organizing Committee: International Conference on Micro and nanotechnologies ICMNT 2006, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria, 19-23 Nov, 2006.
- 1. North Central 1031 Biosensors and Nanotechnology Regional Project, Chair (2005-2006
- Ad hoc, Reviewer, USDA NRI and SBIR panels (2004-Present)
- Panel member, Department of Homeland Security, Institute of Defense, Biothreat agents (2004)
- Advisory Panel, International Drying Symposium, Advisory Panel (2004), India
- Panel member, USDA- NRI, Food Characterization and processing, (2002, 2003)
- Ad hoc Reviewer, Several NSF, NIH, DoD, DARPA, USAMRMC programs
Teaching Honors
- Innovation in Teaching award, Biological Engineering, Utah State University (1997)
- Teacher of the Year award, Biological Engineering, Utah State University ( 1997)
Research Honors
- David Ross Fellowship, Purdue University
- Best Paper/Poster awards 1993 (Best paper, R. J. Melosh medal awarded by Duke University) ;2002 (1st Prize, American Society for Microbiology poster competition) ;2003 (ASABE Best Paper Honorable mention) ;2004 (ASABE Superior Paper award) ;2006 (ASABE Honorary mention) ;2007 (Sigma Xi, best student poster award, Purdue University) ;2008 (ASABE Superior paper award) ;2010 (ASME-IMECE Microfluidics 2010: Fluidics in Micro Nanosystems) 2012 (IFT – 2nd place in the Food Engineering Division) 2014 (Best Undergraduate Summer Research Project, IIT Kanpur, India); (1993-2014)
- Teacher of the Year award, Biological Engineering, Utah State University ( 1997)
- Innovation in Teaching award, Biological Engineering, Utah State University (1997)
- Young Engineer of the Year, Northeastern region of ASABE (2000)
- Best Paper/Poster awards: 2002 (1st Prize, American Society for Microbiology poster competition) 2004, 2008 (ASABE Superior paper award) 2007 (Sigma Xi, best student poster award 2010 (ASME-IMECE Microfluidics 2010: Fluidics in Micro Nanosystems) 2012 (IFT – 2nd place in the Food Engineering Division) (2002-2012)
- USDA CSREES: Honor Award and Certificate, North East Multistate Research group ( 2003)
- Program chair of Bionanotechnology, IBE (2003-2004)
- Seed for Success Award, Purdue University, ( 2006)
- Advisory Council, MBA Program, Maxvalue (India’s 1st online business school) (2009 - present )
- Advisory Council, MBA Program, Maxvalue (Online business school) (2009 - 2015 )
- Award of Academic Excellence, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China (2009)
- University Faculty Scholar Award, Purdue University (2010)
- Leadership Fellow (Committee on Inst. Cooperation-Academic Leadership Program) (2011)
- Seed for Success Award, Office of Vice President for Research (2012)
- Excellence in Research Award, Office of the Vice President for Research (2012)
- Entrepreneurship Leadership Academy Fellow, Purdue University (2012 )
- Research Honor Award, Osmania University, Osmatech Foundation, Hyderabad, India (2013)
- Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers (AIMBE) (2014)
- Honor Lectureship (Xingda lectureship), Peking University, College of Chemistry & Molecular Engineering (June 2015)
- Seed for Success Award, Office for EVPRP, Purdue University (2016)
- Best paper award, Higher Education Council of Pakistan (2017)
- Founder Professor of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2017)
- IAFP GMA Food Safety Award, International Association of Food Protection (2017)
- Fellow, Royal Chemical Society (2020)
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2022)
Recent Courses Taught
- BIOE 414 (ECE 414) - Biomedical Instrumentation
- BIOE 498 JI (BIOE 598 JI) - Finite Element Mthds in Biomed
- BIOE 500 - Graduate Seminar
- BIOE 507 - Advanced Bioinstrumentation
- BIOE 598 B1 - Special Topics