Joe Bradley
- PhD Systems Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana
- MBA, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois, Urbana
- M.S Mechanical Engineering (minor Electrical Engineering), Iowa State University, Ames
- B.S.E Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Academic Positions
- Teaching Assistant Professor, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, 2021 - Present
- Entrepreneurial Mindset Fellow, Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education (AE3), 2022 - Present
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Technology Entrepreneur Center, 2021 - Present
- Health Innovation Professor, Carle-Illinois College of Medicine, 2021-Present
- Research Affiliate, Vanderbilt University, EDEFI Laboratory, 2019 - Present
- Lecturer, University of Illinois, Grainger College of Engineering, 2014 - 2019
- Lecturer, University of Illinois, Gies College of Business, 2011 - Present
Research Interests
- (STEM) Entrepreneurial Management
- Innovation Management
- Technology Transfer Strategy
- Socio-technical Systems Design
- Complex Engineered Systems Design and Functions
- Engineering Education
Research Topics
Chapters in Books
Selected Articles in Journals
- Yassine, A., Bradley, J., (2013). “A Knowledge-Driven, Network-Based Computational Framework for Product Development Systems”. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, March 2013, Vol. 13, pp. 1 – 15
- Collins, S., Bradley, J., Yassine, A., (2010). “Analyzing Product Development Task Networks to Examine Organizational Change”. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 57, No.3, 2010, pp. 513-525
- Yassine, A., Sidhu, I., Bradley, J. (2010). “Sustaining and Disruptive Categorization of University-Licensed Technologies: The Impact on Licensee and University Technology Revenue Stream”. The International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol.3, No. 3, pp. 217-237
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Jahnke, K., Bradley, J. (2024). “Exploring Opportunities for Innovative Professional Impact: Implementation of Multidisciplinary Course”. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition – Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session (2024).
- Warrner, J., Bradley, J., Hargrove-Leak, S., Bharath, A. (2024). “Development and Implementation of K-12 STEM Outreach Programs in Industry and Academia: Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned”. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition – Engineering with and for Community Partners (2024).
- Bethke, E., Ansari, A., Bradley, J., Amos, J., Golecki, H. (2024). “An Adaptive Scaffolding Approach Based on Team Dynamics in an Integrated Master and Undergraduate Bioengineering Capstone Design Course”. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition – ELOS Technical Session – Design, Participation, and Projects (2024).
- Bethke, E., Ansari, A., Amos, J., Bradley, J., Ochia, R., Golecki, H. (2024). “Bridging Extracurricular Skill Needs in Bioengineering Capstone Design with Just-in-Time Workshops”. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition – Biomedical Engineering Division (2024).
- Golecki, H., Bradley, J., Amos, J. (2023). Designing Capstone Experience for Interdisciplinarity in Biomedical Engineering Education. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, June 2023.
- Radhakrishnan, C., Schmitz, C., Reck, R., Bradley, J., (2023). Changes to a Circuits Lab Sequence to Encourage Reflection and Integration of Experiences Across Related Courses to Explore New Solution Spaces to an Engineering Problem. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, June 2023.
- Bradley, J., (2022). Exploratory Study of the Perceptions of Biasness, Inclusivity, and Team Dynamics in Entrepreneurship Education Training. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition-EMD Technical Session 2: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
- Bradley, J., (2020). The Impact of University Technology Transfer Offices on the Pipeline to Inclusive Innovation, Academy of Management Conference 2020.
- Johnson, B., Goldstein, M., Bradley, J., (2020). "Identifying Effective Student Leaders to Improve Capstone Design Team Assignments," 2020 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 21 - 24, 2020
- Bradley, J., Hyman, K., (2017). Grand Challenges in Engineering: What Can They Teach Us about Business and Professional Ethics and the Common Good? 24th Annual International Business Ethics Conference, Chicago, IL, October 26 – 28, 2017
- Bradley, J., Aldunate, R., (2010). “Complex Networks and Complex Systems: A Nature-based Framework for Sustainable Product Design,” 12th International Conferences on Enterprise Information Systems, Madeira, Portugal, June 8th-12th
- Collins, S, Bradley, J., Yassine, A., (2008). “Measuring Organizational Response to Stress: A Longitudinal Study of Product Development Tasks Networks,” 18th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, 6th Biennial European Systems Engineering Conference, 2008
- Bradley, J., Yassine, A., (2008). "Multi-Domain Framework for Product Development,” ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference, New York, NY. Aug. 3-6, 2008
- Bradley, J., Yassine, A., (2006). "On the use Of Social Networks for the Analysis of Product Development,” ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Philadelphia, Penn. Sept. 10-13, 2006
- Millar, L., Bradley, J. (2006). “Commercialization Analyst Interns: A Programmatic Approach to Screening New Technology,” LES/AUTM 2006 Spring Meeting
- Mallela, J., Bradley, J., (2016). Alternate Business Models for AASHTOWare Development. AASHTOWare Meetings, November 2016
- Bradley, J., Wyatt, T., Chesnik, K., Mallela, J. (2015). “Intellectual Property Management Guide for State Departments of Transportation”. The National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board Report
Conferences Organized or Chaired
- 2024 5th Biomedical Engineering Education Summit (Co-Chair - Integration of Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Training in Graduate BME Curricula)
- 2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference (Chair - Entrepreneurship and Partnerships with Industry)
Other Scholarly Activities
- The Wellness Store - Intervention for Mental Health Wellness
- NOBEL Project - Carle Illinois College of Medicine
- Professional Development Workshop Panelist - "In Search of Inclusive Innovation: Emerging Research and Intervention" (2020) Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
- Panel Symposium - " Inclusive Innovation in Technology Entrepreneurship." (2020) Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
- Comprehensive License Information to Minimize Barriers (CLIMB) Task Force - State of Illinois
Professional Societies
- Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Academy of Management (AOM)
Service on College Committees
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Teaching Honors
- Teacher Ranked as Excellent (2020)
Recent Courses Taught
- BADM 551 - Managing Intellectual Property
- BIOE 570 - Seminar Series
- BIOE 573 - Managing Business Operations
- BIOE 574 - Inno/Financial Decision Making
- BIOE 575 - Capstone Project
- ENG 177 GC - Grand Challenges
- ENG 177 GP1 (ENG 177 SP1) - GFX-POETS Project Scholars
- ENG 177 POE - Mobility Innovation
- ENG 177 PP1 - Introduction to Engineering I
- ENG 177 PR - Projects
- ENG 177 PR1 - GFX Projects 1
- ENG 177 PR1 - IEFX Projects 1
- ENG 177 PR2 - GFX Projects 2
- ENG 177 PR2 - IEFX Projects 2
- ENG 177 SP2 - GFX Projects Scholars
- ENG 177 TDO - GFX-POETS Scholars: Toy Design
- ENG 177 TDO - Projects Scholars-Toy Design
- ENG 177 WP2 - WIE-IEFX Scholars Projects
- ENG 177 WP3 - WIE-IEFX Mobility Innovations
- ENG 198 PJ1 (ENG 198 PRJ) - IEFX Projects
- MBA 590 (BADM 590) - Value Chain Mngmt Capstone
- TE 498 PI - Pathways to Impact