Andrew G Alleyne
- Ralph & Catherine Fisher Professor
For More Information
- Ph.D. ME University of California at Berkeley 1994
- M.S.E. ME University of California at Berkeley 1992
- B.S.E. Mech/Aero Eng. Princeton University 1989
Academic Positions
- Director, National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center on Power Optimization of Electro Thermal Systems (POETS), 2015-2022
- Affiliate Professor, Information Trust Institute, 2015-2022
- Affiliate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014-2022
- Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs, Mechanical Science and Engineering, 2014-2015
- Visiting Professor, Johannes Kepler University, Summer 2013
- Visiting Professor, ETH Zurich, Summer 2012
- FIRST Faculty, College of Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, Summer 2010
- Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering, November 26, 2008–August 15, 2012
- Professor, Coordinated Science Laboratory (0%), UIUC, August 2004-date
- Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering (100%), UIUC, August 2004–date
- Visiting Professor of Vehicle Mechatronics, Faculty of Design, Engineering and Production, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, January 2003-July 2003
- Ralph M. and Catherine V. Fisher Professor, College of Engineering, UIUC, 2002-date
- Associate Professor, Coordinated Science Laboratory (0%), UIUC, August 2000-August 2004
- Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering (100%), UIUC, August 2000-August 2004
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering (100%), UIUC, August 1994-August 2000
- Assistant Professor, Coordinated Science Laboratory (0%), UIUC, August 1994-July 1995; May 1999-August 2000
Other Professional Employment
- Washington University in St. Louis, External Advisory Board for Mechanical Engineering, 2009-2013
- Faculty Fellow, Caterpillar Inc., Mossville, IL, May-August 1996
- Faculty Fellow, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, May-July 1995
- Research Staff, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA, July 1989-July 1994
- Engineer, Rochester Products Division of GM, Rochester, NY, June 1988-September 1988
Major Consulting Activities
- U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, 2014-date
- Sedgwick LLC 2010-2011
- Caterpillar, Inc. 2010-2011
- General Electric, 2008
- BLP, Inc. 2005-2009
- Locust USA, Inc. 2004-2006
- Quanser, Toronto, Canada, Academic Advisory Board (Automotive Systems Advisor), 2000-date
- Moog, Inc., East Aurora, New York, 1998-2002
Other Professional Activities
- American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow
- Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Controls System Society, Fellow
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Fellow
Research Statement
Professor Alleyne’s research addresses a range of issues within controls utilizing a balance between theory and application. He has investigated advances in motion control utilizing Iterative Learning Control (ILC) and produced some of the highest precision motion algorithms. These include the formalization of design rules for optimization of feedforward trajectories in ILC. Additionally, he developed the concept of primitives or basis functions for ILC to circumvent limitations in computation that hindered other algorithms. These have found many applications in practice, primarily in the manufacturing area. He developed the mechatronic platform and process control for an electro-hydrodynamic jet printing technique that allowed for precise material placement with orders of magnitude better resolution than the state of the art additive manufacturing approaches. He also utilized his techniques for filament-based additive fabrication of ceramics and metals for biomedical and power electronic applications.
In addition to the ILC efforts, a second thrust of Professor Alleyne’s research is in the dynamic modeling, design, and control of transient thermal systems. On the technological side, he developed a software tool that performs transient simulations of vapor compression cycle systems (VCS)-something that was previously very difficult to model. He and his group developed Thermosys, a Simulink-based toolbox that provided one of the first simulation environments capable of handling dynamic transients in typical HVAC systems. He expanded his modeling capability beyond VCS systems to include other modes of transient thermal energy transport. He was instrumental in developing a tool that has been transitioned to the Air Force Research Laboratory and is part of their, and their contractors’, design suite for future platforms. He has also led investigations into the dynamic representation and control of thermal management systems for power electronics, particularly for mobile systems such as cars, planes, ships, etc. The analytical tools used in these efforts include graph theory as well as dynamic optimization both on-line and off line.
Early efforts in his career saw him introduce controller design within a dimensionless framework as well as novel gain scheduling approaches. These techniques were applied to automotive vehicles as well as Fluid Power systems.
Research Interests
- Control Theory and Applications
Research Areas
- Dynamics & Controls
- Energy
- Health and Bio
- Manufacturing
- Security and Defense
- Thermo and Heat Transfer
- Transportation
Research Topics
- Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence
- Data/Information Science and Systems
- Decision science
- Electric transportation
- Robotics
- Storage and conversion
Chapters in Books
- Koeln, J., B. Keating, A. Alleyne, C. Price, B. Rasmussen, "Multi-Zone Temperature Modeling and Control," Intelligent Building Control Systems, Springer, 2018, In: Wen J., Mishra S. (eds) Intelligent Building Control Systems. Advances in Industrial Control. Springer, 2018,
- Rasmussen, B., C. Price, J. Koeln, B. Keating, A. Alleyne, "HVAC System Modeling and Control: Vapor Compression System Modeling and Control," In: Wen J., Mishra S. (eds) Intelligent Building Control Systems. Advances in Industrial Control. Springer, 2018,
- Alleyne, A., V. Chandan, N. Jain, B. Li, and R. Otten, “Modeling and Control of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems,” Control Handbook, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2010.
- Bristow, D., K. Barton, and A. Alleyne, "Iterative Learning Control," Control Handbook, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2010.
- Alleyne, A., "Fluid Power Systems," Mechanical Engineering Handbook, 3rd Edition, Meyer Kutz (ed.), John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 2005.
- Alleyne, A., "Hydraulic Control Equipment," Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Third Edition, Volume 7, Academic Press, 2002.
- Apelian, D., A. Alleyne, C. Handwerker, D. Hopkins, J. Isaacs, G. Olson, R. Vaidyanathan, S. DeVincent-Wolf, “Accelerating Technology Transition: Bridging the Valley of Death for Materials and Processes in Defense Systems,” National Research Council Report, ISBN 0-309-09317-1.
Selected Articles in Journals
- Angatkina, O., A. Alleyne, A. Wissa, "Robust design and evaluation of a novel modular origami-enabled mobile robot (OSCAR), ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, accepted 2022
- Alleyne, A, C. Aksland, "Control as an Enabler for Electrified Mobility," Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, Volume 5, 659-688, May 2022
- Aksland, C., A.G. Alleyne, "Hierarchical Model-Based Predictive Controller for a Hybrid UAV Powertrain," IFAC Control Engineering Practice. Vol 115, 104883 Oct 2021
- Igram, S., A. Alleyne, "A Series-Hierarchical Iterative Learning Controller for Multi-Stage Systems," IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol 6, pp 914-919, 2021
- Chen, M., M. Munoz Rojo, F. Lian, J. Koeln, A. Sood, S. Bohichuk, C. Neumann, S. Garrow, A. Alleyne, K. Goodson, E. Pop, "Graphene-Based Electromechanical Thermal Switches," 2D Materials, Vol 8, No 3, 2021, 035055
- Armstrong, A, A. Alleyne, "A Multi-Input Single-Output Iterative Learning Control for Improved Material Placement in Extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing," IFAC Control Engineering Practice, Vol 111, 2021, 104783
- Wang, JX, P. Birbarah, D. Docimo, T. Yang, A. Alleyne, N. Miljkovic, "Nanostructured jumping-droplet thermal rectifier," Physical Review E, 103, 023110, 2021
- Peddada, S.R., P.J. Tannous, A.G. Alleyne, J.T. Allison, "Optimal Sensor Placement Methods in Active High Power Density Electronic Systems With Experimental Validation," ASME J of Mechanical Design, Vol 142, No 2, Paper No MD-19-1015, 2020
- Docimo, D, Z. Kang, K. James, A. Alleyne, "Plant and Controller Optimization for Power and Energy Systems with Model Predictive Control," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2021
- Armstrong, A., A. Pfeil, A.J. Wagoner Johnson, A. Alleyne, "Process monitoring and control strategies in extrusion-based bioprinting to fabricate spatially graded structures," Bioprinting, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.bprint.2020.e00126
- Armstrong, A., A. Alleyne, A Wagoner Johnson, "1D and 2D error assessment and correction for extrusion-based bioprinting using process sensing and control strategies," Biofabrication, 2020, DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/aba8ee
- Tannous, P.J., and A. Alleyne, "Multi-Level Hierarchical Estimation for Thermal Management Systems of Electrified Vehicles with Experimental Validation," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol 142, No 11, Nov 2020,
- Sharma, S., and A. Alleyne, "Extremum Seeking Control of Battery Powered Vapor Compression Systems for Commercial Vehicles," International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol 115, pp 63-72, 2020
- Docimo, D., Z. Kang, K. James, A. Alleyne, "A Novel Framework for Simultaneous Topology and Sizing Optimization of Complex, Multi-Domain Systems-of-Systems," submitted to ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2019
- Armstrong, A., A.J. Wagoner-Johnson, A.G. Alleyne, "An Improved Approach to Iterative Learning Control for Uncertain Systems," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2019.2952327
- Armstrong, A., J. Norato, A.G. Alleyne, A.J. Wagoner-Johnson, "Direct Process Feedback in Extrusion-based 3D Bioprinting," Biofabrication, Vol 12, No 1, 2019, DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/ab4d97
- Zhang, S., C. Zhang, H. Chen, S.J. Kieffer, F. Neubrech, H. Giessen, A.G. Alleyne, P.V. Braun, "Selective Autonomous Molecular Transport and Collection by Hydrogel-embedded Supramolecular Chemical Gradients," Angewandte Chemie, Vol 58, No 50, 2019,
- Salazar-Herran, E., K. Martin-Escudero, A.G. Alleyne, L.A. del Portillos-Valdes, N. Romero-Anton, "Transient Analysis during Operation Mode Switch of a Residential Reversible Ground Source Heat Pump," Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol 160, paper 114054, 2019
- Weir, N. and A. Alleyne, "A Graphical Design Approach for Two-Input Single-Output Systems Exploiting Plant/Controller Alignment: Design and Application," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol 142 (1),
- Koeln, J.P., H.C. Pangborn, M.A. Williams, A. Alleyne, "Hierarchical Control of Aircraft Electro-Thermal Systems," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, DOI 10.1109/TCST.2019.2905221, 2019
- Peddada, S., D. R. Herber, H.C. Pangborn, A.G. Alleyne, J. T. Allison, "Optimal Flow Control and Single Split Architecture Exploration for Fluid-based Thermal Management," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol 141, No. 8, paper 083401, 2019
- Tannous, P.J., A.Alleyne, "Fault Detection And Isolation For Complex Thermal Management Systems,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol 141, No. 6, 061008-061008-10, 2019
- Tannous, P.J., S. Peddada, J.T. Allison, T. Foulkes, R. Pilawa-Podgurski, and A. G. Alleyne, "Model-based Temperature Estimation of Power Electronics Systems," IFAC Control Engineering Practice, Vol 85, pp. 206-215, April 2019
- Zhang, S., S. Kieffer, A. Alleyne, P. Braun, "Directed Molecular Collection by E-jet Printed Micro-Scale Chemical Potential Wells in Hydrogel Films," Applied Materials, Vol 30, No 8, 1803140, August 2018
- Alleyne, A.G., "Power Density as the Key Enabler for Electrified Mobility," Polytechnica, Vol 1, No 1, pg 10-18, 2018
- Pangborn, H.C., J.P. Koeln, M.A. Williams and A.G. Alleyne, "Experimental Validation of Graph-Based Hierarchical Control for Thermal Management" ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol 140, No 10, Paper No. 101016, 2018
- Williams, M.A., J.P. Koeln, H.C. Pangborn, A.G. Alleyne, "Dynamical Graph Models of Aircraft Electrical, Thermal, and Turbomachinery Components," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol 140, No 4, Paper 041013, 2017. doi: 10.1115/1.4038341
- Koeln, J.P. and A.G. Alleyne, "Robust hierarchical model predictive control of graph-based power flow systems," IFAC Automatica, vol 96, pp 127-133, October 2018.
- Pangborn, H., J.E. Hey, T.O. Deppen, A.G. Alleyne, and T.S. Fisher, "Hardware-in-the-Loop Validation of Advanced Fuel Thermal Management Control," AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol 31, No. 4, pp 901-909, April 2017.
- Koeln, J.P and A. G. Alleyne, "Stability of decentralized model predictive control of graph-based power flow systems via passivity," IFAC Automatica, Vol. 82, pp 29-34, 2017.
- Pangborn, H. and A. Alleyne, "Switched linear control for refrigerant superheat recovery in vapor compression systems," IFAC Control Engineering Practice, vol 57, pp 142-156, 2016.
- Rosolia, U., S. De Bruyne, and A. Alleyne, "Autonomous vehicle control: a non-convex approach for obstacle avoidance," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol 25, No. 2, pp 469-484, 2017.
- Liu, N. and A. Alleyne, "Integrated Iterative Learning Identification and Control for Linear Time Varying Systems," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 138(10), 101005, Paper No: DS-15-1365, 2016.
- Xie,Y., H. Shi, A. Alleyne, and B. Yang, "Feedback Shape Control for Deployable Mesh Reflectors Using Gain Scheduling Method," Acta Astronautica, Vol 121, pp. 241-255, 2016.
- Xie, Y., L. Rustom, W. Wagoner Johnson, A. Alleyne, and D. Hoelzle, "Net Shape Fabrication of Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds with Domains of Different Material Compositions," Biofabrication, Vol 8, No 1, paper 015005, 2016.
- Sutanto, E. and A. Alleyne, "A Semi-continuous Roll-to-Roll (R2R) Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing System," IFAC Mechatronics,Vol 31, pp. 243-254, Oct 2015.
- Doty, J., K. Yerkes, L. Byrd, J. Murthy, A. Alleyne, M. Wolff, S. Heister, and T.S. Fisher, "Dynamic Thermal Management for Aerospace Technology: A Review and Outlook," AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2015, 1-13, (doi: 10.2514/1.T4701).
- See, G.G., X. Lu, E. Sutanto, A.G. Alleyne, R.G. Nuzzo, and B. T. Cunningham, "Polarized quantum dot emission in electrohydrodynamic jet printed photonic crystals," Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 051101 (2015);
- Onses, M.S., E. Sutanto, P. Ferreira, A. Alleyne, and J. Rogers, "Mechanisms, Capabilities, and Applications of High-Resolution Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing," Small, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201500593.
- Liu, N. and A. Alleyne, "Iterative Learning Identification for Linear time Varying Systems," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp 310-317, January 2016.
- Rosolia, U., F. Braghin, A. Alleyne, and E. Sabbioni, "NLMPC for Real Time Path Following and Collision Avoidance," SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars – Electron. Electr. Syst. 8(2):2015, doi:10.4271/2015-01-0313.
- Shafiei, E. and A. Alleyne, "Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Thermal Energy Systems in Transport Refrigeration," Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 82, pp. 264-280, 2015.
- Pangborn, H. and A. Alleyne, "A Comparison between Finite Volume and Switched Moving Boundary Approaches for Dynamic Vapor Compression System Modeling," International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol 53, pp 101-114, 2015.
- Jain, N. and A. Alleyne, "Exergy-Based Optimal Control of a Vapor Compression System," Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 92, 1 March 2015, Pages 353–365, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2014.12.014
- Onses, M.S., A. Ramírez-Hernández, S. M. Hur, E. Sutanto, A. G. Alleyne, P. F. Nealey, J. J. de Pablo, J. A. Rogers, "Block-Copolymer Assembly on Nanoscale Patterns of Polymer Brushes Formed by Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing," ACS Nano, Vol 8, No 7, pp 6606-6613, doi 10.1021/nn5022605, 2014.
- Deppen, T., A. Alleyne, K. Stelson, and J. Meyer, "Comparative Study of Energy Management Strategies for Hydraulic Hybrids," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol 137, no. 4, 041002-041002-11, doi: 10.1115/1.4028525, 2015.
- Vinther, K., H. Rasmussen, R. Izadi-Zamanabadi, J. Stoustrup, and A. Alleyne, "Learning Based Precool Algorithms for Exploiting Foodstuff as Thermal Energy Reserve," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, DOI 10.1109/TCST.2014.2328954, Vol 23, Issue 2, pp 557-569, 2015.
- Koeln, J. and A. Alleyne, "Optimal Subcooling in Vapor Compression Systems via Extremum Seeking Control: Theory and Experiments," International Journal of Refrigeration,", 2014.
- Xie, Y. and A. Alleyne, "Two Degree of Freedom Control for Combine Harvester Header Height Control," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, doi:10.1115/1.4027157, 2014.
- Chandan, V. and A. Alleyne, "Decentralized predictive thermal control for buildings," Journal of Process Control,, 2014.
- Tan, Y., E. Sutanto, A. Alleyne, and B. Cunningham, "Photonic Crystal Enhancement of a Homogeneous Fluorescent Assay using Submicron Fluid Channels Fabricated by E-jet Patterning," Journal of Biophotonics, Vol 7, No 3-4, pp. 266-275, April 2014 (cover article).
- Xie, Y. and A. Alleyne, "A Robust Two Degree-Of-Freedom Controller for Systems with Both Model and Measurement Uncertainty," IFAC Control Engineering Practice, Vol 25, pp 55-65, 2014.
- Jain, N., J. Koeln, S. Sundaram, and A. Alleyne, "Partially Decentralized Control of Large-Scale Variable-Refrigerant-Flow Systems in Buildings," Journal of Process Control,, 2014.
- Sutanto, E., Y. Tan, M.S. Onses, B.T. Cunningham, and A. Alleyne, "Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing of Micro-optical Devices," Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 4-7, Jan 2014.
- Alleyne, A. and N. Jain, "Transient Thermal Systems: Dynamics and Control," ASME Dynamics and Control Magazine, March, 2014.
- Sun, H. and A. Alleyne, "A Computationally Efficient Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control Approach for Linear Systems," Automatica, Vol 50, No 1, pp. 141-148, Jan 2014.
- Onses, M.S., C. Song, L. Williamson, E. Sutanto, P.M. Ferreira, A. G. Alleyne, P.F. Nealy, H. Ahn, and J. Rogers, "Diverse, Hierarchical Patterns of Three Dimensional Block-Copolymer Films Formed by Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing and Self-Assembly," Nature Nanotechnology, Vol 8, pp 667-675, August 2013, DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2013.160.
- Hoelzle, D.J., A. Alleyne, and A.J.Wagoner Johnson, "An Open-Loop Bumpless Transfer Filter for 2-Degree of Freedom Control Systems," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2013, DOI 10.1109/TCST.2013.2278534
- Kazuyo S., Y. He, E. Sutanto, S. Kang, A. Le, R. G. Nuzzo, A. G. Alleyne, P. M. Ferreira, Y. Lu, and J. A. Rogers, "Functional Protein Microarrays by Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing," Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 84, No. 22, pp 10012–10018, October 2012.
- Alleyne, A., T. Deppen, J. Meyer, and K. Stelson, "Energy Management in Mobile Hydraulics," ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Magazine, June 2013.
- Liu, N. and A. Alleyne, “Iterative Learning Identification for an Automated Off-highway Vehicle,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2013. DOI 10.1109/TCST.2013.2245667.
- Chandan, V. and A. Alleyne, "Optimal Partitioning for the Decentralized Thermal Control of Buildings," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 21, No 5, pp. 1756-1770, 2013.
- Xie, Y., A. Alleyne, A. Greer, and D. Denault, "Fundamental Limits in Combine Harvester Header Height Control," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol 135, No. 3, Paper No: DS-11-1148; doi: 10.1115/1.4023209, 2013.
- Jain, N. and A. Alleyne, "A Framework for Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems," Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 48, pp. 495-505, December 2012.
- Li, B., N. Jain, W. F. Mohs, S. Munns, V. Patnaik, J. Berge, and A. G. Alleyne, “Dynamic Modeling of Refrigerated Transport Systems with Cooling/Heating Mode Switch Operations," HVAC&R Research, Vol 18, No. 5, pp. 974-996, September 2012.
- Sutanto, E., K. Shigeta, P.G. Graf, Y.K. Kim, D.J. Hoelzle, K.L. Barton, A.G. Alleyne, P.M. Ferreira, and J.A. Rogers, "A Multi-Material Electrohydrodynamic Jet (E-Jet) Printing System," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 22, 2012. DOI 10.1088/0960-1317/22/4/045008
- Deppen, T., A. Alleyne, K. Stelson, and J. Meyer, "Optimal Energy Use in a Light Weight Hydraulic Hybrid Passenger Vehicle," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol 134, No. 4, July 2012. ASME # 041009
- Peuker, S., P. Hrnjak, and A. Alleyne, "Evaluation of Transient Refrigerant Migration Modeling Approach on Automotive Air Conditioning Systems," SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, Vol 4, pp 864-874, June 2011, DOI 10.4271/2011-01-0649.
- Ting, K.C., T. Abdelzaher, A. Alleyne and L. Rodriguez, "Information Technology and Agriculture: Global Challenges and Opportunities," National Academies 'The Bridge,' Vol, 41, No. 3, pp. 6-13, Fall 2011.
- Hoelzle, D.J., S.R. Svientek, A.G. Alleyne, and A.J. Wagoner-Johnson, "Design and Manufacture of Combinatorial Calcium Phosphate Bone Scaffolds," ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol 133, No. 10, Paper No. 101001, October 2011.
- McKinley, T. and A. Alleyne, “Adaptive Model Predictive Control of an SCR Catalytic Converter System for Automotive Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol 20, No. 6, pp. 1533-1547, November 2012.
- Li, B., S. Peuker, P.Hrnjak, and A. Alleyne, "Evaluation of Transient Refrigerant Migration Modeling Approach on Automotive Air Conditioning Systems,” SAE Paper 2011-01-0649, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, Vol 4, No. 1, pp. 864-874, June 2011.
- Hoelzle, D.J., A.G. Alleyne and A.J. Wagoner-Johnson, “Basis Task Approach to Iterative Learning Control with Applications to micro-Robotic Deposition,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1138 - 1148, 2011.
- Pikul, J., H. Pikul, P. Graf, S. Mishra, K. Barton, Y. Kim, J. A. Rogers, A. Alleyne, P. M. Ferreira, and W. P. King, "High Precision Electrohydrodynamic Polymer Printing onto Microcantilever Sensors," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol 11, issue 10, pp. 2246-2253, Oct 2011.
- Li, B., S. Peuker, P. Hrnjak and A. Alleyne, "Refrigerant Mass Migration Modeling and Simulation for Air Conditioning Systems," Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 1770-1779, July 2011.
- Mishra, S., K. Barton, and A. Alleyne, "Control of High-Resolution Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing Control," Control Engineering Practice, vol 19, No. 11, pp. 1266-1273, November 2011.
- Barton, K., D. Hoelzle, A. Alleyne, and A.J. Wagoner-Johnson, “Cross Coupled Iterative Learning Control of Systems with Dissimilar Dynamics: Design and Implementation,” International Journal of Control, vol. 84, no. 7, pp. 1223 - 1233, 2011.
- Li, B., R. Otten, V. Chandan, B. Mohs, and A.G. Alleyne, “Optimal On-Off control of an Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems,” IFAC Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 18, No 12, pp1406-141, Dec 2010.
- McKinley, T., and A. Alleyne, "Mixture Non-Uniformity in SCR Systems: Modeling and Uniformity Index Requirements for Steady-State and Transient Operation," SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 486-499, August 2010.
- McKinley, T., and A. Alleyne, "Model Predictive Control: A Unified Approach for Urea-Based SCR Systems," SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 673-689, August 2010.
- Mishra, S., K. Barton, A. Alleyne, P. M. Ferreira, and J. Rogers, “High Speed and Drop on Demand Printing with a Pulsed Electrohydrodynamic Jet,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 20, Paper No. 095026, 2010.
- Barton, K., S. Mishra, K.A. Shorter, A. Alleyne, P.M. Ferreira, and J.A. Rogers, “A Desktop Electro-Hydrodynamic Jet Printing System,” IFAC Mechatronics, Volume 20, Issue 5,Pages 611-616, August 2010.
- Barton, K. and A. Alleyne, “A Norm Optimal Approach to Time-Varying ILC," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol 19, No. 1, pp. 166-180,Jan 2011, DOI 10.1109/TCST.2010.2040476.
- Li, B. and A. Alleyne, “A Dynamic Model of a Vapor Compression Cycle with Shut-down and Start-up Operations,” International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol 33, No 3, pp 538-552, May 2010.
- Rasmussen, B. P. and A. Alleyne, “Gain Scheduled Control of an Air Conditioning System using the Youla Parameterization,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 1216-1225, 2010, DOI 10.1109/TCST.2009.2035104.
- Park. J.U., S. Lee., S. Unarunotai, Y. Sun, S. Dunham, T. Song, P.M. Ferreira, A.G. Alleyne, U. Paik, and J. A. Rogers, “Nanoscale, Electrified Liquid Jets for High-Resolution Printing of Charge,” Nano Letters, DOI: 10.1021/nl903495f, 2010.
- Barton, K., D. Bristow, and A. Alleyne, “A Numerical Method for Determining Monotonicity and Convergence Rate in Iterative Learning Control,” International Journal of Control,Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 219-226, 2010.
- Helfrich, B., C. Lee, D. Bristow, X. Xiao, J. Dong, A. Alleyne, S. Salapaka, and P. Ferreira, “Combined H∞ Feedback Control and Iterative Learning Control Design with Application to Nanopositioning Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 336-351, March 2010.
- Jain N., B. Li, M. Keir., B. Hencey, and A. Alleyne, “Decentralized Feedback Structures of a Vapor Compression Cycle System,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp: 185-193, Jan 2010.
- Hencey, B. and A. Alleyne, “A Robust Controller Interpolation Design Technique,” IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology,Vol 18, No. 10, Jan 2010.
- McKinley, T. and A. Alleyne, “A Urea Decomposition Modeling Framework for SCR Systems,” SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 612-626, October 2009.
- Hencey, B. and A. Alleyne, “An Anti-Windup Compensator Design Technique for LMI Regions,” Automatica, Vol. 45, No. 10, pp. 2344-2349, Oct. 2009.
- Kawka, P. and A. Alleyne, "Robust Wireless Servo Control Using a Discrete-time Uncertain Markovian Jump Linear Model," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 17:3, 733-742, May 2009.
- Bristow, D., J. Dong, A. Alleyne, P. Ferreira, and S. Salapaka, “High Bandwidth Control of Precision Motion Instruments,” Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 79, No. 10, Article Number: 103704 , Oct. 2008.
- Bristow, D. A., M. Tharayil, and A. G. Alleyne, ”Optimizing Learning Convergence Speed and Converged Error for Precision Motion Control,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, 130, Article No. 054501, 2008.
- Eldredge, B., B. Rasmussen and A. Alleyne, “Moving-boundary Heat Exchanger Models with Variable Outlet Phase,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 130,No. 6 Article Number: 061003, Nov. 2008.
- Hoelze, D. J., A. G. Alleyne, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, "Development of Micro Robotic Deposition Guidelines by a Design of Experiments Approach to Maximize Process Reliability for the Bone Scaffold Application," Acta Biomaterialia, 4:4, 897-912, July 2008.
- McKinley, T. and A. Alleyne, “An Advanced Nonlinear Switched Heat Exchanged Model for Vapor Compression Cycles using the Moving Boundary Method,” International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 1253-1264, Nov. 2008.
- Barton, K. and A. Alleyne, “A Cross-Coupled Iterative Learning Control Design for Precision Motion Control,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 1218-1231, Nov. 2008.
- Kawka, P. and A. Alleyne, “Analysis of Dropout Compensation for Wireless Servo Applications,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, 130:3, Article # 034506, 2008.
- Bristow, D. A. and A. Alleyne, “Monotonic Convergence of Iterative Learning Control for Uncertain Systems using at Time-varying Filter,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 53:2, 582-585, March 2008.
- Li, Y., B. Hencey, and A. Alleyne, “Dimensional Analysis for Robust Control of Planar Vehicle Dynamics,” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 18:6, 587-616, April 2008.
- Eldredge, B., B. Rasmussen, and A. Alleyne, “Automotive Vapor Compression Cycles: Validation of Control-Oriented Models,” SAE 2006 Transactions, Journal of Engines, 2006-01-1452, 2007.
- Hencey, B. and A. Alleyne, “A KYP Lemma for LMI Regions,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 52:10, 1926-1930, October 2007.
- Park, J. U., M. Hardy, S. J. Kang, K. Barton, K. Adair, D. Mukhhopadyay, C. Y. Lee, M. Strano, A. Alleyne, J. Georgiadis, P. Ferreira, J. Rogers, “High Resolution Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing,” Nature Materials, 6, 782-789, 2007.
- Bristow, D. and A. Alleyne, “A High Precision Motion Control System with Application to Microscale Robotic Deposition,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 14:6, 1008-1020, 2006.
- Bristow, D., M. Tharayil, and A. Alleyne, “A Survey of Iterative Learning Control,” IEEE Control Systems, 26:3, 96-114, June 2006.
- Polley, M., A. Alleyne, and E. de Vries, “Scaled Vehicle Tire Characteristics: Dimensionless Analysis,” Vehicle System Dynamics, 44:2, 87-105, February 2006.
- Zhou, W., Y. Huang, E. Menard, N. Aluru, J. A. Rogers, and A. Alleyne, “Mechanism for Stamp Collapse in Soft Lithography,” Applied Physics Letters, 87 (25): Art. No. 251925, December 2005.
- Huang, Y., W. Zhou, K. J. Hsia, E. Menard, J.-U Park, J. A. Rogers, and A. G. Alleyne, “Stamp Collapse in Soft Lithography,” Langmuir, 21:7, 8058-8068, August 2005.
- Zhang, R., A. Alleyne, and D. Carter, “Generalized Multivariable Gain Scheduling With Robust Stability Analysis,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control,” 127:4, 668-687, December 2005.
- Brennan, S. and A. Alleyne, “Dimensionless Robust Control with Application to Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 13:4, 624-630, July 2005.
- Zhang, Y. and A. Alleyne, “A Practical and Effective Approach to Active Suspension Control,” Vehicle System Dynamics, 43:5, 305-330, May 2005.
- Kawka, P. and A. Alleyne, “Discussion on “Development and Experimental Verification of a Mobile Client-Centric Networked Controlled System,” European Journal of Control, 11:2, 252-254, 2005.
- Rasmussen, B., A. Musser, and A. Alleyne, “Model-Driven System Identification of Transcritical Vapor Compression Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 13:3, 444-451, May 2005.
- Alleyne, A. G., D. J. Block, S. P. Meyn, W. R. Perkins, M. W. Spong, “An Interdisciplinary, Inter-Departmental Control Systems Laboratory at the University of Illinois,” IEEE Control Systems, 25:1, 50-55, 2005.
- Zhang, R. and A. Alleyne, “Dynamic Emulation Using an Indirect Control Input,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 127:1, pp. 114-124, 2005.
- Zhang, Y., A. Alleyne, and D. Zheng, “A Hybrid Control Strategy for Active Vibration Isolation with Electrohydraulic Actuators,” IFAC Control Engineering Practice, 13:3 , 279-289, March 2005.
- Ploplys, N., P. Kawka, and A. Alleyne, “Closed Loop Control Over Wireless Networks,” IEEE Control Systems, 24:3, 58-71, June 2004.
- Shah, R., A. Alleyne, and C. Bullard, “Dynamic Modeling and Control of Multi-Evaporator Air Conditioning Systems,” ASHRAE Transactions, 110:1, 109-119, April 2004.
- Brennan, S. and A. Alleyne, “Real-Time Identification of Vehicle Chassis Dynamics Using a Novel Reparameterization Based on Sensitivity Invariance,” International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing Special Issue on “Signal Processing and Adaptive Control for Automotive Applications,” 18:2, 103-123, March 2004.
- Shah, R., B. Rasmussen, and A. Alleyne, “Application of Multivariable Adaptive Control to Automotive Air Conditioning Systems,” International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 18:2, 199-221, March 2004.
- Rasmussen, B. and A. Alleyne, “Control-Oriented Modeling of Transcritical Vapor Compression Systems,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 126:1, 54-64, March 2004.
- Tharayil, M. and A. Alleyne, “Modeling and Control for Smart Mesoflap Aeroelastic Control,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 9:1, 30-39, March 2004.
- Erdem, E. B. and A. G. Alleyne, “Design of a Class of Nonlinear Controllers via State Dependent Ricatti Equations,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 12:1, 133-137, Jan. 2004.
- Alleyne, A., S. Brennan, B. Rasmussen, R. Zhang, and Y. Zhang, “Controls and Experiments: Lessons Learned,” IEEE Control Systems, 23:5, 20-35, Oct. 2003.
- Zhang, Y. and A. Alleyne, “A Simple Novel Approach to Active Vibration Isolation with Electrohydraulic Actuation,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 125, 125-128, March 2003.
- Zheng, D. and A. Alleyne, “Modeling and Control of an Electro-hydraulic Injection Molding Machine with Smoothed Fill-to-Pack Transition,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125, 154-163, Feb. 2003.
- Zhang, R., A. Alleyne, and E. Prasetiawan, “Modeling and H-2/H-infinity MIMO Control of an Earthmoving Vehicle Powertrain,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 124, 625-636, Dec. 2002.
- Seiler, P. and A. Alleyne, “Dissipative Adaptive Control for Strict Feedback Form Systems,” European Journal of Control 8, 435-444, 2002 (issue on Dissipativity of Dynamical Systems: Application in Control dedicated to Vasile Mihai Popov).
- Wu, K., Q. Zhang, A. Hansen, and A. Alleyne, “A Multiple Locally-Linearized Diesel Engine Model,” ASAE Transactions, 45:2, 273-280, 2002.
- Alleyne, A., Addendum to “Systematic Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Application in Electrohydraulic Cylinder Pressure Control,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 10:5, 756, Sept. 2002.
- Langson, W. and A. Alleyne, “A Stability Result with Application to Nonlinear Regulation,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 124, 452-456, Sept. 2002.
- Zhang, R., A. G. Alleyne, and E. A. Prasetiawan, “Performance Limitations of a Class of Two-Stage Electro-Hydraulic Flow Valves,” International Journal of Fluid Power, 3:1, 47-55, April 2002.
- Lynch, D. and A. Alleyne, “Velocity Scheduled Driver Assisted Control,” International Journal of Vehicle Design, Special Issue on Math-Based Engineering Methods in Vehicle Control System Design and Integration, 29:1-2, 1-22, 2002.
- Brennan, S. and A. Alleyne, “Robust Scalable Vehicle Control Via Non-Dimensional Vehicle Dynamics,” Vehicle System Dynamics, 36:4-5, 255-277, 2001.
- Brennan, S. and A. Alleyne, “Using a Scale Vehicle Testbed: Controller Design and Evaluation,” IEEE Control Systems, 21:3, 15-26, 2001.
- Brennan, S. and A. Alleyne, “The Illinois Roadway Simulator: A Mechatronic Testbed for Vehicle Dynamics and Control,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 5:4, 349-359, 2000.
- Alleyne, A. and R. Liu, “A Simplified Approach to Force Control for Electro-Hydraulic Systems," Control Engineering Practice, 8, 1347-1356, 2000.
- Alleyne, A. G. and R. Liu, “Systematic Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Application to Electrohydraulic Cylinder Pressure Control,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 8:4, 623-634, 2000.
- Alleyne, A. and M. Pomykalski, “Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems Subject to Periodic Exogenous Signals,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 8:2, 279-287, 2000.
- Liu, R. and A. Alleyne, “Nonlinear Force/Pressure Tracking of an Electro-Hydraulic Actuator,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 122:1, 232-237, 2000.
- Langson, W. and A. Alleyne, “Multivariable Bilinear Vehicle Control Using Steering and Individual Wheel Torques," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 121:4, 631-637, 1999.
- Havlicsek, H. and A. Alleyne, “Nonlinear Control of an Electrohydraulic Injection Molding Machine via Iterative Adaptive Learning,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 4:3, 312-323, 1999.
- Alleyne, A. and R. Liu, “On the Limitations of Force Tracking Control for Hydraulic Servosystems,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 121:2, 184-190, 1999.
- Alleyne, A., B. Williams, and M. DePoorter, “A Lateral Position Sensing System for Automated Vehicle Following,” ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 3:3, 218-224, 1998.
- Alleyne, A., "Physical Insights on Passivity-Based TORA Control Designs," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 6:3, 436-438, 1998.
- Alleyne, A., “Reachability of Chaotic Dynamic Systems,” Physical Review Letters, 80:17, 3751-3754, 1998.
- Alleyne, A., "A Variable Structure Gradient Adaptive Algorithm for a Class of Dynamical Systems," Systems and Control Letters, 33, 171-186, 1998.
- Alleyne, A., "Improved Vehicle Performance Using Combined Suspension and Braking Forces," Vehicle System Dynamics, 27: 4, 235-265, 1997.
- Alleyne, A., "A Comparison of Alternative Obstacle Avoidance Strategies for Vehicle Control," Vehicle System Dynamics, 27:5-6, 371-392, 1997.
- Alleyne, A., "A Comparison of Alternative Intervention Strategies for Unintended Roadway Departure (URD) Control," Vehicle System Dynamics, 27: 3, 157-186, 1997.
- Alleyne, A. and J. K. Hedrick, "Nonlinear Adaptive Control of Active Suspensions," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 3:1, 94-101, 1995.
- Alleyne, A., P. D. Neuhaus, and J. K. Hedrick, "Application of Nonlinear Control Theory to Electronically Controlled Suspensions," Vehicle System Dynamics, 22:5-6, 309-320, 1993.
Professional Societies
- IEEE Control Systems Society, Vice President for Publications, 2020-
- American Automatic Control Council, Awards Committee, Ragazzini Award Committee, 2019, 2020
- American Automatic Control Council, Awards Committee, Control Engineering Practice Chair, 2019, 2020
- IEEE Control Systems Society Board of Governors (2018-2020)
- ASME Design, Materials and Manufacturing Segment Leadership Team, (2016-2019)
- ASME Nominating Committee (for selection of ASME President), Alternate (2016-2019)
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology OP awards committee 2016.
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Executive Committee, Chair, 2014-2015
- Pi Tau Sigma Awards Committee 2013-2015
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Bylaws Committee, 2013-2016
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Steering Committee, Chair, 2012-2014
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Executive Committee, Vice Chair, 2013-2014
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Honors Committee, 2010-2013
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Executive Committee, 2011-2016
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 2001-date
- Member, National Fluid Power Association (NFPA), 2000-date
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2004-2007
- Membership and Admissions Committee, Chair, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2000-2002
- IEEE CSS Manufacturing and Robotics Technical Committee, 2011-date
- IEEE CSS Automotive Systems Technical Committee, 1996-date
- IEEE Control Systems Society, 1994-date
- Transportation Panel, Chair, ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Division, 1996-99
- Adaptive and Optimal Control Panel, Member, ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Division, 1994-date
- System Theory Panel, Member, ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Division, 1994-date
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Division, 1993-date
- ASME Education Committee, Chair, 1997-date
- ASME Fluid Power Systems and Technology Division, 1997-date
- Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Fellow, ASME, 2005
Service on Department Committees
- Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
- Named Appointments Committee (Chair) 2016-2017, (Chair) 2017-2018, Chair (2019-2020), Chair (2020-2021)
- Named Appointments Committee 2015-2016
- Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs, 2014-2015
- Advisory Committee (Chair) 2013-2014
- Faculty Recruiting Committee (Chair), 2013-2014
- Faculty Recruiting Committee (Chair), 2012-2013
Service on College Committees
- Design Council, 2014-2015
- Chief Advisory Committee, 2014-2015
- CSL Director Search Committee, 2010
- Mechanical Science and Engineering Head Search committee, 2008-2009
- Assistant to the Dean, 2007
- Executive Committee, Alternate, 2001-2003
- Awards Committee, 2002-2003
- Executive Committee, College Honors Council, 2001-2002
Service on Campus Committees
- Applied Research Institute, Review Committee, 2017
- Provost's Campus Budget Advisory Task Force 2015-2016
- Applied Research Institute Faculty Strategic Advisory Board, 2014-
- Graduate College Dean 5 Year Review Committee, 2014
- Diversity Realized at Illinois By Visioning Excellence (DRIVE) Committee, 2013
- Campus Budget Oversight Committee, 2014-2017
- Faculty Senate, 2013-2015
Service to Federal and State Government
- Chair, U.S. National Academies Workshop Organizer for "Bio Inspired Signature Management," Washington, DC, Sept 15-16, 2019
- US Air Force 2030 Expert Panel Review on Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Arlington, VA, July 25-25, 2018.
- U.S. National Academies Board on Army Research and Development (BOARD), 2018-date
- Committee of Visitors (COV) for the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation at NSF, 2015
- Scientific Advisory Board, United States Air Force, 2009-2012
- Department of Energy, Quadrennial Technology Review, Invited Participant to the Workshop on Building Systems, May 17, 2011
Other Outside Service
- 2012 Princeton MAE Academic Review, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, April 8-10, 2012
- 2013 Mechanical Engineering Academic Review, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, February 10-12
- 2016 Mechanical Engineering Academic Review, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Nov 29-Dec 1 2016
- 2018 Mechanical Engineering Academic Program Review, Rice University, Houston, TX, Feb 26-28, 2018
- 2019 Mechanical Engineering Academic Program Review, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, Dec 4-6, 2019
- External Reviewer for proposed Ph.D. program in Mechanical Systems Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2001
- External Reviewer for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, March 2007
- Flanders FWO programme, Belgium
- IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics
- IMechE Journal of Automobile Engineering
- International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
- International Journal of Heat Transfer
- International Journal of Refrigeration
- International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
- Journal of Process Control
Teaching Honors
- 2017 ASEE PIC IV Best Paper Award, with M. Kawamura
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Yasundo Takahashi Education Award, 2017
- Illinois College of Engineering Engineering Council Outstanding Advisor Award, 2016
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Campus Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring, 2015
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent By Their Students, Fall 2014
- Larine Y. Cowan "Make a Difference" Award for Teaching and Mentoring in Diversity, 2014
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent By Their Students, Spring 2014
- Ranked as excellent by their students for Spring 2008. Listed the following semester in the Daily Illini, "Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students."
- UIUC Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 2008
- UIUC College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, 2008
- Ranked as excellent by their students for Fall 2006. Listed the following semester in the Daily Illini, "Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students."
- Ranked as excellent by their students for Fall 2004. Listed the following semester in the Daily Illini, "Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students."
- Accenture Award for Excellence in Advising, College of Engineering, UIUC, 2001, 2003
- Engineering Council Award for Excellence in Advising, College of Engineering, UIUC, 1998, 1999
- Ranked as Excellent by Their Students for Spring 1995. Listed the following semester in the Daily Illini "Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students."
- Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, 1990-1991
Research Honors
- Milliken Award, ASME Design Engineering Division, 2019
- IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2019-2021
- American Automatic Control Council Control Engineering Practice Award, 2018
- U.S. National Academies Board On Army Research and Development (BOARD), 2018-2021
- Fellow, IEEE, 2017
- U. S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 2016-2020
- ASME Charles Stark Draper Innovative Practice Award, 2016
- ASME Henry M. Paynter Outstanding Investigator Award, 2014
- National Research Council Fellowship 2011-2012
- Distinguished Visitor Program, Washington University in St. Louis, 2010
- U. S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 2009-2013
- 2008 ASME Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award
- Defense Science Study Group, 2007-2009
- Fellow, ASME, 2005
- Invited Participant, National Academy of Engineering’s Tenth Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering, Irvine, CA, September 9-11, 2004
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Outstanding Young Investigator Award for 2003
- IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2004-2007
- Best Paper Finalist (top 12 papers out of 150), 6th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, AVEC ’02, Hiroshima, Japan, September 2002
- 2003 SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award
- Student Best Paper Award, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Dynamic Systems and Control Division, New Orleans, LA, November 2002
- Ralph M. and Catherine V. Fisher Professor, College of Engineering, UIUC, 2002-2005, 2005-2008
- Fulbright Fellowship, 2002-2003
- Best Paper Award, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Fluid Power Systems and Technology Division, Orlando, FL, November 2000
- Xerox Award for Faculty Research, College of Engineering, UIUC, 2000
- Honourable Mention for paper (one of five finalist papers) at the XIVth International Federation of Automatic Control Congress, Beijing, China, July 1999
- Best Paper in Session, American Controls Conference, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005
- NSF Faculty Early Development (CAREER) Award, 1996
- University of California, Affirmative Action Dissertation-Year Fellowship, 1993-1994
- University of California Transportation Center Fellowship, 1993-1994
- University of California Chancellor's Minority Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, 1989-1992
- Princeton University Raymond S. Greenlea Award (1986 & 1989)
Public Service Honors
- 2019 Innovation Transfer Award (5/29/2019)
- 2017 Advocating Women in Engineering Award (7/19/2017)
- Air Force Exemplary Civilian Service Award (9/11/2012)
Recent Courses Taught
- ENG 177 POE - Mobility Innovation