Chris Evans
For More Information
- 2013, PhD, Northwestern University
- 2008, Bachelor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota
- 2008, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, University of Minnesota
Professor Evans received his bachelors in both Chemical Engineering as well as Chemistry from the University of Minnesota and his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University. Following a brief stint at UC Berkeley, he moved to UC Santa Barbara to continue his postdoc. He joined the faculty at UIUC in 2016. His professional awards include the Ryan Fellowship, 3M Fellowship, AkzoNobel award, ACS Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator award, ACS PMSE Young Investigator, and a 3M Non-tenured faculty award.
Research Statement
The Evans group is interested in probing the physics of polymer networks with the incorporation of dynamic covalent bonds and added salts. We are pursuing a fundamental understanding of polymer properties such as energy dissipation, self-healing, crystallization, and transport of small molecules through the network. The group combines molecular design of precise polymers with advanced characterization approaches to determine structure-property relationships in dynamic, ionic networks. Application of networks in the group include supercapacitors, actuators, membranes, batteries, energy dissipation, and thermal management which are informed by our fundamental investigations. New directions in the lab include using synthetic polypeptides to design solid state materials with enhanced properties by harnessing the helical secondary structure of these molecules.
Research Interests
- Polymer Physics, Diffusion, Energy Materials, Nanoscale and Interfacial Physics
Research Areas
- Sustainable Materials for Energy and the Environment
- Transformative Materials for Advanced Manufacturing
Selected Articles in Journals
- C. Shen, Q. Zhao, C. M. Evans "Ion Specific, Odd-Even Glass Transition Temperatures and Conductivities in Precise Network Polymerized Ionic Liquids" Molecular Systems Design and Engineering 2019, 4, 332-341.(Invited article)
- C. Shen, Q. Zhao, C. M. Evans "Precise Network Polymerized Ionic Liquids for Low-Voltage, Dopant-free Soft Actuators" Advanced Materials Technologies 2019, 4, 1800535.
- G. E. Sanoja, N. S. Schauser, J. M. Bartels, C. M. Evans, M. E. Helgeson, R. Seshadri, R. A. Segalman "Ion Transport in Dynamic Polymer Networks Based on Metal–Ligand Coordination: Effect of Cross-Linker Concentration" Macromolecules 2018, 51, 2017-2026.
- J. Bartels, G. E. Sanoja, C. M Evans, R. A. Segalman, M. Helgeson "Decoupling Mechanical and Conductive Dynamics of Polymeric Ionic Liquids via a Trivalent Anion Additive" Macromolecules 2017, 50, 8979-8987.
- C. M. Evans, C. R. Bridges, G. E. Sanoja, J. Bartels, R. A. Segalman "Role of Tethered Ion Placement on Polymerized Ionic Liquid Structure and Conductivity: Pendant vs Backbone Charge Placement" ACS Macro Letters 2016, 5, 925-930.
- C.-K. Mai, J. Liu, C. M. Evans, R. A. Segalman, M. L. Chabinyc, D. G. Cahill, G. C. Bazan "Anisotropic Thermal Transport in Thermoelectric Composites of Conjugated Polyelectrolyte/Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes" Macromolecules 2016, 49, 4957-4963.
- C. M. Evans, G. E. Sanoja, B. C. Popere, R. A. Segalman "Anhydrous Proton Transport in Polymerized Ionic Liquid Block Copolymers: Roles of Block Length, Ionic Content, and Confinement" Macromolecules 2016, 49, 395-404.
- W. B. Chang, H. Fang, J. Liu, C. M. Evans, B. Russ, B. C. Popere, S. N. Patel, M. L. Chabinyc, R. A. Segalman "Electrochemical Effects in Thermoelectric Polymers" ACS Macro Letters 2016, 5, 455-459.
- G. E. Sanoja, B. C. Popere, B. S. Beckingham, C. M. Evans, N. A. Lynd, R. A. Segalman"Structure–Conductivity Relationships of Block Copolymer Membranes Based on Hydrated Protic Polymerized Ionic Liquids: Effect of Domain Spacing" Macromolecules 2016, 49, 2216-2223.
- W. B. Chang, C. M. Evans, B. C. Popere, B. M. Russ, J. Liu, J. Newman, R. A. Segalman "Harvesting Waste Heat in Unipolar Ion Conducting Polymers" ACS Macro Letters 2016, 5, 94-98.
- C. M. Evans, M. R. Singh, N. A. Lynd, R. A. Segalman "Improving the Gas Barrier Properties of Nafion via Thermal Annealing: Evidence for Diffusion through Hydrophilic Channels and Matrix" Macromolecules 2015, 48, 3303-3309.
- E. S. Cho, C. M. Evans, E. C. Davidson, M. L. Hoarfrost, M. A. Modestino, R. A. Segalman, J. J. Urban "Enhanced water vapor blocking in transparent hybrid polymer–nanocrystal films" ACS Macro Letters 2015, 4, 70-74.
- C. M. Evans, S. Kim, C. B. Roth, R. D. Priestley, L. J. Broadbelt, J. M. Torkelson "Role of neighboring domains in determining the magnitude and direction of T g-confinement effects in binary, immiscible polymer systems" Polymer 2015, 80, 180-187.
- S. Askar, C. M. Evans, J. M. Torkelson "Residual stress relaxation and stiffness in spin-coated polymer films: Characterization by ellipsometry and fluorescence" Polymer 2015, 76, 113-122.
- M. A. Modestino, K. A. Walczak, A. Berger, C. M. Evans, S. Haussener, C. Koval, J. S. Newman, J. W. Ager, R. A. Segalman "Robust production of purified H 2 in a stable, self-regulating, and continuously operating solar fuel generator" Energy and Environmental Science 2014, 7, 297-301.
- C. M. Evans, H. Deng, W. F. Jager, J. M. Torkelson "Fragility is a key parameter in determining the magnitude of T g-confinement effects in polymer films" Macromolecules 2013, 46, 6091-6103.
- C. M. Evans, K. J. Henderson, J. D. Saathoff, K. R. Shull, J. M. Torkelson "Simultaneous determination of critical micelle temperature and micelle core glass transition temperature of block copolymer–solvent systems via pyrene-label fluorescence" Macromolecules 2013, 46, 4131-4140.
- C. M. Evans, S. Narayanan, Z. Jiang, J. M. Torkelson "Modulus, confinement, and temperature effects on surface capillary wave dynamics in bilayer polymer films near the glass transition" Physical Review Letters 2012, 109, 038302.
- C. M. Evans, J. M. Torkelson "Major Roles of Blend Partner Fragility and Dye Placement on Component Glass Transition Temperatures: Fluorescence Study of Near-Infinitely Dilute Species in Binary Blends" Macromolecules 2012, 45, 8319-8327.
- C. M. Evans, J. M. Torkelson "Determining multiple component glass transition temperatures in miscible polymer blends: Comparison of fluorescence spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry" Polymer 2012, 53, 6118-6124.
- C. M. Evans, R. W. Sandoval, J. M. Torkelson "Glass transition temperature of a component near infinite dilution in binary polymer blends: determination via fluorescence spectroscopy" Macromolecules 2011, 44, 6645-6648.
- A. J. Meuler, C. J. Ellison, J. Qin, C. M. Evans, M. A. Hillmyer, F. S. Bates "Polydispersity effects in poly(isoprene-b-styrene-b-ethylene oxide) triblock terpolymers" Journal of Chemical Physics 2009, 130, 234903.
- C. J. Ellison, A. J. Meuler, J. Qin, C. M. Evans, L. M. Wolf and F. S. Bates "Bicontinuous Polymeric Microemulsions from Polydisperse Diblock Copolymers" Journal of Physical Chemistry 2009, 113, 3726-3737.
- A. J. Meuler, C. J. Ellison, C. M. Evans, M. A. Hillmyer, F. S. Bates "Polydispersity-Driven Transition from the Orthorhombic Fddd Network to Lamellae in Poly (isoprene-b-styrene-b-ethylene oxide) Triblock Terpolymers" Macromolecules 2007, 40, 7072-7074.
- ACS PMSE Young Investigator Award (2022)
- 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award (2020)
- NSF CAREER Award (2018)
- American Chemical Society: Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator (2017)
- AkzoNobel Award Winner (2012)
- 3M Fellowship (2010)
- Ryan Fellowship (2010)
Teaching Honors
- Teachers Ranked as Excellent (Fall 2016, Fall 2018, Fall 2023)
Recent Courses Taught
- MSE 402 - Kinetic Processes in Materials
- MSE 457 (CHEM 480) - Polymer Chemistry
- MSE 552 - Mass & Ion Transport in Polyme
- MSE 559 - Soft Materials Seminar
- MSE 598 CE - Transport in Polymers