Dallas Trinkle

Dallas Trinkle
Dallas Trinkle he/him/his
  • Ivan Racheff Professor and Associate Head of Undergraduate Studies
(217) 244-6519
308 Materials Science & Eng Bld

For More Information

Professional Highlights

  • Dallas R. Trinkle is an Ivan Racheff Professor and Associate Head of Materials Science and Engineering at Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from Ohio State University in 2003. Following his time as a National Research Council postdoctoral researcher at the Air Force Research Laboratory, he joined the faculty of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 2006. He was a TMS Young Leader International Scholar in 2008, received the NSF/CAREER award in 2009, the Xerox Award for Faculty Research at Illinois in 2011, the AIME Robert Lansing Hardy Award in 2014, the TMS Brimacombe Medal in 2019, co-chaired the 2011 Physical Metallurgy Gordon Research conference, and became a Willett Faculty Scholar at Illinois in 2015, a Center for Advanced Study Associate and NCSA Faculty Fellow in 2017, and an Ivan Racheff Professor in 2021. His research focuses on computational methods for studying defects in materials at the atomic-scale using density-functional theory, and novel techniques to understand problems in mechanical behavior and transport. This has led to ab initio predictions of solid-solution softening in molybdenum, solute strengthening and softening in magnesium alloys, pipe diffusion of hydrogen in palladium, diffusion of oxygen in titanium and solutes in magnesium, among others.

Research Statement

Computational materials science: atomistics, electronic structure;

Mechanical behavior: plasticity and phase transformation at atomistic scale;

Defect properties: point defects, dislocations, interfaces;

Transport: interstitial diffusion, vacancy-mediated diffusion.

Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities

Please contact me about current postdoctoral positions.

Graduate Research Opportunities

I am looking to hire motivated, interested students.Please read a note for prospective students and then contact me.

Research Areas

Selected Articles in Journals

Recent Courses Taught

  • CSE 498 DM (MSE 598 DM, ME 598 DM) - Intro to Digital Materials
  • ME 590 DMS (MSE 590 DMS) - Digi-Mat Prof Dev. Seminar
  • ME 590 DMS (MSE 590 DMS) - Digi-Mat Prof. Dev. Seminar
  • MSE 404 ELA - Modeling Elasticity
  • MSE 404 PLA - Modeling Plasticity
  • MSE 406 - Thermal-Mech Behavior of Matls
  • MSE 485 (CSE 485, PHYS 466) - Atomic Scale Simulations
  • MSE 584 - Point and Line Defects
  • MSE 590 DMS - Research Seminars