John C Hart

John C Hart
John C Hart
  • Professor
(217) 333-8740
3227 Siebel Center for Comp Sci

For More Information


John C. Hart is Professor and Director of Online and Professional Programs in the Department of Computer Science, and the Executive Associate Dean of the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research on computer graphics and data visualization has been supported by Adobe, AT&T, DARPA, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Nokia, NVIDIA and the NSF. He has worked with graphics hardware manufacturers, defense contractors, visual effects studios, game developers and a medical imaging startup, and has provided IP expertise for Microsoft, NVIDIA, AMD, Samsung and others.

Prof. Hart recently designed, launched and directs the Master of Computer Science in Data Science program, an innovative new online masters degree program in data science offered by the University of Illinois through the Coursera scalable learning platform. Now only in its third year, this online MCS has grown to be UIUC’s second largest graduate program. His “Data Visualization” MOOC on the Coursera platform has reached over 360,000 learners.

Prof. Hart is the graphics area editor for ACM Books, a past Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics, a past member of the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee, a co-author of “Real-Time Shading,” a contributing author to “Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach,” and an executive producer of the documentary “The Story of Computer Graphics.” Prof. Hart received his Ph.D. from the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1991.

Major Consulting Activities

  • Consultant - Pratt & Whitney - Hartford, CT - 2011
  • Graphics Hardware Expert, through Sidley Austin LLP - Microsoft, 2010
  • Consultant - SAIC - Champaign, IL - June-Sep. 2008
  • Visiting researcher - Adobe Systems, Inc. - Seattle, WA - June 1, 2007 - November 2, 2007
  • Consultant - The Teaching Company - Chantilly, VA - 2003

Recent Courses Taught

  • CIC 500 - CIC Traveling Scholar
  • CS 416 - Data Visualization
  • CS 418 (CSE 427) - Interactive Computer Graphics
  • CS 498 DDV (CS 498 DV) - Data Visualiztion
  • GC 498 - Graduate Domestic Study Away
  • GC 499 - Graduate College Study Abroad
  • GC 599 - Thesis Research