Chris Harbourt
- Research Assistant Professor & Associate Director, Center for Digital Ag-Industry, Dept of Crop Sciences
- Research Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Biological Engineering, & Adjunct Assistant Professor, TEC
(217) 333-0193
N315 Turner Hall
- B.S. in Biological Systems Engineering, 1997, Virginia Tech
- M.S. in Agricultural Engineering, 1999, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering, 2002, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Academic Positions
- Instructor: Technology Entrepreneurship Center, College of Engineering 30%
- Adjunct Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering . 0%
Other Professional Employment
- Corp. Vice President & Principal Engineer, 2011 to 2014, Waterborne Environmental, Inc., Champaign, IL
- Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, 2012 to 2017 Agrible, Inc., Champaign, IL
- Managing Partner, 2017 to present, Hatch Ag Group, LLC, Champaign, IL
- Founder and Investor, 2018-present, Ag Air Imaging, LLC, St Joseph, IL
- Co-Founder and Strategist, 2018 to present, TellTail, Inc., Savoy, IL
- Venture Partner, 2018 to present, Anther Group LLC, Champaign, IL
- Chief Executive Officer, 2018 to present, AirScout, Inc., Champaign, IL
Research Interests
- Aerial Agronomy and the use of manned-aircraft sensors to change agriculture.
Selected Articles in Journals
- 5. Lerch RN, Harbourt CM, Broz RR, Thevary TJ (2013). atrazine incorporation and soil erosion: balancing competing water quality concerns for claypan soils. Transactions of the ASABE Vol. 65(6): 1305-1316.
- 4. Trask JR, Harbourt CM, Miller P, Cox M, Jones R Hendley P, Lam C (2014). Washoff of cypermethrin residues from slabs of external building material surfaces using simulated rainfall. Environ Toxicol Chem 33: 302-307.
- 3. Davidson PC, Jones RL, Harbourt CM, Hendley P, Goodwin GE, Sliz BA (2014). Major transport mechanisms of pyrethroids in residential settings and effects of mitigation measures. Environ Toxicol and Chem 33: 52-60.
- 2. Hand LH, Nichols C, Kuet SF, Oliver RG, Harbourt CM, El-Naggar EM (2015). Quantifying soil surface photolysis under conditions simulating water movement in the field: A new laboratory test design. Environ Toxicol Chem 34: 2236-2243.
- 1. Jones RL, Trask JR, Hendley P, Cox MJ, Chepega JC, Harbourt CM, Davidson PC (2016). Effects of formulation on transport of pyrethroids in residential settings. Environ Toxicol Chem 35: 340-347.
Service on University Committees
- External Advisory Committee, College of ACES, 2016-2019, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
Recent Courses Taught
- ABE 498 CH1 - Innovative Entr & Leadership
- CPSC 599 - Thesis Research
- TE 398 PSC - Innovation and Eng Design
- TE 460 (TE 360) - Lect in Engrg Entrepreneurship