Blake Everett Johnson
- Teaching Associate Professor; Director, Undergraduate Instructional Laboratories
(217) 244-8426
2113 Mechanical Engineering Lab
For More Information
- PhD Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, UIUC, 2012
- MS Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, UIUC, 2007
- BS Engineering Mechanics, UIUC, 2005 Secondary Field: Wave Mechanics
Academic Positions
- Teaching Assistant Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2019--2022
- Lecturer, Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2015--2019
- Visiting Lecturer, Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2014--2015
- Postdoctoral research associate, Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University, 2012--2013
Professional Registrations
- Member, American Society for Engineering Education
Professional Highlights
- Development of an integrated hands-on four-year design curriculum in ME, and advising the Aerospace Engineering department in the development of a similar sequence.
- Advising new educational initiatives through my role as the inaugural Entrepreneurial Mindset Fellow (EMF) in the college. These initiatives include assisting the development of a new capstone course in Materials Science and Engineering.
- Development of exciting laboratory exercises to improve the curriculum in our BSME program, such as a fountain design project to replace a stale exercise for measuring head losses in pipe flows, and a new inquiry-based pedagogy in an undergraduate Heat Transfer laboratory
- Building and sustaining and oral presentation skills program that serves capstone courses, REUs, research centers, and even department-wide faculty development (Engineers SPEAK)
- Current work on a University-wide Service Learning Ecosystem, which is already impacting local K--12 schools and will eventually have a state-wide reach
- Designing, implementing, and constantly improving a TA Training Course that serves the Grainger College of Engineering, which is presently required coursework for the four largest departments in the college (CS, ECE, MechSE, CEE)
Course Development
- TAM 335 Introductory Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Manager: 2019--present
- ME 320 Heat Transfer Laboratory Manager: 2014--present
- ME 310 Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Manager: 2014--present
- ENG 598 WTG: STEM Writing: Practice/Pedagogy, Spring 2021 & 2022
- ENG 491 HYP: Illini Hyperloop Senior Design, Fall 2016
- ENG 598 TL/TL2: Teaching and Leadership, Spring 2017--Present
Student Organizations
- Illini Hyperloop RSO, 2015--2020
Design Teams
- Illini Hyperloop SpaceX Pod Competition, 2017 -- 2019
- ME 470, Design of an Adjustable Z-Type Anti-Roll Bar for the Linkoping University FSAE Team, Fall 2020
- ME 470, An air duct mode control for HVAC systems, Fall 2021
- ME 470, Development of New Flow Visualization Devices in a Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Spring 2022
- ME 470, Development of an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Experience in Heat Transfer, Spring 2022
- ME 470, Design of a Pulsed-Jet Vortex Ring Visualization System for a Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Fall 2023
- ME 470, Development of a Shear Layer Wind Tunnel for a Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Spring 2024
Research Interests
- Entrepreneurial Mindset Learning
- Service Learning
- Fluid Mechanics
- Professional Identity Development
- Engineering Education
Research Areas
- Fluid Mechanics
Selected Articles in Journals
- King, W.P., Amos, J., Azer, M., Baker, D., Bashir, R., Best, C., Johnson, B.E., ... & Wooldridge, A. R. (2020). Emergency ventilator for COVID-19. PloS one, 15(12), e0244963.
- Johnson, B.E., Tian, W., Zhang, K. & Hu, H. An Experimental Study of Density Ratio Effects on the Film Cooling Injection from Discrete Holes by Using PIV and PSP Techniques. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 76: 337-349, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.04.028.
- Johnson, B.E., Elliott, G.S. & Christensen, K.T. Structural Characteristics of a Heated Jet in Cross-Flow Emanating from a Raised, Circular Stack. Experiments in Fluids (2013) 54: 1543.
- Johnson, B.E. & Christensen, K.T. Turbulent Flow Over Low-Order Models of Highly-Irregular Surface Roughness. AIAA Journal (2009) 47 (5): 1288-1299.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Rajarathinam, R. J., & Katz, J. E., & Shehab, S., & Johnson, B. E., & Chen, Y. W., & Pool, M., & Chochola, K. M. (2024, June), The Impact of a Graduate Teaching and Leadership Course on Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Learning of Pedagogy Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
- Goodman, M. D., & Shehab, S., & Pozza, N. R., & Johnson, B. E., & Stinville, J. (2024, June), Incorporating Human-Centered Design to Restructure a Materials Science and Engineering Capstone Course Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
- Johnson, B. E., & Das, P. K. (2024, June), Designing a Low-Cost Series, Parallel, and Single Centrifugal Pumps Exercise for an Upper-Level Undergraduate Laboratory Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
- Johnson, B. E. (2024, June), A Modular Water Bench and Fountain Design Project for an Undergraduate Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
- Chen, Y. W., Johnson, B. E., Shehab, S., & Pool, M. (2023, June). Engagement in Practice: Maximizing the Impact of Service-learning Activities Through Collaboration with K--12 Educators. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
- Shehab, S., Katz, J. E., Kirby, E., & Pool, M., & Chen, Y. W., & Johnson, B. E. (2023, June), The Impact of a 16-Week Preparation Course on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Graduate Teaching Assistants in Engineering Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.
- Peponis, J., & Benton, M. L., & Van Treuren, K. W., & Johnson, B. E., & Liu, L., & Jacobi, A. M. (2023, June), Work-In-Progress: Early Student Exposure to an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Engineering Research Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.
- Chen, Y.W., Johnson, B.E., Johnson, B.K., Pool, M. & Shehab, S. "Engagement in Practice: Toward Building University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Multi-Disciplinary Service -Learning Ecosystem." ASEE 2022 Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. June 28, 2022.
- Choi, H.H., Havan, S., Hathaway, C., Johnson, B.E., Beckman, M.A., Chen, Y.W. & Anderson, L. "Inform Track: Integrated Teaching and Leadership Development Program for Graduate Teaching Assistants." 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access. 2021.
- Johnson, B.E., Hathaway-Goldstein, M.G. & Bradley, J.A. "Work-in-progress: Identifying Effective Student Leaders to Improve Capstone Design Team Assignments." 127th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Online. June 23, 2020.
- Mohan, A. K., & Dey, P., & Tan, S., & Johnson, B. E., & Fagen-Ulmschneider, W., & Silva, M. (2020, June), Introducing junto: a Web Tool to Build Project Teams based on a Bidding Strategy Paper presented at 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Online .
- Chen, Y.W., Choi, H.H., Johnson, B.E., Beckman, M. & Anderson, L. Integrated Engineering Leadership Initiative for Teaching Excellence (iELITE) Year Two: Assessment of Intermediate-Term Outcome for Graduate Teaching Assistant Training. 126th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Tampa, FL. June 18, 2019.
- Jassim, E.W. & Johnson, B.E. An Integrated Four-year Hands-on Design Curriculum: A Case Study. 126th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Tampa, FL. June 18, 2019. *This paper was nominated by the ASEE Mechanical Engineering Division as the best paper of the 2019 conference
- Choi, H.H., Chen, Y.W., Beckman, A.M., Anderson, L., Johnson, B.E., Goodman, M., Migotsky, C. & Johnson-Glauch, N. Integrative Engineering Leadership Initiative for Teaching Excellence (iELITE). 125th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Salt Lake City, Utah. June 23, 2018.
- Kim, K., Lee, G.S., Johnson, B.E., Elliott, G.S. & Dutton, J.C., "Stereoscopic PIV Measurements of a Turbulent Compressible Mixing Layer for CFD Validation," presented at the 47th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 2017-4129, June 2017.
- Lee, G.S., Kim, K., Johnson, B.E., Elliott, G.S. & Dutton, J.C., "A Compressible Mixing Layer Facility for CFD Validation Measurements," presented at the 32nd AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, AIAA Paper No. 2016-3982, June 2016.
- Johnson, B.E. & Morphew, J.W. An Analysis of Recipe-Based Instruction in an Introductory Fluid Mechanics Laboratory. 123rd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. New Orleans, LA. June 26, 2016. DOI: 10.18260/p.26564
- Johnson, B.E. & Hu, H., Measurement Uncertainties Analysis in the Determination of Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness by Using Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) Technique, FEDSM2014-21230, 4th Joint US-European ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 3~ 7, 2014.
- Zhou, W.W., Johnson, B.E. & Hu, H., An Experimental Study of Momentum-Preserving Shaped Holes for Film Cooling Using PSP and PIV, AIAA-2014-0280, 2014 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2014), National Harbor, Maryland, 13 - 17 January, 2014.
- Zhang, K., Johnson, B.E., Rothmayer, A.P. & Hu, H., An Experimental Investigation on Wind-Driven Rivulet/Film Flows over a NACA0012 Airfoil by Using Digital Image Projection Technique, AIAA-2014-0741, 2014 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2014), National Harbor, Maryland, 13 - 17 January, 2014.
- Johnson, B.E., Zhang, K., Wei, T. & Hu, H., An Experimental Study on Film Cooling Effectiveness by Using PIV and PSP Techniques, AIAA-2013-0603; 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Grapevine, Texas, USA, 07 - 10 January 2013.
- Zhou, W.W., Johnson, B.E. & Hu, H., An Experimental Study of Compressibility Effects on the Film Cooling Effectiveness Using PSP and PIV Techniques, AIAA-2015-0352, 2015 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2015), Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 5-9 January 2015.
- Johnson, B.E., Elliott, G.S. & Christensen, K.T. 2010. An Experimental Study of Heated Circular and Rectangular Jets Emitting into a Crossflow. 16th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Conference, USNCTAM2010-570.
- Johnson, B.E., Elliott, G.S. & Christensen, K.T. 2010. An Experimental Study of Heated Circular and Rectangular Jets Emitting into a Crossflow. 40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 2010-4846.
- Johnson, B.E., Elliott, G.S. & Christensen, K.T. 2009. An Experimental Study of a Heated Circular Stack Emitting into a Crossflow. 39th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 2009-4171.
- Johnson, B.E. & Christensen, K. T.2008. Low-Order Models of Highly-Irregular Surface Roughness. 38th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 2008-3961. *This paper was nominated for the best paper award at the conference
Professional Societies
- American Society for Engineering Education; Delegate to CP12 Committee, October 2023--present
- American Society for Engineering Education; Secretary, Community Engagement Division July 2023--present
Service on Department Committees
- Chair, Teaching Innovations Seminar Committee, 2023--2025
- Chair, Specialized Faculty Recruiting Committee, 2023--2024
- KEEN Faculty Development Workshop: The Entrepreneurial Mindset in Undergraduate Research, Fall 2022, Fall 2023
- Specialized Faculty Recruiting Committee, 2022--2023
- Assisted with ABET Outcome evaluations of departmental curricula, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021
- Undergraduate Programs committee 2021--2022, 2024--2025
- Safety committee 2018--2019
- Undergraduate Programs committee 2018--2019
Service on College Committees
- AE3 Breakout Room Scribe: AI Faculty Forum, Fall 2023
- AE3 Lightning Symposium Moderator: Supporting Learning and Growth in the Post-COVID-19 Classroom, Fall 2022
- POETS Engineer Search Committee, Fall 2022
- Engineers SPEAK Workshops for Faculty in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Fall 2022
- AE3 Workshop: Maximizing Student Project Teams, Summer 2002
- Workshop facilitator: Incorporating Computing into Engineering Curriculum, Summer 2022
- Entrepreneurial Mindset Fellow, Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education, 2022--2024
- ENG/TE Curriculum committee. 2020--2021
- Improving Undergraduate Writing Instruction and Feedback through Professional Development of STEM Graduate-Student Teaching Assistants. SIIP 2020--2021
- iDesign Liason for Aerospace Engineering Adaption SIIP. 2018--2019
- MechSE iDesign SIIP team. 2015--present
- TAM 2XX SIIP team. 2015--2018
- Engineers SPEAK Program. 2018--present
- ENG 598 TL Teaching and Leadership. 2016--present
Other Outside Service
- Middle School Life Science tutor, Faith and Reason Learning Community, Urbana, Fall 2024--Spring 2025
- ENG 580 Service Learning Day at St. Matthews Catholic School in Champaign, Fall 2024
- ENG 580 Service Learning Day for homeschooling familes, Spring 2024
- ENG 598 TL Serving Learning Day for homeschooling families, Fall 2023
- ENG 598 TL Service Learning day at Booker T. Washington STEAM Academy, Fall 2022
- Development of Service Learning modules for Franklin Middle School, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021
Teaching Honors
- Engineering Council Outstanding Adviser Award (2021, 2022, 2023 )
- Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent (2017, 2008, 2007, 2006)
- James O. Smith Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence (2007)
Improvement Activities
- Collins Scholar, 2014
Recent Courses Taught
- CS 591 TA - Teaching Assistant Training
- ECE 445 - Senior Design Project Lab
- ENG 580 (ECE 590 TL, ENG 598 TL) - Teaching and Leadership
- ENG 598 TL2 - Teaching and Leadership 2
- ME 320 OBD - Heat Transfer
- ME 470 AL1 (ME 470 ZJ2, ME 470 ZJU, ME 470 OL1, ME 470 OL2) - Senior Design Project
- TAM 195 - Mechanics in the Modern World
- TAM 251 - Introductory Solid Mechanics
- TAM 252 - Solid Mechanics Design
- TAM 335 AB1 (TAM 335 AB2, TAM 335 AB3, TAM 335 AB4, TAM 335 AB5, TAM 335 AB6, TAM 335 AB7, TAM 335 AB8, TAM 335 ABA, TAM 335 ABB, TAM 335 ABC, TAM 335 ABD) - Introductory Fluid Mechanics