Lawrence Angrave

Lawrence Angrave
Lawrence Angrave he/him/his
  • Teaching Professor, Gies RC Evans Innovation Fellow, CITL Fellow
(217) 333-1424
2217 Siebel Center for Comp Sci

For More Information

Teaching Statement

To learn or not to learn, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler with a peer, or in the class to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous ignorance. Or to take stock against a sea of assumptions, and by opposing end them: to reply, to ignite no more; and by a quip, to say we end the heartache, and the thousand natural misteps that learning is heir to? 'Tis a discovery devoutly to be wished. To ask, to ponder, to guide, perchance to explain; aye, there's the rub. For in that semester of quick steps, what misconceptions may arise, when in our syllabus we weaved an insurmountable toil, that brings light to the darkest shadow. There's the respect! That makes the student's work so vital a path: Otherwise, who could forgive the whips and scorns of incomplete attempts; of the misconception's strength, the unspent devotion, the pangs of constructed knowledge, and fearful starts. The demands of expectation, and the spurns of impatient merit of imposters and doubt, when they themself might yet reach this passing grade with a grain of insight; a mere annotated napkin? Why would their peers rejoice to grunt and sweat again against an exquisite exposition? But that the dread of something afterward, the undiscovered country, from whose sojourn no traveler returns, to later rekindle the first lost child of Simple and Wrong. And makes us rather bear those wisdom we soon cherish, than explain to peers that we know not of? Thus conscience does make teachers of us all, and thus the unsung hue of Learning is sullied o'er, with the proxy cast of assessment, and great enterprise and formative laughter, and quiet hope for their summative transcript, while embracing new leaps of insight and wisdom. But what should I ask of the fair Chiron? As a nymph, in my orations, Let none of my misteachings remembered!

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Lawrence Angrave provides Undergraduate Research Opportunities through ClassTranscribe project, Scribe Augmented Reality Project, and other accessibility and UDL-related research projects. Summer internships, independent study, senior thesis and other credit earning activities are possible.

Research Interests

  • Accessible Education
  • Effective computer science instruction at scale

Research Areas

Books Authored or Co-Authored (Original Editions)

Selected Articles in Journals

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Abstracts (in print or accepted)

Refereed Conference Papers and Presentations

Invited Lectures

Other Publications

  • Lawrence Angrave, Jiaxi Li "Improving Course Outcomes and why accessibility matters: How to add ClassTranscribe to your course" Workshop at 2023 ASEE IL-IN Regional Conference

Service on University Committees

  • Accessible Video Broadcasting for Illinois System & Board of Trustee meetings (2021 - present)
  • Technology Accessibility Review Committee (2019 - 2023)

Service on Department Committees

  • Instructional Area Chair (2022 - present)
  • Chair of CS Advisory Committee (2023 - present)
  • Chair of ad hoc Teaching Faculty Promotion Committee (2022, 2023)
  • CS Liaison to University of Washington Access Computing Group (2020 - present)
  • Broadening Participation Committee (2019 - 2022)
  • Chair of Academic Appeals Committee (2019-2023)
  • CS Promotion Committee For Specialized Faculty (2018 - 2020)
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Student Awards committee (2015 - 2018)

Service on Campus Committees

  • Director, ADA Coordinator Hiring Search, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (2023)
  • Interdisciplinary Game Design Minor Articulation Working Group (2021)
  • Campus-wide Caliper event data acquisition web service and faculty support (2019 - 2022)

Other Outside Service

  • Identified a security weakness with Linux sshd remote login service used in Ubuntu and other Linux distributions (2022)

Teaching Honors

  • Karen Wold Level the Learning Field Award (2022)
  • Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) Faculty Fellow (2019-2021)
  • Gies College of Business RC Evans Innovation Fellow (2019-2020)
  • Computer Science Fisher Award (2018)
  • Computer Science Distinguished Educator Award (2014)
  • Illinois Student Senate Teaching Excellence Award (2012)
  • Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2012)
  • Everitt Award for Teaching Excellence (2011)
  • Collins Award for Innovative Teaching (2011)
  • Rose Award for Teaching Excellence (2009)

Research Honors

  • British Computer Society Award for Most Innovative Software (1999)

Other Honors

  • ASEE New Engineering Educators Division Best Diversity Award (2021)
  • ASEE New Engineering Educators Division Best Paper Award (2021)
  • ASEE New Engineering Educators Division Best DEI Paper Award (2022)
  • Engineering Open House The Spirit of Innovation Award (2023)
  • Engineering Open House Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award (2023)

Recent Courses Taught

  • CS 199 241 - CS 241 Honors
  • CS 199 241 - Supplementary proj. for CS-241
  • CS 199 341 - Supplementary proj for CS 341
  • CS 199 341 - Supplementary proj. for CS-341
  • CS 296 41 - Honors Course
  • CS 341 (CS 241) - System Programming
  • CS 498 RK1 (CS 498 RK2) - Art and Science of Web Prog