David N Ruzic
For More Information
- Princeton University, Ph.D., Physics, 1984
- Princeton University, M.A., Physics, 1981
- Purdue University, B.S., Physics/Applied Math, 1979
Academic Positions
- 2020 - present, Institute Director, Illinois Plasma Institute
- 2019 - present, Professor of Medicine, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Carle College of Medicine, (0%)
- 2011 - present, Abel Bliss Professor of Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, The Grainger College of Engineering
- December 2008-present, Affiliate in Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, (0%)
- 2004 - present, Director, Center for Plasma Material Interactions, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 1994 - present, Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering
- December 1991 - present, Affiliate Faculty, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- November 1986 - present, Graduate Faculty in Physics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Physics
- January 1988 - 2022, Honors Faculty for Undergraduate Campus Honors Program, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- August 2002 - September 2005, Associate Vice President for Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University Administration
- August 2000 - July 2002, Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs Office
- 1995 - 1996, Assistant Dean, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, College of Engineering, Academic Programs
- 1989 - 1994, Associate Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Nuclear Engineering
- June 1988 - 2002, Affiliate Faculty, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Material Science and Engineering
Other Professional Employment
- Research Staff I, Princeton University Plasma Physics Lab, February 1984 - June 1984
- Research Assistant, Princeton University Plasma Physics Lab, September 1979 - February 1984
- Teaching Assistant, Purdue University, October 1978 - August 1979
- Professorial Assistant, Purdue University, September 1975 - May 1977
Major Consulting Activities
- Lyten - Microwave Plasma Source Science
- ASML - EUV Source Science
- LAM Research -- Expert Witness for Physical Vapor Deposition patent dispute
- View - Expert Witness for Physical Vapor Deposition patent dispute
- TOSOH SMD Inc. - Sputtering Target Analysis
- Kurt J. Lesker- Expert Witness for Magnetron Sputtering patent dispute
- Varian-Expert Witness for Physical Vapor Deposition patent disputes
- Novellus Systems - Expert Witness for Physical Vapor Deposition patent dispute
- Fannie and John Hertz Foundation - Interviewer and Selection Committee
Resident Instruction
- HIST 248, "Science Technology and the Human Condition" (co-created this course)
- NPRE 527, "Plasma Technology of Gaseous Electronics"
- NPRE 521, "Interaction of Radiation with Matter"
- NPRE 458, "Nuclear Engineering Design"
- NPRE 452, "Advanced Nuclear Engineering Laboratory" (created this course)
- NPRE 451, "Nuclear Engineering Laboratory"
- NPRE 429, "Plasma Engineering" (created this course)
- NPRE 423, "Plasma Laboratory" (created this course)
- NPRE 421, "Introduction to Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion"
- NPRE 402, "Nuclear Power Engineering"
- NPRE 241, "Introduction to Radiation Protection"
- NPRE 201, "Advanced Energy Systems" (created this course)
- NPRE 101, "Introduction to Energy" (created this course)
Continuing Education
- "Energy and Environment in Everyday Life"
Course Development
- NPRE 527, Plasma Technology of Gaseous Electronics
- What you need to know -- Energy, Environment and Everyday Stuff. Massively-Open On-Line Course (MOOC) with Coursera
- HIST 248, Science Technology and the Human Condition, Co-Creator
- NPRE 452, Advanced Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, Creator
- NPRE 429, Plasma Engineering, Creator
- NPRE 423, Plasma Laboratory, Creator
- NPRE 201, Advanced Energy System, Creator
- NPRE 101, Introduction to Energy, Creator
Short Courses
- "Plasma Science for EUV Technology", ASML, 2019, San Diego, California
- "Plasma Facing Materials for Fusion", SOFE, 2015, Austin, Texas
- "EUV Technology", Hanyang University, 2014, Korea
- "Probe Diagnostics", ICMAP, 2014, Korea
- "Novellus Systems", 2011 San Jose, California
- "Fundamentals of PMI," ICOPS-SOFE 2011, Chicago, Illinois
- "Plasma Used for Semiconductor Processing: How and Why the work," APCPST 2010, Korea
Design Teams
- NPRE 458, "Starfire", 2023
- NPRE 458, "Plasma-water Purification", 2023
- NPRE 458, "ASML", 2019
- NPRE 458, "ASML", 2019
- NPRE 458, "ECAP", 2015
- NPRE 458, "Gd Pellets for EUV", 2014
- NPRE 458, "Diesel Engine Exhaust", 2013
- NPRE 458, "Plasma Torch for Deposition", 2008
Research Interests
- Atmospheric-pressure plasmas for deposition and cleaning / surface preparation
- Femto-second laser texturing of materials
- Experimental fusion research, particularly using liquid lithium
- Coatings using atmospheric pressure plasmas
- Plasma etching
- Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) sources
- Physical vapor deposition (PVD) particularly High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering
- Plasma-material interactions
- Plasma processing of semiconductors
- Atomic properties of potential first-wall materials
Research Areas
- Fusion Materials
- Plasma Edge and PMI Modeling
- Plasma Nanosynthesis
- Plasma Physics and Fusion
- Plasma Sources and Processing
- PMI diagnostics
Books Authored or Co-Authored (Original Editions)
- Ruzic, D. N., "Electric Probes for Low-Temperature Plasmas," (AVS Monograph Series, New York, 1994).
- Ruzic, D. N., "Hydrogen Collision Dynamics on a Rough Nickel Surface," Video Book: 1st Edition (American Vacuum Society Series VL-5, New York, 1991).
Books Authored or Co-Authored (Revisions)
- Ruzic, Neil P., and D. N. Ruzic, “Racing to a Cure” second edition. (University of Illinois Press, Champaign IL, 2006).
Books Edited or Co-Edited (Original Editions)
- Guest Editor, Plasma Science, Special Issue on Images in Plasma Science, 24 (1996)
Chapters in Books
- Allain, J.P., Ruzic, D. (2018). Fundamentals of Plasma-Material Interactions in Magnetic Fusion Devices. In Plasma Science and Technology – Basic Fundamentals and Modern Applications. Editor: Haikel Jelassi and Djamel Benredjem, IntechOpen, [Online First] DOI: 10.5772.intechopen.77157.
- Lithium: Technology, Performance and Safety, D. Andruczyk and D. N. Ruzic, "Thermoelectric Effects of Lithium," F.L. Tabares, Ed., Nova Science Pub Inc., 2013.
- Chapter 2 of "Plasma Processing of Nanomaterials", J. Sporre and D. Ruzic, "Extreme Ultraviolet Light Lithography for Producing Nanofeatures in Next-Generation Semiconductor Processing," R. M. Sankaran, Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, p. 35-54, 2012.
- "Contamination", Chapter 6C 40pp. D.N. Ruzic and S.N. Srivastava in "EUV Lithography" Ed. V. Bakshi, SPIE press, Bellingham WA, 2008.
- Chapter 36 of EUV Lithography. (37 pages) The chapter is entitled "Origin of Debris in EUV Sources and its Mitigation", by David N. Ruzic. Edited by Vivek Bakshi, SPIE Book Series, 2005.
- Chapter 3 of "Plasma Handbook of Processing Technology." The chapter is entitled, "Fundamentals of Sputtering and Reflection," by David N. Ruzic. (Noyes, Park Ridge, NJ) edited by S. M. Rossnagel, J. J. Cuomo, and W. D. Westwood, 70-90, 1990.
- Ruzic, D. N., "Electric Probes for Low-Temperature Plasmas," (AVS Monograph Series, New York, 1994).
- Ruzic, D. N., "Hydrogen Collision Dynamics on a Rough Nickel Surface," Video Book: 1st Edition (American Vacuum Society Series VL-5, New York, 1991).
Selected Articles in Journals
- Jeckell, Z., D. E. Barlaz, T. Houlahan, W. Huber, I. Haehnlein, B. Jurczyk and D. N. Ruzic, “Time-resolved ion energy distribution functions during a HiPIMS discharge with cathode voltage reversal“, Physica Scripta 98, (2022). https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/aca5c7
- Qerimi. D, Herschberg AC, Panici. G, Hays. P, Pohlman. T, and Ruzic. DN, “Tin removal by an annular surface wave plasma antenna in an extreme ultraviolet lithography source“, Journal of Applied Physics Volume 132, (2022) 113302. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0094375
- Huber, W., T. Houlahan, Z. Jeckell, D. Barlaz, I. Haehnlein, B. Jurczyk and D.N. Ruzic, “Time-resolved electron energy distribution functions at the substrate during a HiPIMS discharge with cathode voltage reversal“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Volume 31, Number 6, (2022) 065001. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6595/ac6d0a
- Matlis, E.H., T. C. Corke, D. Qerimi and D. Ruzic, "Single Electrode A.C. Plasma Anemometer in High Speed H2 Jet With Background RF Plasma", AIAA Aviation 2022, (2022). https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-3364
- Szott, SM., S. Stemmley, C. Moynihan, A. de Castro, D. N. Ruzic, "Structured Large-Pore Foams Improve Thermal Performance of LiMIT-Style Liquid Lithium PFC", Nuclear Fusion, Volume 62, Number 1, (2022). https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ac39f3
- Ruzic, D.N., C. Oh, J.V. Puthussery, D. Patel, Z. Jeckell, V. Verma, and T.H. Nguyen, "A Plasma-Generating N-95 Respirator Decontamination Unit Created from a Microwave Oven", Plasma Medicine, Volume 11, Issue 3, (2021)
- Patel, D., L. Bonova, Z. Jeckell, D. Barlaz, S. Chaudhuri, D. Krogstad, and D. Ruzic, "Deposition of Zirconium Oxide using Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition with Various Precursors", Thin Solid Films, 733, (2021) 138815.
- De Castro, A., Moynihan, C., Stemmley, S., Szott, M., and D. Ruzic, "Lithium, a path to make fusion energy affordable", Physics of Plasmas, 28, (2021) 050901.
- Jeckell, Z., Patel, D., Herschberg, A., Choi, T., Barlaz, D., Bonova, L., … Ruzic, D. (2021). "Silicon Dioxide Deposited Using Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition for Improved Adhesion and Water Intrusion Resistance for Lightweight Manufacturing", Surfaces and Interfaces, 23, (2021) 100989.
- Qerimi, D., Shchelkanov, I., Panici, G., Jain, A., Wagner, J., & Ruzic, D. N., "Radical probe system for in situ measurements of radical densities of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 39(2), (2021) 023003.
- Qerimi, D., Panici, G., Jain, A., Jacobson, D., & Ruzic, D. N., "Determination of recombination coefficients for hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen gasses via in situ radical probe system", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 39(2), (2021) 023004.
- A. de Castro, C. Moynihan, S. Stemmley, M. Szott, D. Andruzcyk and D. N. Ruzic, "Exploration of Sn70Li30 tin lithium alloy as possible material for flowing liquid metal plasma facing components” , Nuclear Materials and Energy 25 (2020) 100829
- Bonova, L., W. Zhu, D.K. Patel, D.V. Krogstad, D.N. Ruzic, "Atmospheric pressure microwave plasma for aluminum surface cleaning", Journal of Vacuum Science Technology A 38, 023002 (2020)
- Szott, M., D.N. Ruzic, "2D moving mesh modeling of lithium dryout in open surface liquid metal applications", Fusion Engineering and Design 154, 111152 (2020)
- Qerimi, D., G. Panici, A. Jain, D. Jacobson, D.N. Ruzic, "Study of a linear surface wave plasma source for tin removal in an extreme ultraviolet source", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 38, 052601 (2020)
- Uhilg, J., D.E. Barlaz, D.N. Ruzic, "Reduction in a-Si:H density utilizing a secondary plasma", J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 18(4), 044502 (2019)
- Ahn, C., J. Gill, D.N. Ruzic, "Growth of Plasma-Treated Corn Seeds Under Realistic Conditions - 2019", Nature Scientific Reports 9, 4355 (2019)
- Piotrowicz, P. A., R.H. Goulding, J.F. Caneses, D.L. Green, J.B.O. Caughman, C. Lau, J. Rapp, D.N. Ruzic, "Computational Investigation of Ion Cyclotron Heating on Proto-MPEX", Physics of Plasmas, Volume 26, 033511 (2019)
- Hu, J.S., G.Z. Zuo, R. Maingi, Z. Sun, K. Tritz, W. Xu, Q.X. Yang, D. Andruczyk, M. Huang, X.C. Meng, X.Z. Gong, D.N. Ruzic, M.J. Ni, B.N. Wan, J.G. Li, et al, "Experiments of continuously and stably flowing lithium limiter in EAST towards a solution for the power exhaust of future fusion devices", Nuclear Materials and Energy, Volume 18, 99-104 (2019)
- Christenson, M., D. Panici, C.D. Moynihan, J. Wendeborn, J. Anderson, D.N. Ruzic, "A study on hydrogen absorption and dissolution in liquid lithium", Nuclear Fusion Volume 59, Number 2, 026011 (2019)
- Szott, M., Z. Wang, D.N. Ruzic, "Reconstruction and analysis of exploding wire particle trajectories via automatic calibration of stereo images", Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 89, 10k118 (2018)
- Bottini, J.L., V. Kumar, S. Hammouti, D. Ruzic, C.S. Brooks, "Influence of Wettability due to Laser-Texturing on Critical Heat Flux in Vertical Flow Boiling", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 127, Page 806-817 (2018)
- McLain, J., P. Raman, D. Patel, R. Spreadbury, J. Uhlig, I. Shchelkanov, D.N. Ruzic, "Linear magnetron HiPIMS high deposition rate magnet pack", Vacuum, Volume 155, Page 559-565 (2018)
- P. Raman, M. Cheng, J. Weberski, W. Xu, T. Houlahan, J. Rivera, R. Su, I. Shchelkanov, D.N. Ruzic, "Magnetic Field Influence on Ionization Zones in High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering", Vacuum, Volume 156, Page 9-19 (2018)
- Mozetic, M., A. Vesel, G. Primc, C. Eisenmenger-Sittner, J. Bauer, A. Eder, G.H.S. Schmid, D.N. Ruzic, Z. Ahmed, D. Barker, K.O. Douglass, S. Eckel, J.A. Fedchak, J. Henricks, N. Klimov, J. Ricker, J. Scherschlight, J. Stone, G. Strouse, I. Capan, M. Buljan, S. Milsevic, C. Teichert, S.R. Cohen, A.G. Silva, M. Lehocky, P. Humpolicek, C. Rodriguez, J. Hernandez-Montelongo, D. Mercier, M. Manso-Silvan, G. Ceccone, A. Galtayries, K. Stana-Kleinschek, I. Petrov, J.E. Greene, J. Avila, C.Y. Chen, B. Caja-Munoz, H. Yi, A. Boury, S. Lorcy, M.C. Asensio, J. Bredins, T. Gans, D. O'Connell, J. Bredin, F. Reniers, A. Vincze, M. Anderle, L. Montelius, "Recent developments in surface science and engineering, thin films, nanoscience, biomaterials, plasma science, and vacuum technology" Thin Solid Films, Volume 660, Page 120-160 (2018)
- Hammouti, S., B. Holybee, M. Christenson, M. Szott, K. Kalathiparambil, S. Stemmley, B. Jurczyk, D.N. Ruzic, "Wetting of liquid lithium on fusion-relevant materials microtextured by femtosecond laser exposure", Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 508, Page 237-248 (2018)
- Rizkallah, R., D. Andruczyk, A. Shone, D. Johnson, Z. Jeckell, S. Marcinko, Z. Song, D. Curreli, F. Bedoya, A. Kapat, J.P. Allain, M. Christenson, M. Szott, S. Stemmley, H. Sandefur, D.N. Ruzic, R. Maingi, J. Hu, G. Zuo, J. Schmitt, "Latest Results From the Hybrid Illinois Device for Research and Applications (HIDRA)", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume 46, Number 07, Page 2685-2690 (2018)
- Wu, B., Y. Yu, J. Wu, I. Shchelkanov, D.N. Ruzic, N. Huang, Y.X. Leng, "Tailoring of titanium thin film properties in high power pulsed magnetron sputtering", Vacuum, Volume 150, Page 144-154 (2018)
- Piotrowicz, P.A., J.F. Caneses, M.A. Showers, D.L. Green, R.H. Goulding, J.B.O. Caughman, T.M. Biewer, J. Rapp, D.N. Ruzic, "Direct measurement of the transition from edge to core power coupling in a light-ion helicon source", Physics of Plasma, Volume 25, Issue 5, Page 052101 (2018)
- Hammouti, S., B. Holybee, W. Zhu, J.P. Allain, B. Jurczyk, D.N. Ruzic, "Titanium nitride formation by a dual-stage femtosecond laser process", Applied Physics A, Volume 124, Page 411 (2018)
- Piotrowicz, P.A., J.F. Caneses, D.L. Green, R.H. Goulding, C. Lau, J.B.O. Caughman, J. Rapp, D.N. Ruzic, "Helicon Normal Modes in Proto-MPEX", Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Volume 27, Page 055016 (2018)
- Zhu, W.K., K.K. Kalathiparambil, Z.G. Sun, C.Y. Liu, A.M. Zhu, D.N. Ruzic, "Enhanced Effect of a Plasma-Irradiated Titanium Substrate on the Photocatalytic Activity of a TiO2 Film", Plasma Processes and Polymers, Volume 15, Issue 5, Page 1700223 (2018)
- Wu, B., I. Haehnlein, I. Shchelkanov, J. McLain, D. Patel, J. Uhlig, B. Jurczyk, Y. Leng, D. N. Ruzic, "Cu films prepared by bipolar pulsed high power impulse magnetron sputtering", Vacuum, Volume 150, Page 216-221 (2018)
- Ruzic, D.N., D. Andruczyk et al. "Stellarator Research Opportunities: A Report of the National Stellarator Coordinating Committee", Journal of Fusion Energy (2018)
- Wu, B., I. Haehnlein, I. Shchelkanov, J. McLain, D. Patel, J. Uhlig, B. Jurczyk, Y. Leng, D.N. Ruzic, "Cu films prepared by bipolar pulsed high power impulse magnetron sputtering", Vacuum (2018)
- Sporre, J., D. N. Ruzic, "Debris Transport Analysis at the Intermediate Focus of an EUV Light Source", Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS, 11(2), 021117 (2012)
- Jung, S., D. Andruczyk, D.N. Ruzic, "Laboratory Investigation of Vapor Shielding for Lithium-Coated Molybdenum in DEVeX", IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science, 40(3) (2012)
- Castano, C., M. Agharzarian, J. Caughman, D. Ruzic, "Visual and Electrical Evidence Supporting a Mechanism of Vacuum Breakdown MS," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40(4) (2012)
- Ouyang, Z., L. Meng, P. Raman, T. S Cho and D N Ruzic, "Laser-assisted plasma coating atmospheric pressure: production of yttria-stabilized zirconia thermal barriers", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 265202 (2011)
- Meng, L., A.N. Cloud, S. Jung, D.N. Ruzic, "Study of Plasma Dynamics in a Modulated Pulsed Power Magnetron Discharge Using a Time-Resolved Langmuir Probe", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 29(1), (Jan/Feb 2011)
- Ruzic, D.N., W. Xu, D. Andruczyk, M.A. Jaworski, "Lithium-metal infused trenches (LiMIT) for heat removal in fusion devices," Nuclear Fusion, 51, 102002 (2011)
- Jung, S., V. Surla, T.K. Gray, D. Andruczyk, D. Ruzic, "Characterization of a theta-pinch plasma using triple probe diagnostic," Journal of Nuclear Materials (2011)
- Ruzic, D.N., V. Surla, "High-energy density beams and plasmas for micro- and nano-texturing of surfaces by rapid melting and solidification," J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 174026, (2011)
- Surla, V., M. Tung, W. Xu, D. Andruczyk, M. Neumann, D.N. Ruzic and D. Mansfield, "Seebeck coefficient measurements of lithium isotopes," Journal of Nuclear Materials 415, 18-22 (2011)
- Dulkin, A., E. Ko, L. Wu, I. Karim, K. Leeser, K. J. Park, L. Meng, and D. N. Ruzic, "Improving the quality of barrier/seed interface by optimizing physical vapor deposition of Cu film on hollow cathode magnetron", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 29(4) (2011) 041514
- Surla, V., P. Raman, D. Burns, M.J. Neumann, D.N. Ruzic, "Physical and chemical erosion studies of lithiated ATJ graphite," Journal of Nuclear Materials (2011)
- Ruzic, D.N., J.P. Allain, "Guest editorial special issue on symposium on fusion engineering", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 38, No. 3 Part 1, p 222-223 (2010)
- Ibano, K., D.N. Ruzic, V. Surla, "Sputtering and thermal evaporation studies of lithiated ATJ graphite", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 38, No. 3 part 1, p 341-345 (2010)
- Struck, C.R., R. Flauta, M.J. Neumann, K.N. Kim, R. Raju, R.L. Bristol, D.N. Ruzic, "Grazing Incidence Broad Ion Beams for Reducing Line-Edge Roughness," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 20, No. 7 (2010)
- Surla, V., M.A. Jaworski, T.K. Gray, K. Ibano, W. Xu, M.J. Neumann, D.N. Ruzic, "Lithium research as a Plasma Facing Component Material at the University of Illinois" Thin Solid Films, Vol. 518, No. 22, pp. 6663-6666 (2010)
- Raju, R., L. Meng, R. Flauta, H. Shin, M.J. Neumann, T.A. Dockstader, D. N. Ruzic, "Development and Characterization of a Secondary RF Plasma-Assisted Closed-Field Dual Magnetron Sputtering System for Optical Coatings on Large-Area Substrates", Plasma Sources and Technology, 19, 025011 (2010)
- Jaworski, M.A., T.K. Gray, M. Antonelli, J.J. Kim, C.Y. Lau, M.B. Lee, M.J. Neumann, W. Xu, D.N. Ruzic, "Thermoelectric Magnetohydrodynamic Stirring of Liquid Metals", Physics Review Letters, 104, 094503 (2010)
- Wu, L., E. Ko, A. Dulkin, K.J. Park, S. Fields, K. Leeser, L. Meng, D.N. Ruzic, "Flux and energy analysis of species in hollow cathode magnetron ionized physical vapor deposition of copper", Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 123502 (2010)
- Racic, M., K. Ibano, R. Raju, D.N. Ruzic, "Physical Erosion Studies of Plain and Lithiated Graphite", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 390-391, pp. 1043-1047 (2009)
- Sporre, J., C.H. Castano, R. Raju, D.N. Ruzic, "Ionic Debris Measurement of Three Extreme Ultraviolet Sources," Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 4 (2009)
- Qiu, H., S.N. Srivastava, K.C. Thompson, M.J. Neumann, D.N. Ruzic "The Effectiveness of Mo-Au Gibbsian Segregating (GS) Alloys and The Surface Removal Effect on the GS Performance for EUV Collector Optics" Optics Engineering, 48, 056501 (2009)
- "Pulsed power module with pulse and ion flux control for magnetron sputtering", US#11,069,515 (2021)
- "Scalable multi-role surface-wave plasma generator", US #10,531,553 (2020)
- "Polarization-Dependent Laser-Assisted Plasma Etching", US #10,510,550 (2019)
- "Apparatus and Method for Depositing a Coating on a Substrate at Atmospheric Pressure", US #10,167,556 (2019)
- "Scalable Multi-Role Surface-Wave Plasma Generator Systems and Methods", US # 9,867,269 (2019) Priority 2013-03-15, Filed 2014-03-17, Published 2014-10-23
- "Method of and Magnet Assembly for High Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering", applied for October 2015
- "Selectively Etching a 3-Dimensional Structure" TF09001, disclosed 2009, applied for 2012, claims accepted Sept. 2015., US patent #9,171,733 2015.
- "Method of Forming Nanoscale Three-Dimensional Patterns in a Porous Material" US Patent Application 13/062,130, US #8,486,843 (2013)
- "Plasma-Assisted Cleaning by Metastable Atom Neutralization", TF08156, disclosed August 2008, patent applied for
- "Method to Produce Nanoscale Three Dimensional Porous Silicon Patterns and Applications in Self-Integrated High Aspect Ratio Vias or Trenches with Build-in Low K Porous Dielectrics and Wafer Level Packaging Integration", TF08145, disclosed July 2008, patent applied for
- "Plasma-Based Debris Mitigation for Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Light Source" serial no. 10/628, 129 (2005), US #7, 230, 258 (2007)
- "Line-Edge Roughness Reduction Technique", TF07128, disclosed October 2007, patent applied for
- "Submicron Particle Removal", applied for Dec. 5, 2005, serial no. 11/293, 903, US #7,528,386 (2009)
- "Chemically Enhanced Physical Vapor Deposition", US #6, 841, 044 B1 (2005)
- "Erosion-Resistant Self Healing, Self-Cleaning Collector Optics for EUV Lithography" TF03076, disclosed 2003
- "Plasma Treatment of Polymers to Repel Water and Reduce Biofouling," TF02037, disclosed 2002
- "Plasma Filter for Extreme Ultra Violet Lithography," TF02117, disclosed 2002
- "Tin Source for Extreme Ultra Violet Lithography," TF02115, disclosed 2002
- "A Compact Remote Helicon Plasma Source for Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition and Other Applications," disclosed 1998
- Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition utilizing an External Source", disclosed 1997, applied for 1998
- "Pulsed Electron-Gun Plasma-Assisted Deposition", disclosed in 1997
- "Pulsed Sheet-Electron-Beam Plasma Processing Device," disclosed in 1996
- "An Inductively Coupled Plasma Processing System Utilizing a Variable Resistance Chamber to Obtain Control of Plasma Parameters," disclosed in 1987
- "Glow Discharge Vacuum Introduction System," disclosed in 1985
- "Surface Modifications to Waveguides," US #4,414,244 (1983)
Journal Editorships
- Member, Editorial Board, J. Vac. Sci. and Technology A and B, 1994-2000
Other Scholarly Activities
- Brought the WEGA Stellarator/Tokamak to Illinois, renamed HIDRA -- Hybrid Illinois Device for Research and Applications, 2014-present
Professional Societies
- Scientific Director, International Union for Vacuum Science Technique and Applications, 2009-2021
- Plasma Science and Technology Division International Vacuum Union Representative, 2005-2009
- American Physics Society Fellow, 2014
- Plasma Science and Technology Division Chair, International PSTD, 2005-2009
- American Vacuum Society Fellow, 2007
- Advanced Surface Engineering Division, Executive Committee, 2000-2006
- American Nuclear Society Fellow, 2004
- Plasma Science and Technology Division Chair PST Division, 1991-1992
Service on College Committees
- College of Engineering Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2016 -2018
- College of Engineering Executive Committee, 2012 - present Vice-Chair, 2013-2015
- Alternate, Executive Committee, 2015-2018
- College Growth Task Force, 2016
- College Budget Committee, 2015
- Vice Chair, Executive Committee, 2014-2015
- Secretary, Executive Committee, 2013-2014
- Engineering Community College Liaison Committee, 1986-2000
- Engineering Humanities and Social Science Electives Committee Chairman, 1992-1994
- Engineering Humanities and Social Science Electives Committee, 1990-1994
- College of Engineering Mentor Program
Service on Campus Committees
- Task Force on the Environment: Undergraduate Education, 1993-1999
- Member of COPE (Council on Program Evaluation), 1991-1996
- Campus Honors Program, Advisory Committee, 1989-2022
- Campus Honors Program Instructor, 1987-2016
- Selection Committee for Hertz Foundation, 1987-2020
- Campus Honors Program Mentor, 1986-2016
- Interviewer for Hertz Foundation, 1986-2020
- NPSS Fusion Technology Award (2020)
- AVS Gaede-Langmuir Award (2020)
- SPIE Fellow (2019)
- American Physical Society Fellow (2014)
- The Plasma Prize (2012)
- Bliss Professorship in Engineering (May 2011-present)
- American Vacuum Society Fellow (2007)
- Micron Professorship (2005-2008)
- American Nuclear Society Fellow (2004)
- XEROX Award (1990)
- Arnold O. Beckman Award (1985)
- Presidential Young Investigator Award (1985-1990)
- Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship (1979-1984)
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship (1979)
- Valedictorian (tied) (Class of 1979)
- National Leadership Honorary (1978)
- National Scholastic Honorary (1997)
Teaching Honors
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students (2020 )
- Rose Award for Teaching Excellence (2019)
- Selected to produce MOOC for Coursera, "Energy Environment and Everyday Life" (2015)
- Campus Award for Excellence in Guiding Undergraduate Research (2009)
- Engineering Council Award for Excellence (2004)
- Student Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2003)
- Graduate College Award for Outstanding Mentoring of Graduate Students Finalist (1999)
- Broadrick-Allen Campus Honors Program Teaching Award (1997)
- All-Campus Charles and Harriet Luckman Award for Distinguished Teaching (1996)
- Department of Nuclear Engineering Teaching Excellence Award (1996)
- College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award (1996)
- Honorary Knight of St. Patrick (1996)
- Oakley Kunde Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Instruction (1993)
- Everitt Award for Excellence in Teaching (1992)
- Pierce Award for Student Faculty Relations (1992)
- Arthur Anderson Award for Advising (1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2005, 2007)
- University of Illinois Award for Advising (1990-1991)
- Special Commendation for Faculty/Student Relations (1988)
- Special Commendation for Faculty/Student Relations (1986)
- Amoco Foundation Award Undergraduate Instructional Development (1986)
- Undergraduate Instructional Award (1985)
Research Honors
- NPSS Fusion Technology Award (2020)
- AVS Gaede-Langmuir Award (2020)
- Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Fellow (2019)
- American Physical Society Fellow (2014)
- The Plasma Prize (2012)
- Bliss Professorship in Engineering (May 2011-present)
- American Vacuum Society Fellow (2007)
- Micron Professorship (2005-2008)
- American Nuclear Society Fellow (2004)
- XEROX Award (1990)
- Arnold O. Beckman Award (1985)
- Presidential Young Investigator Award (1985-1990)
Recent Courses Taught
- NPRE 201 (GLBL 201) - Energy Systems
- NPRE 423 - Plasma Laboratory
- NPRE 429 - Plasma Engineering
- NPRE 527 (ECE 523) - Plasma Tech of Gaseous Elec