Charles M Schroeder
- James Economy Professor
- James Economy Professor
For More Information
- Postdoctorate, University of California at Berkeley, 2007-2008
- Postdoctorate, Harvard University, 2004-2007
- Ph.D., Stanford University, 2004
- B.S., Carnegie Mellon University, 1999
Charles M. Schroeder is a Professor and the Ray and Beverly Mentzer Faculty Scholar in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. He is also an Affiliate in the Departments of Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, and Bioengineering, and he is a member of the Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology and the Institute for Genomic Biology in Biosystems Design. His research focuses on single molecule studies of polymer dynamics and biological systems, and his recent work has extended the field of single polymer dynamics to new materials. Professor Schroeder has been recognized by several awards, including the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, an NSF CAREER Award, the Arthur B. Metzner Award from the Society of Rheology, and a Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering. Professor Schroeder joined the department in 2008. He received his B.S. (1999) in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, followed by an M.S. (2001) and Ph.D. (2004) in Chemical Engineering at Stanford University. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley.
Academic Positions
- Co-Chair, Molecular Science and Engineering (Research Theme) Leader, Molecular Design & Engineering (Research Group) Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801 (8/18-4/24)
- Professor and Ray and Beverly Mentzer Faculty Scholar Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801 (8/17-8/20)
- Visiting Associate, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125 (1/17-5/17)
- Associate Professor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801 (8/14-8/17)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801 (8/08-8/14)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 94720 (12/07-7/08)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology (Xie Group) Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 (11/04-11/07)
- Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (3/00-11/04)
Other Professional Employment
- Research Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jhon/Tilton Groups, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
- Research Engineer Intern, Photolithography, Fab 15 (Summer 1998), Intel Corporation, Portland, OR 97007
- Research Engineer Intern, Chemical/Mechanical Polish, Fab 15 (Summer 1999), Intel Corporation, Portland, OR 97007
Resident Instruction
- Co-organizer, Soft Materials Seminar, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois. Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022
- Teaching Assistant, Microscale Transport, Course 310A, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University. Winter 2002.
- Teaching Assistant, Fluid Mechanics, Course 120A, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University. Winter 2001.
- Instructor, Bioenergy & Biofuels Technology, Course 494/594CMS, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois. Spring 2010, Spring 2011.
- Instructor, Polymer Science & Engineering, Course 456/594, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois. Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Spring 2013, Fall 2013.
- Instructor, Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering, Course 521, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois. Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Fall 2015, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2020.
- Instructor, Fluid Dynamics, Course 522, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois. Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2019, Spring 2020.
- Instructor, Dynamics of Complex Liquids, Course 594cms, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois. Spring 2018.
Research Statement
Molecular Bioengineering and Biophysics
Single molecule techniques represent a new paradigm to study biological and physical processes. In our group, we apply novel molecular-based methods to address key problems in biotechnology and soft materials. Specifically, we design and implement integrated microdevices for high-throughput screening of biomolecules for medical analysis, study the action of natural and evolved enzymes at the molecular level, and investigate the non-equilibrium dynamics of soft materials. Our research is highly interdisciplinary and lies at the interface of biology, engineering, and biotechnology.
Integrated Microdevices for Biotechnology
The genomics age has ushered in a wealth of genetic-based information. As we begin to build a molecular-based understanding of human health, there exists a continuing need for miniaturized microdevices for medical analysis. In our research, we are developing novel integrated devices for biotechnology based on the analysis of single molecules with several applications: disease diagnosis, prediction of drug response, and personalized medicine. The goal of this research is to improve human health by developing and demonstrating high-throughput analysis of single DNA molecules and proteins in microdevices.
Molecular Biophysics
Molecular-based understanding of biological mechanisms – including viral infection pathways, enzymatic reactions, or metabolism – is oftentimes the key to precipitating major advances in bioengineering. We use single molecule techniques to study the behavior of biological systems and processes, including catalysis mechanisms by natural and evolved enzyme systems. We are currently developing new screening tools for protein engineering and studying the action of nucleic-acid enzyme processes, including DNA replication. Observation of single proteins and enzymes allows for characterization of real-time dynamics, molecular subpopulations, and heterogeneous biological behavior.
Soft Materials: Polymer Dynamics
Polymers are ubiquitous in modern technology and represent an interesting example of soft matter. Biopolymers such as DNA, RNA, and proteins store vital information in cells and perform essential tasks to ensure survival of an organism; synthetic polymers are commonly encountered in a multitude of industrial applications. In our group, we develop and synthesize new materials and biopolymers and study them at the molecular level. We use fluorescence microscopy to directly observe single polymer conformations in flow and to characterize the individualistic dynamical behavior of polymers under highly non-equilibrium conditions.
Research Interests
- Molecular Engineering, Soft Materials, Molecular Rheology, Single Molecule Biophysics
Research Areas
- Advanced Materials for Electronics and Communications
- Data-Driven Materials Discovery
- Innovative Materials for Health and Medicine
- Sustainable Materials for Energy and the Environment
- Transformative Materials for Advanced Manufacturing
Research Topics
Chapters in Books
- C. M. Schroeder, P. C. Blainey, S. Kim, X. S. Xie, "Hydrodynamic Flow-stretching Assay for Single Molecule Studies of Nucleic Acid-Protein Interactions", in Single Molecule Techniques: A Laboratory Manual, T. Ha and P. Selvin (eds.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2007.
- A. Mukherjee and C. M. Schroeder, "Microfluidic Methods in Single Cell Biology", in Microfluidic Methods in Molecular Biology, C. Lu and S. Verbridge (eds.), Springer, 2016.
Selected Articles in Journals
- C. Pan, S. K. Tabatabaei, S. M. H. Tabatabaei Yazdi, A. G. Hernandez, C. M. Schroeder*, O. Milenkovic*, “Rewritable Two-Dimensional DNA-Based Data Storage with Machine Learning Recon- struction”, Nature Communications, 13, 2984 (2022).
- C. Lin, D. Kumar, C. Richter, S. Wang, C. M. Schroeder, V. Narsimhan, "Vesicle Dynamics in Large Amplitude Oscillatory Extensional Flow", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 929 (2021).
- Y. Zhou, C. D. Young, K. E. Regan, M. Lee, S. Banik, D. Kong, G. B. McKenna, R. M. Robertson- Anderson, C. E. Sing, C. M. Schroeder, "Dynamics and Rheology of Ring-Linear Blend Semidilute Solutions in Extensional Flow: Single Molecule Experiments", Journal of Rheology, 65, 757-777 (2021).
- S. Jain, S. Shukla, C. Yang, Y. Wang, X. Xiong, S. Abesteh, M. Lingamaneni, C. M. Schroeder, P. R. Selvin, H. Zhao, "TALEN Outperforms Cas9 in Editing Heterochromatin Target Sites", Nature Communications, 12, 606 (2021).
- 82. S. Patel, C. D. Young, C. E. Sing, C. M. Schroeder, "Non-monotonic Dependence of Comb Polymer Relaxation on Branch Density in Semi-dilute Solutions", Physical Review Fluids, 5, 121301R (2020).
- M. Tu, M. Lee, R. M. Robertson-Anderson, C. M. Schroeder, "Direct Observation of Ring Polymer Dynamics in the Flow-Gradient Plane of Shear Flow", Macromolecules, 53, 9406-9419 (2020).
- D. Mai and C. M. Schroeder, "Single Molecule Studies of Synthetic Polymers", ACS Macro Letters, 9, 1332-1341 (2020).
- S. Li, H. Yu, X. Chen, A. A. Gewirth, J. S. Moore, C. M. Schroeder, "Covalent Ag-C Bonding Contacts from Unprotected Terminal Acetylenes for Molecular Junctions", Nano Letters, 20, 5490-5495 (2020).
- D. Kumar, C. M. Richter, C. M. Schroeder, "Double-mode Relaxation of Highly Deformed Vesicles", Physical Review E, 102, 010605R (2020).
- E. R. Jira, K. Shmilovich, T. S. Kale, A. Ferguson, J. D. Tovar, C. M. Schroeder, "Effect of Core Oligomer Length on the Phase Behavior and Assembly of pi-conjugated Peptides", ACS Applied Ma- terials & Interfaces, 12, 20722-20732 (2020).
- 76. K. R. Peddireddy, M. Lee, C. M. Schroeder, R. M. Robertson-Anderson, "Viscoelastic Properties of Ring-linear DNA Blends Exhibit Non-monotonic Dependence on Blend Composition", Physical Review Research, 2, 023213 (2020).
- S. Li, J. Li, H. Yu, S. Pudar, B. Li, J. Rodriguez-Lopez, J. S. Moore, C. M. Schroeder, "Characterizing Intermolecular Interactions in Redox-active Pyridinium-based Molecular Junctions", Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, in press (2020).
- D. Kumar, A. Shenoy, J. C. Deutsch, C. M. Schroeder, "Automation and Flow Control for Particle Manipulation", Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 29, 1-8 (2020).
- H. Yu*, S. Li*, K. E. Schwieter, Y. Liu, B. Sun, J. S. Moore, C. M. Schroeder, "Charge Transport in Sequence-defined Conjugated Oligomers", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, 4852-4861, (2020).
- K. Peddireddy, M. Lee, Y. Zhou, S. Adalbert, C. M. Schroeder, R. Robertson-Anderson, "Unexpected Entanglement Dynamics in Semidilute Blends of Supercoiled and Ring DNA", Soft Matter, 16, 152-161 (2020).
- L. Cuculis*, C. Zhao*, Z. Abil, H. Zhao, D. Shukla*, C. M. Schroeder*, "Divalent Cations Enhance TALE DNA-Binding Specicity", Nucleic Acids Research, 48, 1406-1422 (2020).
- D. Kumar, C. M. Richter, C. M. Schroeder, "Conformational Dynamics and Phase Behavior of Lipid Vesicles in a Precisely Controlled Extensional Flow", Soft Matter, 16, 337-347 (2020).
- D. Kumar, A. Shenoy, S. Li, C. M. Schroeder, "Orientation Control and Nonlinear Trajectory Tracking of Colloidal Particles using Microfluidics", Physical Review Fluids, 4, 114203 (2019).
- A. Shenoy, D. Kumar, S. Hilgenfeldt, C. M. Schroeder, "Flow Topology During Multiplexed Particle Manipulation using a Stokes Trap", Physical Review Applied, 12, 054010 (2019).
- S. Li*, H. Yu*, K. E. Schwieter, K. Chen, B. Li, Y. Liu, J. S. Moore, C. M. Schroeder, "Charge Transport and Quantum Interference in Oxazole-Terminated Conjugated Oligomers", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141, 16079-16084 (2019).
- L. Valverde, B. Li, C. M. Schroeder, W. Wilson, "In Situ Photophysical Characterization of - conjugated Oligopeptides Assembled via Continuous Flow Processing", Langmuir, 35, 10947-10957 (2019).
- C. Boucher-Jacobs, B. Li, C. M. Schroeder, and D. Guironnet, "Solubility and Activity of a Phosphinosulfonate Palladium Catalyst in Water with Dierent Surfactants", Polymer Chemistry, 10, 1988- 1992 (2019).
- Y. Zhou, K. W. Hsiao, K. E. Regan, D. Kong, G. B. McKenna, R. M. Robertson-Anderson, C. M. Schroeder, " Effects of Molecular Architecture on Ring Polymer Dynamics in Semi-dilute Linear Polymer Solutions", Nature Communications, 10, 1753, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09627 (2019).
- B. Li, H. Yu, E. C. Montoto, Y. Liu, S. Li, K. Schwieter, J. Rodriquez-Lopez, J. S. Moore, C. M. Schroeder, "Intrachain Charge Transport through Conjugated Donor-Acceptor Oligomers", ACS Ap- plied Electronic Materials, 1, 7-12 (2019).
- Y. Zhou and C. M. Schroeder, "Dynamically Heterogeneous Relaxation of Entangled Polymer Chains", Physical Review Letters, 120, 267801 (2018).
- S. Li and C. M. Schroeder, "Synthesis and Single Molecule Studies of Thermo-responsive DNA Copolymers", ACS Macro Letters, 7, 281-286 (2018).
- D. J. Mai, A. Sadaat, B. Khomami, C. M. Schroeder, "Stretching Dynamics of Single Comb Polymers in Extensional Flow", Macromolecules, 51, 1507-1517 (2018).
- C. M. Schroeder, "Single Polymer Dynamics for Molecular Rheology", Journal of Rheology, 62, 371-403 (2018).
- S. Kumar, J. S. Katz, C. M. Schroeder, "Heterogeneous Drying and Non-monotonic Contact Angle Dynamics in Concentrated, Film-forming Latex Drops", Physical Review Fluids, 2, 114304 (2017).
- B. Li, L. R. Valverde, F. Zhang, Y. Zhou, S. Li, Y. Diao, W. L. Wilson, C. M. Schroeder, "Macroscopic Alignment and Assembly of -conjugated Oligopeptides using Colloidal Microchannels", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 41586-41593 (2017).
- J. P. Berezney, A. B. Marciel, C. M. Schroeder, O. A. Saleh, "Scale-dependent Stiffness and Internal Tension of a Model Brush Polymer", Physical Review Letters, 116, 127801 (2017).
- K. W. Hsiao, J. Dinic, Y. Ren, V. Sharma, C. M. Schroeder, "Passive Non-linear Microrheology for Determining Extensional Viscosity", Physics of Fluids, 29 121603 (2017).
- Y. Zhou, B. Li, S. Li, H. A. M. Ardoena, W. L. Wilson, J. D. Tovar, C. M. Schroeder, "Concentration- Driven Assembly and Sol-Gel Transition -Conjugated Oligopeptides", ACS Central Science, 3, 986- 994 (2017).
- L. W. Cuculis and C. M. Schroeder, "Molecular Mechanisms for Genome Editing Proteins: Single Molecule Studies of TALEs and CRISPR/Cas9", Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 8, 577-597 (2017).
- B. Li, S. Li, Y. Zhou, H. A. M. Ardona, L. R. Valverde, W. L. Wilson, J. D. Tovar, C. M. Schroeder, "Non-equilibrium Self-assembly of pi-conjugated Oligopeptides in Solution", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 3977-3984 (2017).
- K. Hsiao, C. Sasmal, J. R. Prakash, C. M. Schroeder, "Direct Observation of DNA Dynamics in Semi-dilute Solutions in Extensional Flow", Journal of Rheology, 61, 151-167 (2017).
- C. Sasmal, K. Hsiao, C. M. Schroeder, J. R. Prakash, "Parameter-free Prediction of DNA Dynamics in Planar Extensional Flow of Semi-dilute Solutions", Journal of Rheology, 61, 169-186 (2017).
- Y. Zhou and C. M. Schroeder, "Transient and Average Unsteady Dynamics of Single Polymers in Large-amplitude Oscillatory Extension", Macromolecules, 49, 8018-8030 (2016).
- D. J. Mai and C. M. Schroeder, "Single Polymer Dynamics of Topologically Complex DNA", Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 26, 28-40 (2016).
- Y. Zhou and C. M. Schroeder, "Single Polymer Dynamics Under Large Amplitude Oscillatory Extension", Physical Review Fluids, 1, 053301 (2016).
- L. W. Cuculis, Z. Abil, H. Zhao, C. M. Schroeder, "TALE Proteins Search DNA using a Rotationally Decoupled Mechanism", Nature Chemical Biology, 12, 831-837 (2016).
- C. M. Schroeder, S. Koster, Y. Huang, "Emerging Investigators 2016: Discovery Science Meets Technology", Lab on a Chip, 16, 2974-2976 (2016).
- A. Shenoy, C. V. Rao, C. M. Schroeder, "Stokes Trap for Multiplexed Particle Manipulation and Assembly Using Fluidics", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 3976-3981 (2016).
- 43. K. Hsiao, C. M. Schroeder, C. E. Sing, "Ring Polymer Dynamics Are Governed by a Coupling between Architecture and Hydrodynamic Interactions", Macromolecules, 49, 1961-1971 (2016).
- D. T. Reilly, S. H. Kim, J. A. Katzenellenbogen, C. M. Schroeder, "Fluorescent Nanoconjugate Derivatives with Enhanced Photostability for Single Molecule Imaging", Analytical Chemistry, 87, 11048- 11057 (2015).
- Y. Li, K. Hsiao, C.A. Brockman, D.Y. Yates, R.M. Robertson-Anderson, J.A. Kornfield, M.J. San Francisco, C. M. Schroeder, G. B. McKenna, "When Ends Meet: Circular DNA Stretches Differently in Elongational Flows", Macromolecules, 48, 5997-6001 (2015).
- X. Li, C. M. Schroeder, K. D. Dorfman, "Modeling the Stretching of Wormlike Chains in the Presence of Excluded Volume", Soft Matter, 11, 5947-5954 (2015).
- L. W. Cuculis, Z. Abil, H. Zhao, C. M. Schroeder, "Direct Observation of TALE Protein Dynamics Reveals a Two-state Search Mechanism", Nature Communications, 6, 7277, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8277 (2015).
- R. Mohan, C. Sanpitakseree, A. V. Desai, S. E. Sevgen, C. M. Schroeder, P. J. A. Kenis, "A Microfluidic Approach to Study the Effect of Bacterial Interactions on Antimicrobial Susceptibility in Polymicrobial Cultures", RSC Advances, 5, 35211-35223 (2015).
- D. Mai, A. B. Marciel, C. E. Sing, C. M. Schroeder, "Topology-Controlled Relaxation Dynamics of Single Branched Polymers", ACS Macro Letters, 4, 446-452 (2015).
- A. B. Marciel, D. J. Mai, C. M. Schroeder, "Template-directed Synthesis of Structurally Defined Branched Polymers", Macromolecules, 48, 1296-1303 (2015).
- A. Mukherjee and C. M. Schroeder, "Flavin-based Fluorescent Proteins: Emerging Paradigms in Biological Imaging", Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 31, 16-23 (2015).
- A. Shenoy, M. Tanyeri, C. M. Schroeder, "Characterizing the Performance of the Hydrodynamic Trap Using a Control-based Approach", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 18, 1055-1066, (2015).
- A. Mukherjee, K. B.Weyant, J.Walker, U. Agrawal, I. Cann, C. M. Schroeder, "Engineering and Characterization of New LOV-based Fluorescent Proteins from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Vaucheria frigida", ACS Synthetic Biology, 4, 371-377 (2015).
- F. Latinwo, K. Hsiao, and C. M. Schroeder, "Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Dilute Polymer Solutions in Flow", Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 174903 (2014).
- E. M. Johnson-Chavarria, U. Agrawal, M. Tanyeri, T. E. Kuhlman, C. M. Schroeder, "Automated Single Cell Microbioreactor for Monitoring Intracellular Dynamics and Cell Growth in Free Solution", Lab on a Chip, 14, 2688-2697 (2014).
- K. S. Lee, A. B. Marciel, A. G. Kozlov, C. M. Schroeder, T. M. Lohman, T. Ha, "Ultrafast Redistribution of E. coli SSB Along Long Single-Stranded DNA via Intersegment Transfer", Journal of Molecular Biology, 426, 2413-2421(2014).
- F. Latinwo and C. M. Schroeder, "Determining Elasticity from Single Polymer Dynamics", Soft Matter, 10, 2178-2187 (2014).
- A. B. Marciel, M. Tanyeri, B. D. Wall, J. D. Tovar, C. M. Schroeder, W. L. Wilson, "Fluidic-directed Assembly of Aligned Oligopeptides with -conjugated Cores", Advanced Materials, 25, 6398-6404 (2013).
- F. Latinwo and C. M. Schroeder, "Nonequilibrium Work Relations for Polymer Dynamics in Dilute Solutions", Macromolecules, 46, 8345-8355 (2013).
- M. Tanyeri and C. M. Schroeder, “Manipulation and Confinement of Single Particles using a Fluid Flow”, Nano Letters, 13, 2357-2364 (2013).
- R. Mohan, A. Mukherjee, S. E. Sevgen, C. Sanpitakseree, J. Lee, C. M. Schroeder, P. J. A. Kenis, “A Multiplexed Microfluidic Platform for Rapid Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 49, 118-125 (2013).
- A. Mukherjee, J. Walker, K. B. Weyant, C. M. Schroeder, “Characterization of Flavin-based Fluorescent Proteins: An Emerging Class of Powerful Fluorescent Reporters”, PLOS ONE, 8, e64753 (2013).
- U. Agrawal, D. Reilly, C. M. Schroeder, “Zooming in on Biological Processes with Fluorescence Nanoscop”, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 24 (2013).
- A. B. Marciel and C. M. Schroeder, “New Directions in Single Polymer Dynamics”, Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics, 51, 556-566 (2013).
- Y. Kim, S. Kim, M. Tanyeri, J. A. Katzenellenbogen, C. M. Schroeder, “Dendrimer Probes for Enhanced Photostability and Localization in Fluorescence Imaging”, Biophysical Journal, 104, 1566-1575 (2013).
- A. Mukherjee and C. M. Schroeder, “Directed Evolution of Bright Mutants of a Flavin-Dependent Anaerobic Fluorescent Protein from Pseudomonas putida”, Journal of Biological Engineering, 6, 20, (2012).
- Y. Kim, S. Kim, J. A. Katzenellenbogen, C. M. Schroeder, “Specific Labeling of Zinc Finger Proteins using Noncanonical Amino Acids and Copper-free Click Chemistry”, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 23, 1891-1901 (2012).
- M.-H. Lai, J. H. Jeong, R. Devolder, C. A. Brockman, C. M. Schroeder, H. Kong, “Ellipsoidal Polyaspartamide Polymersomes with Enhanced Cell-Targeting Ability”, Advanced Functional Materials, 22, 3239-3246 (2012).
- D. J. Mai, C. A. Brockman, C. M. Schroeder, “Microfluidic Systems for Single DNA Dynamics”, Soft Matter, 8, 10560-10572 (2012).
- M. Tanyeri, M. Ranka, N. Sittipolkul, C. M. Schroeder, "Microfluidic Wheatstone Bridge for Rapid Sample Analysis", Lab on a Chip, 11, 4181-4186 (2011).
- F. Latinwo and C. M. Schroeder, "Model Systems for Single Molecule Polymer Dynamics", Soft Matter, 7, 7907-7913 (2011).
- M. Tanyeri, M. Ranka, N. Sittipolkul, C. M. Schroeder, "A Microfluidic-based Hydrodynamic Trap: Design and Implementation", Lab on a Chip, 11, 1786-1794 (2011).
- C. A. Brockman, S. Kim, C. M. Schroeder, "Direct Observation of Single Flexible Polymers using Single Stranded DNA", Soft Matter, 7, 8005-8012 (2011).
- B. Schudel, M. Tanyeri, C. M. Schroeder, P. J. A. Kenis, "Multiplexed Detection of Nucleic Acids in a Combinatorial Screening Chip", Lab on a Chip, 11, 1916-1923 (2011).
- M. Tanyeri, E. M. Johnson-Chavarria and C. M. Schroeder, "Hydrodynamic Trap for Single Particles and Cells", Applied Physics Letters, 96, 224101 (2010).
- S. Kim, C. M. Schroeder, X. S. Xie, "Single Molecule Observation of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Polymerization Dynamics on Flow Stretched DNA Templates", Journal of Molecular Biology, 395, 995-1006 (2010).
- Y. Han, D. Dodd, C. M. Schroeder, R. I. Mackie, I. K. O. Cann, “Comparative Analysis of Two Thermophilic Enzymes Exhibiting both β-1,4-Mannosidic and β-1,4-Glucosidic Cleavage Activities from Caldanaerobius polysaccharolyticus”, Journal of Bacteriology, 192, 4111-4121 (2010).
- S. Kim, P.C. Blainey, C.M. Schroeder, and X.S. Xie, "Multiplexed Single-molecule Assay for Weak Enzymatic Activity on Flow-stretched DNA," Nature Methods, 4, 397-399 (2007).
- C.M. Schroeder, R.E. Teixeira, E.S.G. Shaqfeh, S. Chu, "Characteristic Periodic Motion of Polymers in Shear Flow," Physical Review Letters, 95, 018301 (2005).
- C.M. Schroeder, H.P. Babcock, E.S.G. Shaqfeh, S. Chu, "Observation of Polymer Conformation Hysteresis in Extensional Flow," Science, 301, 1515-1519 (2003).
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- C. M. Schroeder, D. J. Mai, Y. Zhou "Single Molecule Studies of Branched Polymers and Large Amplitude Oscillatory Extension (LAOE)", International Congress on Rheology, Kyoto, Japan, August 2016.
- C. M. Schroeder, C. A. Brockman, F. Latinwo, "New Directions in Single Polymer Dynamics: Designer Macromolecules and Jarzynski Analysis for Materials Properties", International Congress on Rheology, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2012.
- B. R. Schudel, M. Tanyeri, C. M. Schroeder, P. J. A. Kenis, "Fluorescence Microscopy for Detection of Molecular Beacons in a Multiplexed Microfluidic Device", Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS), Jeju, Korea, November 2009.
- C. M. Schroeder, E. S. G. Shaqfeh, R. E. Teixeira, S. Chu,"Non-equilibrium Behavior of DNA Molecules in Flows of Dilute and Concentrated Solutions", Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress on Rheology, Edited by The Korean Society of Rheology, Seoul, Korea, August 2004.
- O. Milenkovic, N. Athreya, A. Khandelwal, J.-P. LeBurton, X. Li, C. M. Schroeder, K. Tabatabaei, B. Li, "On-Chip Nanoscale Storage System Using Chimeric DNA", United States Non-Provisional Patent, 19-1227-US, 16/593,450, Awarded 2023.
- O. Milenkovic, C. M. Schroeder, H. Tabatabaei, K. Tabatabaei, A. Hernandez, C. Pan, "DNA Based Image Storage and Retrieval", United States Non-Provisional Patent, UIUC2019-195-02(US), 17/102,143, Awarded 2023.
- Y. Kim, S. Kim, M. Tanyeri, J. A. Katzenellenbogen, C. M. Schroeder, "Dye-conjugated Dendrimers", United States Patent, No. 9,448,173, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 2016.
- C. M. Schroeder, H. P. Babcock, E. S. G. Shaqfeh, S. Chu, "System and Method for Conning an Object to a Region of Fluid Flow Having a Stagnation Point", United States Patent, No. 7,013,739 B2, March 21, 2006.
Journal Editorships
- Guest Editor, Journal of Rheology, 2019-2023.
- Guest Editor, Lab on a Chip, 2016.
- Member, Editorial Board, Scientific Reports, 2019-present.
Conferences Organized or Chaired
- Session Chair, "Energy & Sustainability", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Chicago Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 2009.
- Session Co-Chair, "Complex and Bio-Fluid Dynamics I", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 2009.
- Session Chair, "Complex and Bio-Fluid Dynamics II", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 2009.
- Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Conference on Colloids, Macromolecules and Polyelectrolytes, Ventura, CA, February 2010.
- Session Judge, Student/Postdoc Poster Session, Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, October 2010.
- Session Chair, "Non-Newtownian Flows and Nonlinear Hydrodynamics", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2010.
- Session Chair, "Bio-Fluid Dynamics", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 2011.
- Session Chair, "Bio-Fluid Dynamics", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2012.
- Poster Session Judge, Student/Postdoc Poster Session, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Area 1J), Pittsburgh, PA, October 2012.
- Session Chair, "Rheology in Biological Systems", Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Pasadena, CA, February 2013.
- Session co-Chair, "Bio-Fluid Dynamics", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2013.
- Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Conference on Macromolecular Materials, Ventura, CA, January 2015.
- Session Chair, "Micro and Nanofluidics", Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2015.
- Session Chair, "Rheology and Dynamics of Complex Fluids", Workshop on New Aspects on Micro and Macroscopic Flows in Soft Matter, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan, August 2016.
- Session Chair, "Biosensors, Bionanotechnology, and Bioelectronics", International Conference on Biomolecular Engineering, San Diego, CA, January 2017.
- Session Chair, "Microrheology and Microfluidics", Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, October 2017.
- Session Chair, International Congress on Rheology (ICR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2020. (Virtual).
- Session Chair, ISMC Meeting (8th Annual International Soft Matter Conference), Raleigh, NC, July-August 2024.
Professional Societies
- American Physical Society (DSOFT, DPOLY)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- Protein Society, 2005
- Society of Rheology, 2001-present
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1995-present
Service on University Committees
- Associate Head, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020
- Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020-2021
- Chair, Soft Materials Committee, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020-2022
- Group Leader, Molecular Design and Engineering (MDE) Group, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018-2022
- Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021-2022
- Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022-2023
- Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022-2023
- Member, Faculty Development Committee, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021-2023
- Co-Chair, Molecular Science and Engineering (MSE) Theme, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018-2024
- Interim Associate Head, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024
- Member, Executive Committee, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017-2024
- Member, Advising Committee, Undergraduates, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Member, Teaching Evaluation Committee, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Member, Awards Committee, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Chair, Awards Committee, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Group Leader, AI for Materials (AIM) Group, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Service to Federal and State Government
- Member, Metzner Award Committee, Society of Rheology, 2022-2025.
- Member, APS DPOLY Programming Committee, 2023-present.
- Member, Advisory Board, Soft Matter Association of the Americas (SMAA) & liaison to APS DSOFT, 2023-present.
Other Outside Service
- Reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2017
- Member, Editorial Board, Scientific Reports, 2019-present.
- Reviewer, Department of Energy, 2018, 2022.
- Guest Editor, Journal of Rheology, 2019-2023.
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Rheology, 2022-present.
- Reviewer, Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, 2023
- American Physical Society, Fellow, 2023
- Society of Rheology, Fellow, 2023
- Vision and Spirit Award, Beckman Institute, 2023
- American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, 2022
- Ray & Beverly Mentzer Professor, 2019
- Society of Rheology Publication Award, 2019
- Center for Advanced Study, Beckman Fellow, University of Illinois, 2014
- Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 2013
- NSF CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, 2013
- Dean's Award for Excellence in Research, University of Illinois, 2013
- Arthur B. Metzner Early Career Award, Society of Rheology, 2012
- U.S. Frontiers of Engineering, National Academy of Engineering, 2012
- Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering, 2011
- Tomorrow's PIs, Genome Technology, 2008
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, University of Illinois, Spring 2011, Fall 2008
- Pathway to Independence Award, National Institute of Health, 2006-2011
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Jane Coffin Childs Fund for Medical Research, 2005-2006
- Gerald Lieberman Fellowship, Stanford University, 2003-2004
- NSF Graduate Fellowship, National Science Foundation, 1999-2003
- Stanford Graduate Fellow, Stanford University, 1999
- University Honors, Carnegie Mellon University, 1998
- Andrew Carnegie Scholar, Carnegie Mellon University, 1998
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1998
- Donald F. Othmer Academic Excellence Award, AIChE
Recent Courses Taught
- CHBE 521 - Applied Mathematics in CHBE
- CHBE 522 - Fluid Dynamics
- MSE 455 - Macromolecular Solids
- MSE 559 - Soft Materials Seminar
- MSE 598 X - Microhydrodynamics of Soft Mat