Jonathan Freund
For More Information
- Ph.D. Mech. Eng. Stanford University 1998
- M.S. Mech. Eng. Stanford University 1992
- B.S. Mech. Eng. Stanford University 1991
Academic Positions
- Head, Aerospace Engineering, 2020-present
- Donald Biggar Willett Professor, 2016-present
- Professor, Coordinate Science Laboratory, 2014-2020
- Kritzer Faculty Scholar, August 16, 2011-2016
- Professor, Aerospace Engineering (33%), UIUC, 2010-2020
- Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering (67%), UIUC, 2010-2020
- Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering (33%), UIUC, 2006-2010
- Associate Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering (67%), UIUC, 2006-2010
- Part-time faculty, Beckman Institute, 2005-2013
- Associate Professor, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, UIUC, 2004-2006
- Faculty Affiliate, Computational Science & Engineering, 2001-date
- Assistant Professor, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, UIUC, 2001-2004
- Assistant Professor, University of California, Los Angeles, 1997-2001
Research Interests
- Uncertainty quantification
- Large-scale parallel computing
- Numerical methods
- Biological / Biomedical fluid dynamics
- Mechanics of nanometer-scale systems
- Aerodynamic sound
- Fluid mechanics
Research Areas
- Aeroacoustics
- Combustion and Propulsion
- Computation and Applied Math
- Computational Fluid Mechanics
- Energy
- Fluid Mechanics
- Health and Bio
- Security and Defense
- Solid Mechanics and Materials
- Transportation
Chapters in Books
- Freund, J. B. and H. Zhao, "A Fast High-Resolution Boundary Integral Method for Multiple, Interacting Blood Cells," Computational Hydrodynamics of Capsules and Biological Cells,Chapman & Hall/CRC, edited by C. Pozrikidis, 2010. [including cover art]
- Freund, J. B. and S. K. Lele, “Computer Simulation and Prediction of Jet Noise,” in High Speed Jet Flow: Fundamentals in Applications, G. Raman, D. K. McLaughlin, P. J. Morris, Taylor and Francis, eds., 2001.
Selected Articles in Journals
- Isfahani, A. H. G., and J. B. Freund, "Forces on A Wall-bound Leukocyte in a Small Vessel Due to Red Cells in the Blood Stream," Biophysical Journal, 103, 1604-1615, 2012.
- Freund, J. B. and B. Shapiro, "Transport of Particles by Magnetic Forces and Cellular Blood Flow in a Model Microvessel," Phys. Fluids 24 051904, 2012.
- Hossain, M. Z., J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, "Ion Impact Energy Distribution and Sputtering of Si and Ge," J. App. Phys. 111 103513, 2012.
- Schlegel, M., B. R. Noack, P. Jordan, A. Dillmann, E. Groschel, W. Schroder, M. Wei, J. B. Freund, O. Lehmann, and G. Tadmor, "On Least-order Flow Representations for Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics," J. Fluid Mech., 697 367-398, 2012. [including cover art]
- Kim, J., D. J. Bodony, and J. B. Freund, "Effect of Large-eddy Simulation Fidelity on Predicted Mechanisms of Jet Noise Reduction," J. Prop. and Power, 28(2) 259-268, 2012.
- Freund, J. B., J. Goetz, K. Hill, and J. Vermot, "Fluid Flows and Forces in Development: Functions, Features and Biophysical Principles," Development, 139, 1229-1245, 2012.
- Zhang, J., T. L. Jackson, J. D. Buckmaster, and J. B. Freund, "Numerical Modeling of Shock-to-Detonation Transition in Energetic Materials," Comb. and Flame, 159 1769-1778, 2012.
- Hossain, M. Z., K. Das, J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, "Ion Impact Crater Asymmetry Determines Surface Ripple Orientation," App. Phys. Let., 99, 151913, 2011.
- Freund, J. B. "Adjoint-based Optimization for Understanding and Suppressing Jet Noise," to appear in the Journal of Sound Vibration, 671 466-490, 2011.
- Freund, J. B. and M. M. Orescanin, "Cellular Flow in a Small Blood Vessel," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 671, 466-490, 2011.
- Wu, D., J. B. Freund, S. E. Fraser, and J. Vermot, “Mechanistic Basis of Otolith Formation during Teleost Inner Ear Development,” Developmental Cell, 20, 271-278, 2011. [including cover art]
- Pahlavan, A. A. and J. B. Freund, “Effect of Solid Properties on Slip at a Fluid-solid Interface,” Phys. Rev. E, 83(2), 021602,2011.
- Cavalieri, A. B. G., P. Jordan, Y. Gervais, M. Wei, and J. B. Freund, “Intermittent Sound Generation and Its Control in a Free-shear Flow,” Phys. Fluids, 22(11), 116103, 2010.
- Kleinman, R. R., D. J. Bodony, and J. B. Freund , “Shear-flow Excitation Mechanisms of Recessed Localized Arc-filament Plasma Actuators,” Phys. Fluids, 22(11), 116103, 2010.
- Hogberg, S. M., H. O. Akerstedt, T. S. Lundstrom, and J. B. Freund, "Respiratory Deposition of Bers in the Non-inertial Regime-development and Application of a Semianalytical Model," Aerosol Science and Technology, 44(10) 847-860 2010.
- Shukla, R., C. Pantano, and J. B. Freund, “An Interface Capturing Method for the Simulation of Multi-phase Compressible Flows,” J. Comp. Phys., 229 7411-7439, 2010.
- Topalian, V. D. and J. B. Freund, “An Acoustic Resonance in a Ducted Jet System,” AIAA Journal, 48(7), 1348-1360, 2010.
- Topalian, V. D. and J. B. Freund, "Boundary Formulations for High-order Finite Differences on Staggered Meshes," Computers and Fluids, 39 1332-1344, 2010.
- Willis, A. M. & J. B. Freund, "Thermal Capillary Waves Relaxing on Atomically Thin Liquid Films," Phys. Fluids 22, 022002, 2010.
- Zhao, H., A. H. G. Isfahani, L. Olson, and J. B. Freund, "A Spectral Boundary Integralmethod for Micro-circulatory Cellular Flows," J. Comp. Phys 229 3726-2744, 2010.
- Willis, M. and J. B. Freund, “Enhanced Droplet Spreading Due to Thermal Fluctuations,” J. Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 464128, 2009.
- Freund, J. B., R. K. Shukla, and A. P. Evan, “Shock-induced Bubble Jetting into a Viscous Fluid with Application to Tissue Injury in Shock-wave Lithotripsy,” J. Acoustical Soc. America, 126(5) 2746-2756, 2009.
- Hossain, M. Z., J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, “Improved Calculation of Si Sputter Yield via First Principles Derived Interatomic Potential,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 267, 1061-1066, 2009.
- Kalyanasundaram, N., J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, “A Multiscale Crater Function Model for Ion-induced Pattern Formation in Silicon,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 224018, 2009.
- Freund, J. B and T. Colonius, “Turbulence and Sound-field Pod Analysis of a Turbulent Jet,” International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 8(4) 337-354, 2009.
- Daimon, Y., T. L. Jackson, V. Topalian, J. B. Freund, and J. Buckmaster, “Effect of Propellant Morphology on Acoustics in a Planar Rocket Motor,” Theoretical and Comp Fluid Dynamics, 23 63-77, 2009.
- Zhao, H. and J. B. Freund, “Phonon Scattering at a Rough Interface between Two FCC Lattices,” Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 013515, 2009.
- Kleinman, R. R., and J. B. Freund, “The Sound from Mixing Layers Simulated with Different Ranges of Turbulence Scales,” Physics of Fluids, 20:10, 101503, 2008.
- Zhao, H. and J. B. Freund, “Full-spectrum Phonon Relaxation Times in Crystalline Si,” Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 033514, 2008.
- Ghazisaeidi, M., J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, “Statistical Characterization of Surface Defects Created by Ar Ion Bombardment of Crystalline Silicon,” Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 054304, 2008.
- Samanta A., and J. B. Freund, “Finite-wavelength Scattering of Incident Acoustic and Vorticity Waves at a Shrouded-jet Exit,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 612, 407–438, 2008.
- Kalyanasundaram, N., J. B. Freund, M. Ghazisaeidi, and H. T. Johnson, “Single Impact Crater Functions for Ion Bombardment of Silicon,” Applied Physics Letters, 92, 131909, 2008.
- Hossain, M. Z., J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, “Differential Sputter Yields in Si1−x Gex ,” Journal of Applied Physics, 103 073508, 2008.
- Zhao, H., J. B. Freund, and R. D. Moser, “Fixed-mesh Method for Incompressible Flow Structure Systems with Finite Solid Deformations,” Journal of Computational Physics, 227:6, 3114-3140, 2008.
- Freund, J. B., “Suppression of Shocked-bubble Expansion due to Tissue Confinement with Application to Shock-wave Lithotripsy,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 123:5, 2867-2874 2008.
- Kalyanasundaram, N., M. Wood, J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, “Stress Evolution to Steady State in ion Bombardment of Silicon,” Mechanics Research Communications, 35, 50-56, 2008.
- Freund, J. B., “Doyle D. Knight: Elements of Numerical Methods for Compressible Flows,” Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 22, 83-84, 2007.
- Freund, J. B., “Leukocyte Margination in a Model Microvessel,” Physics of Fluids, 19:3, 023301, 2007.
- Freund, J. B., T. Colonius, and A. P. Evans, “A Cumulative Shear Mechanism for Tissue Damage Initiation in Shock-wave Lithotripsy,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 33:9, 1485-1502, 2007.
- Samanta, A., J. B. Freund, M. Wei, and S. K. Lele, “The Robustness of Acoustic Analogies for Predicting Mixing-layer Noise,” AIAA Journal, 44:11, 2780-2786, 2006.
- Wang, N., J. B. Freund, and S. K. Lele, “Computational Prediction of Flow Generated Sound,” Annual Review Fluid Mechanics, 38, 483-512, 2006.
- Wei, M. and J. B. Freund, “A Noise-controlled Free Shear Flow,” J. Fluid Mech., 546, 123-152, 2006.
- Kalyanasundaram, N., M. Moore, J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, “Stress Evolution due to Medium Energy Ion Bombardment of Silicon,” Acta Materialia, 54, 483-491, 2006.
- Kastner, J., M. Samimy, J. Hileman, and J. B. Freund, “Comparison of Noise Sources in High and Low Reynolds Number High Speed Jets,” AIAA Journal, 44:10, 2251-2258, 2006.
- Kalyanasundaram, N., J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, “Atomistic Determination of Continuum Mechanical Properties of Ion-bombarded Silicon,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 127, 457-461, 2005.
- Kar, B., R. M. Delgado III, O. H. Frazier, I. D. Gregoric, M. T. Harting, Y. Wadia, T. J. Myers, R. D. Moser, and J. B. Freund, “The Effect of LVAD Aortic Outflow-graft Placement on Hemodynamics and Flow," Texas Heart Institute Journal, 32:3, 2005.
- Zhao, H. and J. B. Freund, “Lattice-dynamical Calculation of Phonon Scattering at Ideal Si-Ge Interfaces,” J. Appl. Phys., 97, 024903, 2005.
- Freund, J. B., “The Atomic Detail of an Evaporating Meniscus,” Phys. Fluids, 17, 022104, 2005.
- Moreland, J. F., J. B. Freund, and G. Chen, “The Disparate Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes and Diamond Nanowires Studied by Atomistic Simulation,” Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 8:1, 61-69, 2004.
- Moore, M., N. Kalyanasundaram, J. B. Freund, and H. Johnson, “Structural and Sputtering Effects of Medium Energy Ion Bombardment of Silicon,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 225, 241-255, 2004.
- Freund, J. B., “Noise-source Turbulence Statistics and the Noise from a Mach 0.9 Jet,” Phys. Fluids, 15:6, 1788-1799, 2003.
- Freund, J. B., “The Atomic Detail of a Wetting/De-wetting Flow,” Physics Fluids, 15:5, L33-L36, 2003.
- Freund, J. B. and T. Fleischman, “Ray Traces Through Unsteady Jet Turbulence,” International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 1:1, 83-96, 2002.
- Mohseni, K., T. Colonius, and J. B. Freund, “An Evaluation of Linear Instability Waves as Sources of Sound in a Supersonic Turbulent Jet,” Physics of Fluids, 14:10, 3593-3560, 2002.
- Freund, J. B., “Electro-osmosis in a Nanometer-scale Channel Studied by Atomistic Simulation,” J. Chem. Phys., 116:5, 2194-2200, 2002.
- Koumoutsakos, P., J. B. Freund, and D. Parekh, “Evolution Strategies for Automatic Optimization of Jet Mixing,” AIAA J., 39:5, 967-969, 2001.
- Freund, J. B., “Noise Sources in a Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Jet at Mach 0.9.,” J. Fluid Mech., 438, 277-305, 2001.
- Freund, J. B., S. K. Lele, and P. Moin, “Direct Numerical Simulation of a Mach 1.92 Turbulent Jet and Its Sound Field,” AIAA J., 38:11, 2023-2031, 2000.
- Freund, J. B. and P. Moin, “Jet Mixing Enhancement by High Amplitude Fluidic Actuation,” AIAA J., 38:10, 1863-1870, 2000.
- Freund, J. B., P. Moin, and S. K. Lele, “Compressibility Effects in a Turbulent Annular Mixing Layer. Part 2. Mixing of a Passive Scalar,” J. Fluid Mech., 421, 269-292, 2000.
- Freund, J. B., S. K. Lele, and P. Moin, “Compressibility Effects in a Turbulent Annular Mixing Layer. Part 1. Turbulence and Growth Rate,” J. Fluid Mech., 421, 229-267, 2000.
- Colonius, T and J. B. Freund, “Application of Lighthill’s Equation to a Mach 1.92 Turbulent Jet,” AIAA J., 38:2, 367-370, 2000.
- Freund, J. B., “A Simple Method for Computing Far-field Sound in Aeroacoustic Computations,” J. Comp. Phys., 157, 796-800, 2000.
- Freund, J. B., “A Proposed Inflow/Outflow Boundary Condition for Direct Computation of Aerodynamics Sound,” AIAA J., 35, 740-742, 1997.
- Freund, J. B., S. K. Lele, and P. Moin, “Calculation of the Radiated Sound Field using an Open Kirchhoff Surface,” AIAA J., 34, 909-916, 1996.
- Freund, J. B. and M. G. Mungal, “Drag and Wake Modification of Axisymmetric Bluff Bodies using Coana Blowing,” AIAA J. of Aircraft, 31, 572-578, 1994.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Anderson, M. J., B. Wasistho, T. L. Jackson, J. B. Freund, F. M. Najjar, and M. D. Brandyberry, "Mesoscale modeling of shock initiation in energetic materials," Proceedings of the JANNAF Combustion Symposium, 2012.
- Anderson, A. T. and J. B. Freund, "Source mechanisms of jet crackle,'' AIAA Paper 2012-2251, 2012.
- Fontaine, R. A., B. Bobbit, G. S. Elliott, J. M. Austin, and J. B. Freund, "Design and Demonstration of a New Small-scale Jet Noise Experiment," AIAA Paper, 2012-0682, 2012.
- Bodony, D. J., J. Kim, and J. B. Freund, "Mechanisms of Jet Noise Reduction and Their Impact on Large-eddy Simulations," 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2011-0020, 2011.
- Kim, J., D. J. Bodony, and J. B. Freund, "Adjoint-based Optimal Control of a Mach 1.3 Turbulent Jet for Noise reduction," 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, AIAA Paper 2011-1153, 2011.
- Kim, J., D. J. Bodony, and J. B. Freund, "A High-order, Overset-mesh Algorithm for Adjoint-based Optimization for Aeroacoustics Control," AIAA Paper 2010-3818, 2010.
- Freund, J. B., "Adjoint-based Optimization for Understanding and Suppressing Jet Noise," Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Computational Aero-Acoustics for Aircraft Noise Prediction, 2010.
- Cavalieri, A. V. G., P. Jordan, Y. Gervais, M. Wei, and J. B. Freund, "Intermittent Sound Generation in a Free-shear Glow," 48th AIAA Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2010-3963, 2010.
- Zagaris, G., D. J. Bodony, M. D. Brandyberry, M. T. Campbell, E. Shaffer, and J. B. Freund, "A Collision Detection Approach to Chimera Grid Assembly for High Delity Simulations of Turbofan Noise," 48th AIAA Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2010-0836, 2010.
- Shukla, R., C. Pantano, T. Jackson, J. Austin, and J. B. Freund, "Shock Induced Detonations in Composite Heterogeneous Energetic Materials," Proceedings of the JANNAF Meeting, La Jolla, December 7-11, 2009.
- Shukla, R., C. Pantano, T. Jackson, J. Austin, and J. B. Freund, "Shock Induced Detonations in Composite Heterogeneous Energetic Materials," 15th AIAA AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Meeting, Miami, Florida, AIAA Paper 2009-5503, 2009.
- Kleinman, R. R., D. J. Bodony, and J. B. Freund, “Numerical Modeling of Plasma Actuators in High Speed Jets,” 15th AIAA AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Meeting, Miami, Florida, AIAA Paper 2009-3190, 2009.
- Kim, J., D. Bodony, and J. B. Freund, “LES Investigation of a Mach 1.3 Jet with and without Plasma Actuators,” 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2009-0290, 2009.
- Hogberg, S. M., H. O. Akerstedt, T. S. Lundstrom, and J. B. Freund, “Numerical Model for Fiber Transport in the Respiratory Airways,” 19th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-19), Reykjavik, Iceland, August 17-21, 2008.
- Samanta, A., and J. B. Freund, “Acoustic Reflection of Vorticity Waves at a Shrouded-jet Exit in ‘Howling’ Resonances,” 14th AIAA Aeroacoustics Meeting, AIAA Paper 2008-3051, 2008.
- Kleinman, R., and J. B. Freund, “Turbulence Scales and Jet Noise,” 14th AIAA Aeroacoustics Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, AIAA Paper 2008-2982, 2008.
- Daimon, Y., T. L. Jackson, V. Topalian, J. B. Freund & J. Buckmaster, ``Acoustics in a Two-dimensional Slab Rocket Motor,'' 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, AIAA Paper, 2008-1006, January 2008.
- Eschricht, D., P. Jordan, M. Wei, J. B. Freund, and F. Thiele, "Analysis of Noise-Controlled Shear-layers," 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Meeting, AIAA Paper 2007-3660, 2007.
- Willis, A. and J. B. Freund, “Stochastic Dynamics of Thin Liquid Films,” Proceedings of ASME ICNMM2007 5th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, Puebla, Mexico, ASME Paper ICNMM2007-30106, June 18-20, 2007.
- Fettig, J. and J. B. Freund, “Characterization of Flow and Polymerization in Self-healing Composites,” 1st International Conference on Self Healing Materials, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, April 18-20, 2007.
- Freund, J. B., “A Possible Cumulative Shear Mechanism for Tissue Damage Initiation in SWL,” 1st Annual International Urolithiasis Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN, November 2-3, 2006, and printed in AIP Conference Proceeding Volume 900, A. P. Evan, J. E. Lingman, and J. C. Williams, eds., 356-359, April 2007.
- Freund, J. B., V. Topalian, A. Samanta, J. Kim, and A. Haselbacher, “Superresonances in AEDC Altitude Test Cells,” U. S. Air Force T&E Days, Destin, FL, AIAA Paper 2007-1619, February 2007.
- Kleinman, R. and J. B. Freund, “Adjoint-based Control of the Noise from a Turbulent Mixing Layer,” Aeroacoustics Meeting, Boston, MA, AIAA Paper 2006-2501, 2006.
- Kastner, J., M. Samimy, J. Hileman, and J. B. Freund, “Comparison of Noise Sources in High and Low Reynolds Number High Speed Jets,” Aeroacoustics Meeting, AIAA Paper 2005-2940, July 2005.
- Freund, J. B. and M. Wei, “Small Changes that Make a Mixing Layer Very, Very Quiet,” Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA Paper 2005-0997, January 2005.
- Kalyanasundaram, N., M. C. Moore, J. B. Freund, and H. T. Johnson, “Structure and Stress Evolution Due to Medium Energy Ion Bombardment of Silicon,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Nanomechanics, Pacific Grove, CA, July 2004, and printed in Nanomechanics of Materials and Structures, T.-J. Chuang, P. M. Anderson, M.-K. Wu, and S. Hsieh, eds., Springer, 191-198, 2006.
- Freund, J. B., S. K. Lele, and M. Wei, “The Robustness of Acoustic Analogies,” Proceedings of the 2004 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, CA, June 2004.
- Freund, J. B. and M. Wei, “Adjoint-based Control of Free Shear Flow Noise,” AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Orlando, FL, AIAA paper 2003-3570, June 2003.
- Shina, S., V. K. Dhir, B. Shi, J. B. Freund, and E. Darve, “Surface Tension Evaluation in Lennard-Jones Fluid System with Untruncated Potentials,” Proceedings of 2003 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 21-28, 2003.
- Colonius, T., C. W. Rowley, J. B. Freund, and R. M. Murray, "On the choice of norm for modeling compressible flow dynamics at reduced-order using the POD," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada (2002)
- Khavaran, A., J. Bridges, and J. B. Freund, “A Parametric study of Fine-scale Turbulence Mixing Noise,” 8th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference & Exhibit, Breckenridge, CO, AIAA paper 2002-2419, June 17-19, 2002.
- Rembold, B., J. B. Freund, and M. Wang, “An Evaluation of LES for Jet Noise Prediction,” Proceedings 2002 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 2002.
- Freund, J. B., D. J. Bodony, and S. K. Lele, “Turbulence Interactions Leading to Far-field Jet Noise,” Proceedings 2002 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 2002.
- Cervino, L. I., T. R. Bewley, J. B. Freund, and S. K. Lele, “Perturbation and Adjoint Analyses of Flow-acoustic Interactions in an Unsteady 2D Jet,” Proceedings 2002 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 2002.
- Freund, J. B. and T. Colonius, “Reconstruction of Large-scale Structures and Acoustic Radiation from a Turbulent M= 0.9 Jet using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition,” Advances in Turbulence IX, Proceedings of the Ninth European Turbulence Conference, 2002.
- Freund, J. B., “Turbulent Jet Noise: Shear Noise, Self-noise and Other Contributions,” AIAA paper 2002-2423, 2002.
- Freund, J. B. and M. Wei, “Noise Control using Adjoint-based Optimization,” AIAA paper 2002-2524, 2002.
- Freund, J. B. and T. Colonius, “POD Analysis of Sound Generation by a Turbulent Jet,” AIAA Paper 2002-0072, 2002.
- Wei, M. and J. B. Freund, “Optimal Control of Free Shear Flow Noise,” AIAA Paper 2002-0665, 2002.
- Shina, S., J. B. Freund, and V. K. Dhir, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interfacial Tension of Ultra-thin Liquid Films on a Solid Surface,” Proceedings of 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition (IMECE2001), New York, November 11-16, 2001.
- Freund, J. B., “Atomistic Simulation of Electro-osmosis in a Nanometer-scale Channel,” Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems 2001 (MSM2001), Hilton Head Island, SC, March 19-21, 2001.
- Freund, J. B. and T. G. Fleischman, “A Numerical Study of Jet Noise Mechanisms: Sound Scattering by Turbulence,” AIAA paper 2001-0375, 2001.
- Mohseni, K., T. Colonius, and J. B. Freund, “On the Role of Nonlinearity in Mach Wave Radiation in a Mach=1.92 Jet,”AIAA paper 2001-0377, 2001.
- Freund, J. B., “Atomistic Simulation of Electro-osmosis in a Nanometer-scale Channel,” Proceedings 2000 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 2000.
- Freund, J.B., "Direct numerical simulation of the noise from a Mach 0.9 jet," ASME Fluids Eng. Division, FEDSM99-7251 (1999).
- Freund, J. B., “Acoustic Sources in a Turbulent Jet: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study,” AIAA paper 99-1858, 1999.
- Cain, A. B., T. Bewley, J. B. Freund, and T. Colonius, “An Approach to Systems Modeling for Real-Time Control of Jet Flows,” Proceedings 1998 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 1998.
- Koumoutsakos, P., J. B. Freund, and D. Parekh, “Evolution Strategies for Parameter Optimization in Jet Flow Control,” Proceedings 1998 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 1998.
- Colonius, T., K. Mohseni, J. B. Freund, S. K. Lele, and P. Moin, “Evaluation of Noise Radiation Mechanisms in a Turbulent Jet,” Proceedings 1998 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 1998.
- Moin, P., B. J. Boersma, J. B. Freund, A. G. Kravchenko, and C. D. Pierce, “Turbulence Simulations on Parallel Computers,” International Conference on Parallel CFD, Developments in Applications of Parallel Technology Preprints, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 15-17, May 11-14, 1998.
- Freund, J. B., S. K. Lele, and P. Moin, “Direct Simulation of a Mach 1.92 Jet and Its Sound Field,” AIAA/CEAS paper 98-2201, 1998.
- Freund, J. B., “Mixing Enhancement in Jet Exhaust using Fluidic Actuators: Direct Numerical Simulations,” ASME: FEDSM 98-5235, 1998.
- Freund, J. B, S. K. Lele, and P. Moin,” Direct Simulation of a Supersonic Round Turbulent Shear Layer,” Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, AIAA Paper 97-0760, January 6-9, 1997.
- Freund, J. B., S. K. Lele, and P. Moin, “Calculation of the Radiated Sound Field using an Open Kirchhoff Surface,” CEAS/AIAA paper 95-061, 1995.
- Freund, J. B., S. K. Lele, and P. Moin, “Matching of Near/Far Field Equation Sets for Direct Computation of Aerodynamic Sound,” AIAA paper 93-4326, 1993.
- Freund, J. B. and M. G. Mungal, “Drag and Wake Modification of Axisymmetric Bluff Bodies using Coanda Blowing,” AIAA paper 92-2705, 1992.
Journal Editorships
- Annual Review of Fluids Mechanics, co-Editor, 2024-
- Physical Review Fluids, Associate Editor, 2016-2021
- Frontiers in Computational Physiology and Medicine, Review Editor, 2010-2011
- Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics, Editorial Board, 2014-2023
Professional Societies
- American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Chai-Elect and Program Committee Chair (2023)
- American Physical Society (APS), Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vice Chair and Fellowship Committee Chair (2022)
- American Physical Society (APS), Division of Fluid Dynamics, Frenkiel Award ad hoc "reformulation" committee (2016)
- American Physical Society (APS), Division of Fluid Dynamics, Secretary/Treasurer (elected) 2015-2018
- American Physical Society (APS), Division of Fluid Dynamics, Frenkiel Award Selection Committee 2015-present
- American Physical Society (APS), Division of Fluid Dynamics, Executive Committee member-at-large (elected) 2012-2015
- Member, Biophysical Society, 2012-present
- Member, Society of Rheology, 2009-present
- SES (Society of Engineering Science) Honors Committee, 2010-2012
- SES (Society of Engineering Science) Board of Directors, 2009-2012
- External Affairs Committee, American Physical Society (DFD), 2008-present, vice-chair 2009-2010, chair 2010-2012
- Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Mechanics Selection Committee, American Physical Society (DFD), 2001-2003
- Member, American Physical Society (DFD), 1995-present (Fellow, 2011)
- Aeroacoustics Technical Committee, AIAA, 2000-2007
- Member, AIAA, 1995-present (Senior, 2004; Associate Fellow, 2012)
Teaching Honors
- List of Excellent Teachers, 2005, 2008-2011, 2013-2014,2017
- Engineering Council Award for Excellence in Advising, 2008, 2012
Research Honors
- Willet Professor, 2016
- Associate Fellow, AIAA, 2012
- Kritzer Faculty Scholar, 2011
- Fellow, American Physical Society, 2011
- Xerox Award for Faculty Research, 2010
- Francois Frankiel Award, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2008
- Winner APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion, 2000
Other Honors
- Campus Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award, campus-wide winner, 2017
Recent Courses Taught
- AE 403 - Spacecraft Attitude Control
- AE 514 - Boundary Layer Theory
- AE 590 AO (AE 590 ONL) - Seminar
- AE 599 JBF - Thesis Research
- TAM 335 AL1 - Introductory Fluid Mechanics