Jessica Anne Krogstad

Jessica Anne Krogstad
Jessica Anne Krogstad
  • Associate Professor
(217) 244-2118
206 Seitz Materials Research Lab

For More Information

Professional Highlights

  • Jessica A. Krogstad is an associate professor in the Department of Material Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She received her PhD in Materials at the University of California, Santa Barbara working with Prof. Carlos G. Levi and completed a postdoctoral at Johns Hopkins University with Prof. Kevin J. Hemker before joining UIUC in 2014. Her current research explores the interplay between phase or morphological evolution and material functionality in structural materials under extreme conditions. She is the recipient of a several awards including DOE Early Career Award, the ACerS Robert L. Coble Award for Young Scholars and the TMS Early Career Faculty Fellow Award.

Research Statement

Our group focuses on understanding materials in nonequilibrium configurations and the evolution thereof, so as to generate and optimize unique functionality for operation in dynamic and extreme environments. Today, continued advancement in transportation, communication, energy conversion, and many other critical technologies relies on performance of materials, often under harsh conditions where chemistry, scale and morphology may change significantly over the coarse of operation.  Understanding how traditional design criteria evolve in these environments is vital not only for lifecycle and failure analysis, but once understood, these can be used to improve performance or develop alternative material systems.

Selected Articles in Journals

Research Honors

  • TMS Young Leader Professional Development Award (2014)
  • DOE Early Career Award (2016)
  • NSF CAREER Award (2017)
  • United Kingdom Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished Visiting Fellowship (2018)
  • The American Ceramic Society’s Robert L. Coble Award for Young Scholars (2019)
  • TMS Early Career Faculty Fellow Award (2020)
  • The American Ceramics Society's ECD Jubilee Global Diversity Award (2021)
  • TMS Young Leaders International Scholar to JIMM Award (2024)

Recent Courses Taught

  • MSE 206 - Mechanics for MatSE
  • MSE 440 - Mechanical Behavior of Metals
  • MSE 529 - Hard Materials Seminar